Chapter 36: Fantasia Parade

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Y/n's Pov: Next Day...
Natsu and I had became a couple yesterday after I defeated Hayden. Laxus was better as Gramps was a bit sick. Natsu and I had return to the guild as we was wondering how things were going to go with the Fantasia parade since it had been pushed back a day. I had walked into the infirmary and found out Gramps was fine. So I decided to tell the guild with Erza's help.

"Thanks to Porlyusica help, Gramps will be just fine." I said with a smile as I stood on the stage.
"He'll be back to normal before we know it." Erza added as the guild cheered in happiness. I sighed as I saw how Natsu was still pretty hurt from the attacks from Laxus and Hayden.
"Y/n!" Natsu mumbled through the bandages. I walked over to him and kissed him right on the cheek and I could tell he was smiling. I smiled back as the guild gasped at Natsu and I.

We had decided to do the Fantasia parade for Gramps. I didn't mind helping, but I just needed to see Laxus. He then walked into the guild, he was bandaged as well. The guild quiet down a bit, but it remained in cheers.
"Laxus." I smiled as I ran over to him and hugged him.
"Hey, little sis." He said with a smile as he hugged me.
"How you doing, Laxus?" Macao stated
"You feeling better?" Wakaba asked.
"I'm fine. Where's the old man?" Laxus asked.
"Why should we tell you. Your just gonna walk in there and demand Master to hand the guild over to you!" Jet and Droy yelled as the guild then went quiet. I pushed out of the hug and I turned around and looked at them.
"Laxus would never do that! He was hypnotized by that jerk! I took both of there asses down! You should be ashamed! If you was hypnotized others would attack you just as well! Laxus has changed! He surrendered to save my life! Give him a damn metal! Just let him see Gramps! I know he can be an ass-whole, but that doesn't give you the rights to attack him! You like me just fine but when it comes to Laxus, you just hate his guts for absolutely nothing! Why is that?!" I stated and demaned silencing Jet and Droy. No one spoke as I then added, "Exactly my point. Anyways, follow me. I know where he is. He's in the infirmary."

We then begin to walk towards the infirmary as Natsu soon came in front of Laxus and I.
"Natsu." Laxus growled.
"Natsu." I added.
"Laxus. I wanted to tell you I'm dating your sister." Natsu shouted through the bandages as I gasped.
"Dammit! I totally forgot to mention that!" I exclaimed knowing that Laxus would be asking about that. I soon felt a dark aroura behind me. I knew it was Laxus. I gulped as I turned around and looked at him.
"Y/n. How did it happen?" Laxus asked looking at me. I sighed as a smile appeared on his face.
"Well it happened in three different ways technically. It first happened when you sacrificed your self to save me. I was pissed I wanted to come and save you, and I said some very horrible things that included death and then Natsu said he loved me. Then I cried, he hugged me, and then you kidnapped me. Then I said I loved him when I thought you was going to kill us by using that spell. Then once I had beaten Hayden we was walking back to the guild. When I asked if he ment it, and he said he did. I told him I felt the same and I then kissed him. Even though we had Freed behind us being a little to agressive." I admitted.
"My little sister making the moves." Laxus laughed.
"Yeah." I sighed rubbing the back of my head.
"Well, Natsu welcome to the family!" Laxus said throwing his hands to the side as the whole guild gasped in shock.
"Hmm." Natsu questioned as he turned his head to the side.
"Laxus has never been like this!" One section of the guild mumbled.
"Yeah. This is new of him." The other half of the guild mumbled.
"Now. Here's the catch." Laxus said with a smile as he placed his arm around my shoulder.
"Here it is." I sighed with a smile.
"You break her heart. I'll break you!" Laxus threatened.
"Your forgetting who else will." Mira said as she walked up beside Laxus and me.
"Oh great." I said with a smile.
"I will as well." Mira added.
"My little sis will as well, including Gramps." Laxus added.
"You forgot one person, that we always forget. Gildarts will too." I added with a evil smile.
"Oh god!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Just don't break her heart and you won't die." Laxus joked as I walked towards Natsu.
"Just don't forget." I said as I kissed his cheek and walked into the infirmary. I looked back to see Laxus soon shove Natsu to the side as he walked in behind me. He closed the door as he pressed his back to the wall beside the door. The guild then began to cheer as they were getting ready for the parade.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now