Chapter 16: Laxus and Mira

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As I begin my walk home to the guild, I kicked another group of wizards asses. They ripped my skirt which was old, and I've been meaning to get it re-made so I could wear it again. Which after I defeated them I gave the items they stole from others to the peace village. The thieves were quite upset until I broke one of the thieves hand which made him force a smile. In the end I made my walk back home. Which as I kept walking, I realised I was no longer pissed at Laxus. In fact, I couldn't wait to see him and the guild. Which after a long walk back home it was night time. I was tired and I walked into the guild. I knew I couldn't just return home without giving Gramps the reward money, since it was for the guild in the end. So, I pushed the guild doors open and everyone look up to see me. "Hey! Y/n's back!" They cheered.
"Hey! Everyone." I said with a yawn.
"How was the mission my child." Gramps asked as I walked up to him.
"Well, I defeated the monster and got the reward. But it turns out that the reward was increased to 450,000." I laughed.
"What?!" Gramps exclaimed.
"Yep! So as I can tell Gray didn't bring those three back." I sighed after I laughed as I handed him the jewels.
"Your not gonna kill them are you!" Macao and Wakaba yelled in sync while hugging each other.
"As much as I would love too, I just couldn't bring myself to do so. But, they're still getting punished for breaking the guild's rules." I said.
"Umm. Even Gray?" Macao stated.
"Yep. I believe the reason that Gray isn't back with them three is because Natsu knocked him out and took him along with them. Which after realizing he was on an S-Class quest he decided to pull it off with the three idiots. Now I can see Natsu and Gray beating an S-Class quest with the help from Erza, but Lucy just joined and she shouldn't just come to the guild and pretend like she's been here since the day the rest of us did." I stated.
"How do you know that?!" The guild shouted.
"It because I know them like the back of my hand." I stated as they sighed.
"So. No one touched ya right?" The voice I was happy to hear say.
"Laxus." I said without any emotions.
"Oh god! There gonna fight like that one time!" The guild whispered.
"It's good to see you." I said with a smile.
"Yeah." He said with a smile while the rest of the guild sighed.
"At least there on good terms." The guild sighed.
"Alright. I'm gonna go home. That mission really made me tired." I stated with another yawn as I turned around and begin to walk out of the guild. I know my cape moved and revealed my skirt which I was hoping Laxus didn't mind. Until the next thing I notice was Laxus jumped down the second floor railing and grabbed my arm. The guild gasped as he did.
"Sis, wait." He mumbled.
"Hmm. What is it?" I asked.
Next thing I notice was Laxus pulled me into a hug.
"Huh. What's this for?" I asked as I hugged him back.
"I'm sorry. I was in the wrong." He said with a sigh.
"Your not the only one who had lack of sleep that day." I said with a smile.
"You did?" He asked.
"Yeah. I couldn't help but think about what was going on with Natsu and Lucy." I muttered.
"Yeah. I understand. It made me think about how Mira felt as I know other girls cling onto me like I'm their's." Laxus whispered and I nodded.
"Why else did you stop me beside an apology?" I asked as he let me out of the hug.
"Well. I also notice you skirt was wripped, what happened?" He stated and then he asked.
"Well two different groups of theives stopped me and well one of the guys went for the ass, when he touched my skirt instead. Which I ended up round house kicking him in the stomach." I laughed.
"That's my little sis. Here go home and change and come back." He said as he wrapped his coat around me.
"What's this for?" I asked.
"So no guy will look at you on your way there and back." He stated as he ruffled my hair. I smiled and walked home. I changed into a f/c tank top, and black shorts with black tennis shoes. I walked back to the guild with Laxus's coat and gave it back to him. I was on the second floor and I took a cup of tea with me. After I drank my first cup of tea, I instantly fell asleep after putting my head on the table.

Laxus's pov...
As Y/n fell asleep on the table I then gently pulled her beside me and place my coat around her. I had my arm wrapped around her and my coat around the two of us. She didn't even wake up. I sat there looking at my sister. She looked like mom. Her h/c hair with a yellow strip of hair that looked like a lightning bolt remind me so much of mom.
'I have to say when Y/n grew up, she did grew up to look a lot like mom, even though she looks absolutely nothing like Dad. It made me miss Mom more. I just can't be mad at her for looking like mom. It wasn't her fault that Mom died 10 minutes after she was born.' I thought with a sigh. Next thing I notice was Mira came walking up the stairs with anothing cup of whiskey for me.
"Hmm. What's the matter, Laxus?" Mira asked as she picked up the empty mug and handed me the other one.
"It's nothing." I sighed.
"You know if you need to talk to me, right now's the best time." Mira stated as she walked down stairs with the cup. She soon returned as she sat down in front of me. She propped her head up with both her hands as she looked at me with interest in her eyes.
"I know." I sighed.
"Hey. Where's Y/n?" She asked.
"Here." I said as I moved my coat showing my little sis who was asleep.
"Oh. She's been here the whole time!" Mira exclaimed with a smile.
"Well I sometimes stay here a little while after everyone leaves the guild, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave tonight." I sighed.
"Oh. Why's that?" She asked.
"I've been thinking." I said.
"About what?" She said with a smile.
"About how much my sis looks and acts like my mom." I said with a sigh.
"She does?" Mira asked.
"Yeah. My Mom was sweet, and feisty. She was the best mom, and she died 10 minutes after Y/n was born." I sighed.
"Oh. I never knew. Is that why your so close with your sister?" Mira asked.
"Yeah. I was close with my mom, and now I realize that Y/n was a spitting image of our mom. The only other difference is that she has that scar, and  her eyes are a bit different in shape." I stated with a smile.
"Tell me about your mom?" Mira asked.
"She was sweet, kind, and definitely caring. When she's angry, man if looks could kill. Her's definitely would. She would make cookies and sweets when I was upset, and when she and Gildarts were around. I swear they laughed and talked as much as Y/n and Natsu does. Which changed when Y/n was born, and my mom died. Before she died my dad wanted to implant a lacrima behind my eye, mom didn't want that to happen. Yet, the old man to implant that dragon lacrima inside me two weeks before her death. Then he had two strangers abducted me and my sister and implanted it inside her too. The worst thing that ever actually happened to my family." I sighed.
"Oh. I understand. I use to be super aggressive, until Lisanna's death. That day changed my life, especially Elfman's." Mira sighed.
"Oh, Yeah. That was a horrific moment in the guild. We were all devastated for a year. Then the incident with Y/n and I happened, and well that's when Y/n became distant." I stated.
"I get it. It's quite similar to the incident with Lisanna. I no longer could fight. I felt as if my world broke, and somewhere in between Lisanna's death and Y/n's abduction we ended up becoming closer." Mira said with a sad look while placing her hand over her heart.
"Listen Mira..." I said as I slammed my fist on the table making her jump. I then continued, "If you are never able to raise your fist again. If you need someone to fight for you, I'll be the one to fight for you."
"Thank you, Laxus." Mira said with a smile.
"No problem." I said with a smile.

After a little while of talking I took off my coat and place it around my sis. I then leaned against the table looking Mira in the eyes.
"Laxus. It's getting late, I love talking to you, but I'm pretty tired at the moment. Imma go home now. Goodnight, and see you tomorrow. " Mira stated with a smile as she walked down the stair. I looked back at my sister who was sleeping peacefully. I realized she looked like mom when she was sleeping.
"M-Mom." I mubbled as tear burned my eyes. I got up out of my seat and ran down the stairs. Mira just grabbed her coat and begin to walk out of the guild.
I ran up behind her as she turned around as I place my hands on her shoulder.
"Hmm. Laxus. What's the matter?" Mira asked as I grabbed her coat. I didn't know what came over me, but I broke. I let Mira go and fell to my knees. I place my hand on my face as I cried.
"Laxus!" Mira exclaimed as she got down on her knees looking at me.
"M-Mira." I cried.
"Laxus what's wrong?" She asked.
"I-I don't know." I muttered as she then pulled me into a hug.
"Was it the fact that your sister looks like your mom." Mira whispered as I buried my head into the crack of her neck and cried.
"I-I think so." I mumbled.
"Shh, Laxus. Everyone breaks eventually. Over 18 long years you had to be strong for your sister's sake. I understand. When you bottle things up for to long things can tend to spill. Causing your attitude to change as well." Mira said in a calm voice that made me feel a bit better.
"Thanks Mira." I said as tears then lightly begin to fall as I kept hugging her.
"No problem." Mira sighed. We stayed like that for another hour as the tears finally stopped.
"I guess it's about time we go home." I sighed.
"Yeah." Mira said with a smile. I walked up the stairs and gently grabbed my coat and put it on. I then picked up Y/n and begin my way down to the first floor.
"Hey Laxus." Mira said.
"Hmm. What Mira?" I asked.
"Well... I was just going to say that I won't tell anyone about what happen tonight, and that you can talk to me any time." Mira stated.
"T-Thanks. I'm surprised that Y/n didn't wake up from how hard I'd hit the floor." I admitted with a sigh.
"I know right. I guess y'all are really heavy sleepers." Mira stated as she turned off all the lights. We then walked out of the guild and she locked up.
"You really do this all the time?" I asked.
"Yeah. I don't mind though." She said as she slipped the key into her coat pocket.
"Come on. I'll walk you home." I said with a smile as heat rose on my face.
"Really?! Y-You never do this!" Mira exclaimed with a little pink rising on her cheek.
"Well. It just feels right." I sighed. We talked some more as we reached Mira's house. She waved me good by and I smiled. I then walked back to Y/n's and I's home. Since she left the door unlocked I went in and locked it. I laid her in bed and covered her up. I then walked into my room and placed my coat in my closet. I then got into some comfy sleep clothes which was a plain black tank top and red shorts. I then crawled into bed as I easily drifted off to sleep.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now