Chapter 23: A Scar for Life

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As I begin to run, I knew the iron dragon slayer was around me. Soon Gajeel tried to attack me and I kicked him again as I watched him hit a wall. I then kept running as fast as lightning. Gajeel soon came back as he tried to attack me. But, I then used his iron attack as leverage and used my lightning dragon roar. I knocked him down as I begin another attack. When I got hit. The hit threw me into a nearby home.

"Hehe! I must say that hit should've knock you down cold." Gajeel laughed.
"Yeah. It should've, but so will this! SEVERED SPLIT!" I yelled as I hit the ground with my fist. It then destroyed the ground and made Gajeel go backwards. I then jumped up and then begin to spin around in the sky as I did electricity and wind mixed together. As I also closed my eyes to help prevent me from getting dizzy. Which the way I spun was like how someone would when dancing. Which I then started chanting, "From the heavens, I ask you send me your sound! From the deepest parts of heaven I ask you send me your light! I ask you lend me electricity!" I then moved my hands up above my head, and as I did I then let them fall down a little bit as I stopped spinning and the magic was boiling inside me. I then clapped and it sent my body down making it echo like thunder. I turned around facing down in my fall and I finished the spell I held my move my hand in a fist motion. I then yelled, "Roaring Storm Strike!" As I did I punched the ground and it sent a lightning strike at Gajeel. Making him hit the ground harder. I got up and smiled. He soon got off the ground as Gajeel was thrown back.
"Well then. I guess the Queen of Thunder and Lightning is stronger than she seems." Gajeel laughed.
"Yeah! Come at me, Metal head!" I laughed as he sent another attack to me. I grabbed his attack and sent lightning through his metal shocking him.
"Damn!" He growled as I sent more electricity through his metal.
"Haha!" I laughed. Soon another attack came to me hitting me up in the air.

"Thanks for the leverage!" I laughed. As I let myself feel as light as a feather, and I closed my eyes feeling the electricity increased.
"What are you do--" Gajeel begin to say as I opened my eyes as it begin to glow.
"ELECTRICAL SHINE!" I yelled as my electricity intensify as the area grew brighter as I opened my eyes I then clapped my hands together. Tiny lightning bolts came around Gajeel and two more members of Phantom Lord's team and exploded. Screams was heard as the attack hit. I then landed on the ground gracefully as I quickly took the advantage to knock the three down. I used my spell slicer, which sent multiple curved attack on the three. I then picked two up and kicked them across the street. Which I got a couple hits on Gajeel, and then one of the three hit me.
"Dammit!" I growled as I got up from the ground.
"She just doesn't give up. Does she?" A girl said.
"Our boss doesn't like to wait sweety!" A guy said.
"No, I don't give up. Bye, bye!" I growled as I stomped the ground making the guy, and the girl go flying. I started to feel a bit weak. I do remember that after using, electrical shine, Roaring storm strike, severed split, and slicer all at once does use a lot of magic power. There some of my top 15 magic spells.
"DREYAR! Your pissing me off!" Gajeel growled as he sent another attack at me that I managed to dodge as I got up and quickly and swiftly took off running and kicked him in the face making him hit the ground.
"Gajeel!" The lady yelled.
"Kaminari's Lightning Angel's Dragon secret art: ELECTRICITY SHAKING SHOCK!" I yelled as I made a yellow magic circle appeared, and it intensified as the ground began to shake. Then the attack quickly sent a lightning bolt from the sky down hitting Gajeel, the lady, and the guy, and shaking afterwards as it left a layer of electricity around on the ground. I then fell to my knees as I switched back in the outfit I was wearing before.

"I need to save magic energy. There gonna get me. I know it." I sighed as I saw Gajeel and the other's were down.
'I'll have to signal the flare.' I thought as I got up. I then used my spell Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd up in the sky, which was the signal. As I watched it go up and destroy a cloud I knew the signal had been arrived to Mira. I then quickly turned around and threw one at the three people who were attacking me. It hit an exploded. As it hit they had no idea that I planted a lightning lacrima, bomb undernearth the streets. I had them were I wanted them. I then fell to my knees after noticing they were no longer able to move. I sighed thinking maybe I shouldn't have sent the lightning bolt up. I sighed as Next thing I notice was the ground was rumbling. I got up and as I did I was quickly taken down as a metal beam came from the ground and hit me in the stomach sending me into a wall really hard.
"Why'd you throw one of those lightning rods away. We are over here. I must say, you did your best. I have to say! You are really strong. My team can verly move because of you. Now I'll take you out of here." Gajeel laughed as I fell down in pain I looked up as I saw Gajeel was above me. I glared up at him as he then picked me up and threw me against the wall knocking me out.
'I had a feeling this would happen. I knew it wouldn't be to easy.' I thought as I then slowly closed my eyes, and it slowly began to fade to darkness.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now