Chapter 56: Hold Hands

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After Gildarts and I had our own little father-daughter moment, Gramps soon got our attention. He stood on some boxes as he declared that there are some very important changes that is about to be made.

"Once we leave Tenrou Island and return to the guild, all female must were nurse outfits and school swim uniforms!" Gramps stated with a evil smile.
"You gotta be kidding me, Gramps!" I exclaimed as I mentally faced slapped myself.
"It's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want. Besides with all those pervy men at the guild I wouldn't want you, too." Gildarts stated as I then looked him.
"Thanks." I groaned as Erza soon got my attention.
"Swim suits, huh. To think about it, I haven't worn mine in a long time." Erza stated.
"Hush Erza! Your not helping!" Lucy shouted.
"Get serious! If you don't then I'll have to!" Mira growled as a dark aurora came over her.
"Oh, can't an old man have some fun, party pooper." Gramps whined.
"Jeez! She hasn't been like this in a while!" I muttered.
"Woah. Mira isn't having his crap today, huh." Laxus mumbled as he stood beside me and looked at Mira.
"I know. Scary!" I stated.
"I love it." Laxus stated with a smirk. I looked at him and questioned him.
"Aww does Laxus like Mira." Gildarts chuckled.
"Shut up, old man." Laxus growled as I giggled. Soon Elfman, Gajeel, Natsu, and Gray caught our attention. Apparently Gramps cancel the S-Class  trials this year. They kept complaining as Natsu soon stated he is the winner by default since everyone else decided it was for the best. Natsu kept whining as I watched the scene go on.
"Y/n my child come over here." Gramps called.
"Yes, Gramps." I stated as I walked over here. He then motioned me to get down on my knee and I did so. He told me he wanted me to fight Natsu. I nodded as I got back up.
"Alright Natsu. If you want to be an S-Class wizard so badly, you'll have to fight Y/n." Gramps stated.
"Like the pyro gonna throw a punch at Y/n." Gray laughed.
"Well to be honest the end of the trials would've involved two of you fighting me to begin with." I stated with a smile.
"Really!" Gray, Elfman, Gajeel, Happy, and Levy exclaimed.
"Yep." I stated with a smile.
"Fine then, I'm all fired up!" Natsu shouted as he engulfed his fist in flames. He then jumped up and went to hit me as I quickly kicked Natsu into the side of the tree. Mira, Elfman, Happy, Gajeel, and Gray screamed as I took Natsu down in one hit.
"I was so close..." Natsu whined.
"Well there we have it. Natsu isn't S-Class." I chuckled as he fell down from the tree. I then saw Laxus talking to Lisanna as he then started patting her on the head. The Thunder Legion thought about learning something from Laxus since he's been gone for 3 to 4 months. I walked over beside Wendy as I saw her watching the scene go on.
"He seems like a pretty decent guy, but I'm still a little scared of him. Weird, huh." Wendy stated.
"What! Don't be silly child! He's fine!" Carla stated.
"Don't worry about my brother. He's actually really nice." I stated with a smile.
"I wouldn't mind the rumors of Laxus. Deep down he is a decent guy." Erza stated as she walked up beside me.
"You think so!" Wendy asked Erza.
"He's a little slow, but trust me he is a good guy. He's always took care of me. He's a great brother. I wouldn't want anyone else." I stated with a smile.
"So Laxus is your brother. I can see the resemblance." Wendy stated.
"Yeah. Now that it's put out there, you two really do look alike." Erza stated.
"Really. Hmm. Maybe a little. Do you want to meet him?" I stated and asked.
"Sure." Wendy stated with a smile.
"Come on then!" I stated as I grabbed Wendy's hand. I begin to walk towards Laxus when Natsu and Gildarts caught my attention.
"Wait one moment Wendy." I stated as I walked over beside the two.
"Hey, Y/n. Gildarts is taking me fishing, you wanna come?" Natsu asked.
"Actually, I'm introducing Wendy to Laxus. But, I'll come over there afterwards alright." I chuckled.
"Alright sweety." Gildarts stated with a smile.
"Alright! You two have fun!" I called as I walked over back with Wendy.
"There you are, so did you kick Natsu's ass?" Laxus asked as he kept pestering Lisanna.
"Yep. One kick to the stomach and that's all it took." I chuckled.
"Haha! I wished I could've seen it." Laxus laughed.
"Well your the one who missed it, but there is someone I would like you to meet." I stated with a smile as Wendy stood beside me. Laxus looked up at me and then he looked at Wendy as he turned his head sideways like a cat.
"A child?" Laxus questioned.
"Well yes. She is our newest member. She a dragon slayer like you, me, Natsu, and Gajeel." I stated as I took a side step as Wendy looked at Laxus.
"Hi! I'm Wendy." She stated shyly.
"Well I'm Laxus. You probably seen me fight earlier." Laxus stated with a smile.
"I saw you and Y/n fight together. You are both incredible!" Wendy exclaimed with a smile.
"Well actually you are the first to see me and Laxus fight together." I stated with a smile.
"Really!" She exclaimed with a smile.
"Well, others have, but there dead." Laxus mumbled.
"Laxus!" I whispered growled.
"What? It's the truth." Laxus stated.
"Not in front of the child." I stated.
"Well she's in the guild, and besides you've killed plenty of people." Laxus stated.
"What!" She exclaimed.
"Come on! Tell the kid how old you was." Laxus stated.
"Fine! I was 13. I was practicing with Gildarts with my crush magic and I hit a tree, and the tree fell down on a traveler." I admitted.
"Well, it could be considered an accident, right." Wendy asked.
"Yeah." I lied.
"Enough killing talk." Carla stated.
"I agree. So what should we do?" I asked as Laxus looked at me. I looked back at him as he then gave me a evil smirk.
"I've got an idea. How about I do this!" Laxus stated as he grabbed my hand and yanked me down.
"Wendy, get back. This is where things go wrong." I chuckled as Laxus and I soon begin to wrestle and which would lead us into tickling each other.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now