Chapter 37: Do you Remember: Part 1

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**A week Later**
After the guild had found out that Laxus went on his own little journey, Natsu threw a huge temper tantrum.
"Why the hell did Laxus leave! I know, Laxus would never leave Y/n alone with the guys in this guild! Why didn't you just send him to his room or something!" Natsu whined as I entered the guild.

I was wearing a f/c sweater dress with sleeves that went to the elbow, and the dress ended above my knees. I also wore white boots that went along with the outfit, and some knee high stockings. I was holding Happy as well.

"Natsu, calm down. Laxus left for a couple months just to clear his head." I said with a smile as I walked inside and up to Natsu as I then put my hand on his shoulder.
"Wow! Y/n looks great! If she wasn't with Natsu I would definitely be hitting on her right now." Macao stated with a smile.
"Me too!" Someone else agreed.
"Definitely." Other stated.
"She gorgeous!" Wakaba stated.
"Don't forget you have a wife, Wakaba." Mira laughed as she walked past me and behind the bar.
"Y/n!" Natsu exclaimed as he turned around and looked at me.
"Hey, Natsu." I said with a smile as I moved my hand back around Happy. He then smile as I walked up beside him to see Gramps.
"Good morning, my child." Gramps said with a smile.
"Hey Gramps, so did I get any mail?" I asked as Happy soon climbed up on my shoulders.
"Ahh, yes my child. Here you go. You got two different letter from Laxus." Gramps said as he handed me my mail.
"Thanks Gramps. I wonder if Laxus accidentally forgot to tell me something so he wrote me another letter." I said with a smile as I walked over to a table and sat down.
"I wonder that too." Gramps sighed as he took a sip of his drink. Soon Happy had went and decided to torture Lucy as Natsu and I sat down together. We then opened up the first letter from Laxus, the letter said:

Dear Y/n,

I sent this letter to let you know that I am doing okay. I also wanted to let you know I haven't heard any rumors at the different towns I've been too. I will keep you up to date, but I do miss you and Gramps.

Which that reminds me; have you told Gramps about you and Natsu yet? If not you definitely should, I know that you were waiting for him to get better so I believe he should be fine. Just don't wait to long, or you'll forget to do so.


I smile as I read the letter with Natsu.
"You know, we should definitely tell him about that." I stated with a smile
"Yeah, but I don't want to be murdered." Natsu joked.
"Yeah! Can you tell Happy to put this in his bag?" I asked as I handed him the letter.
"Of course, anything else?" He asked as he took the letter gently.
"Yeah! Get me some tea please!" I exclaimed with hearts in my eyes.
"Will do." Natsu said as he looked into my eyes. I blinked as Natsu then quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. I was opening the second letter from Laxus as I laughed looking at Natsu who made a joke a few minutes after he left to go get me tea. Happy soon flew over as he put the letter in his bag. He landed on my head as a small thump landed on the table.
"Hey. What's that picture?" Happy said as I turned my head back at the table to see the picture. My smile had faded as I saw what I did.

The picture had a circle with a lightning bolt inside on some kind of skin. My breathed increased as I saw that picture.
"What the hell?!" I questioned as I then quickly looked at the letter that was supposed to be from Laxus, yet Laxus didn't know about that. The letter then read:

Do you remember?

Happy anniversary, My Sweet Girl!


"Why the hell does that sick bastard have to make me remember this horrible shit!" I cried as I shoved the letter and the picture forward.
"What's so bad about that picture?" Happy asked as I put my hand on my face as the tears ran down.
"This is something I-I never told anyone about! Not even Laxus knows ab-bout this! Only one person knows about this." I mumbled as Happy jumped on the table. I quickly and swiftly got up and grab the letter.
"Hmm. What is the letter about? My child." Gramps asked as I got up and gave him the letter.
"I need to be alone right now." I mumbled as I turned around a ran out of the guild and towards a secret place that made me feel safe.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now