Chapter 42: Natsu vs Cobra

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As we all then went into the sky, but Lyon and Sherry.

I grabbed Natsu making sure he wouldn't fall as I grabbed onto the leg. Soon it stopped moving as Natsu then picked me up and took off running with Gray behind us.
"Once we get to the top were going to smashed this thing into peices! I know you can Y/n." Natsu stated as he ran.
"What's with Y/n and Natsu wearing matching outfits?" Gray questioned.
"Now's not the time!" Lucy yelled as we kept running.
"Yeah. I'll crush it!" I said with a smile as Natsu then threw me up on his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I held my arms around his neck. He then begin to run as he had his free hands completely free. Next thing I notice was Nirvana started moving and Natsu then grabbed onto Nirvana.
"You gotta be kidding me!" I yelled as I held onto Nirvana and Natsu.
"What's with you! You can be getting sick now!" Lucy yelled.
"I'm sorry! I'm trying." Natsu muttered.
"Try a little harder!" I growled.
"It's not like it's a moving vehicle! So don't think about it that way!" Gray growled as Natsu soon closed his eyes. He then jumped up and grabbed me by the waist. He then marched forward as he then slumped down a bit. I then managed to get out of Natsu grasped and I stood up.
"Hey just think of it as an animal." I stated as I ruffled his hair.
"Yeah! Like it's a giant octopus!" Lucy stated.
"An octopus on land is not normal." Natsu mummbled.
"Don't worry about the weird details!" Lucy growled. Natsu then slapped him self.
"If you wanted to be slapped you should've just asked me!" I yelled as then Nirvana begin to move as Natsu then slid to the side.
"You know what your doing right!" Gray shouted as I fell to my knees and grabbed Nirvana. Natsu then kept sliding off Nirvana as he tried to jump back up onto Nirvana and fell to the ground.

"NATSU!" Me, Lucy, and Gray exclaimed.

Soon a flash came and grabbed Natsu.

"Good work, Pal!" Natsu said with a smile.
"Aye sir!" Happy agreed.
"Great timing!" I yelled.
"Awesome catch!" Lucy added.
"Stupid hot head almost gave me a heart attack." Gray sighed.
"Aww you do care!" I laughed as next thing I notice Natsu grabbed me by my waist and picked me up bridal style.
"Isn't this better!" Happy stated.
"What the hell!" I yelled.
"Yeah! Isn't it Y/n!" Natsu said with a smile.
"Some what." I yelled.
"Guys go ahead and make it to the top! Were gonna check to see what's on the inside!" Gray yelled which made me look down.
"Right!" Natsu and I stated together.
"Aye sir!" Happy stated as we then began to fly faster.
"Happy, you want your speed increase?" I asked.
"You can do that!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Aye!" I yelled with a smile as I opened my hand as a green magic circle appeared.
"Woah!" Natsu exclaimed with a smile.
"Enhanced speed!" I yelled as the three of us had green around us. Happy's speed then increased as we flew above Nirvana.
"Woah! Y/n! How did you do that?!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Gildarts!" I exclaimed with a smile.
"Nicely done." Natsu said with a smile.
"Guys this place looks like some creepy old city!" Happy stated.
"Yeah. It looks weird." I stated.
"I don't understand, huh! That smell." Natsu growled.
"What smell!" I questioned as Happy continued to fly.
"I can smell him." Natsu stated.
"Who!" I exclaimed.
"Cobra!" Natsu stated as he then told Happy to grab me as I wrapped my legs around Natsu again. He then crashed into Nirvana.
"Y/n do you work!" Natsu stated as he got ready to roar.
"Huh! Right!" I said as I moved my right hand off around Natsu's neck as I then held my hand out.
"Happy grab Natsu I yelled as Natsu then pushed me up.
"Okay!" Happy stated as he then grabbed Natsu.
"Mizuwari!" I yelled as I then crashed down as I hit my fist on Nirvana. The top then shattered in many block shape forms as Natsu roared at Brain.
"Stop this flaming idiot at once, Cobra!" Brain yelled.
"I got ya, but what about Fairy Queen here?" Cobra asked and question.
"Severed Slice!" I yelled as I destroyed a top of one of Nirvana's towers.
"Cubelious!" Cobra yelled sending his snake at Natsu. I picked up one of the cubes and chucked it right at the snake as the snake hit Natsu. Soon Cobra went after Natsu as I sent my attack slicer at Cobra. It hit him as Cubelious rescued him using wings.
"Damn it! That stung. Oh, it was you!" Cobra stated as he looked down at me.
"That's not natural for a snake to have wings!" Natsu and Happy freaked.
"Get over it! I thought since you have motion sickness I thought you would be puking your guts up by now." Cobra stated.
"Happy isn't a moving vechile. You bastard!" Natsu growled as I then sent another attack at Cobra which was a greenish turquoise square with a bunch of lines in between the square. It hit him and his snake which made the snake hiss in pain.
"Cubelious! Damn that girl!" Cobra growled.
"Natsu! You good!" I yelled.
"Yeah! Thanks Y/n!" Natsu stated with that classic smile as he held a thumbs up to me.
"No problem!" I stated with a smile as I held myright hand up, giving Natsu a thumbs up.
"You'll never stop Nirvana!" Cobra laughed.
"I wouldn't say that! You don't know my Y/n very well!" Natsu yelled.
"Your Y/n. I see your with the Fairy Queen here. Really cute!" Cobra laughed!
"Hey! I'll destroy this thing before you know it!" I yelled as I held my hand up and then begin to focus on the attack.
"What the... I can't read her attacks." Cobra stated as I then pulled my fist back and I then hit the tower as the top of Nirvana then crashed making a whole into Nirvana.
"You know! You'll have to beat Brain in order to stop Nirvana." Cobra laughed.
"Well you must be dumb!" I stated as I saw Brain was 10 to 15 feet away from me.
"You'll never get past me besides. I can read your movement." Cobra laughed as he and Natsu soon began to fight. I knew I would have to help Natsu.
"Natsu be careful." I mumbled as I looked at Natsu.
"I believe Cubelious would love a snack right about now!" Cobra laughed.
"You swallow me and you'll get a nasty hair ball!" Happy yelled.
"Yeah, if you swallow me you'll get a nasty taste of heart burn." Natsu stated.
"Great! Another weird freak with a snake who wants to feed dragon slayers to it." I sighed.
"Fine, then Cubelious can have the cute little girly of yours." Cobra laughed.
"Sorry, but it'll have it's guts rip to shreds before it can simply suffocate me!" I yelled as he and Natsu soon began to clash.
"Y/n take down this thing down!" Natsu yelled as Cubelious then attack Natsu with this tail.
"Natsu do you need help." I questioned.
"No! Take down this thing down!" He yelled.
"Alright!" I sighed as I then begin to twirl around.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now