Chapter 56: The Thunder Siblings

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He will not kill us! I know it because I'll defeat him! Ahhh!" I screamed as I then pulled my hand back as my glow got brighter. I was about to shatter the attack as Lightning stopped me as it striked in front of me. I could feel the energy, the familiar energy. It soon became one with me as I moved my hand down to see him.
"Laxus..." I mummbled with a smile.

"This is the fossil that took out Gramps, now your going after my little sister and her boyfriend. Interesting." Laxus stated.
"Laxus..." Natsu muttered. Laxus growled as he soon headbutted Hades which made him go back a bit.
"You didn't break your promise." I stated with smile.
"Never mind that. Let's show this old fool the power of the Thunder Siblings." Laxus stated as I got up. I nodded as I stood behind my big brother.
"I see, your also a blood relative of Makarov." Hades stated.
"Tkk. How pitiful. You guys are beat so bad you look like a bunch of mangled rags. It also seems like your gonna leave the rest to Y/n, typical." Laxus stated.
"No joke." Natsu chuckled.
"What are you doing here, Laxus?!" Erza asked.
"I came here for one to pay my respects to the first guild master, as well I made a promise to my little sis. In fact I promised I would be home before the S-Class trials, yet when I arrived I saw the Tenrou Tree had fallen. Then I heard Y/n, screaming. Her screams interrupted my music, due to her charm bracelet." Laxus stated which made me gasp.
"So the magic energy I use to gain my power to defeat my enemy powered the one lacrima charm that would reach you in anytime I needed help. I guess that really was helpful." I stated with a smile.
"When did you change one into a lacrima?!" Natsu exclaimed.
"It was three years ago." I stated.
"Never mind that. I had no idea I would be battling the second Guild Master. I've got an idea since your already here, how about I dig you a grave instead." Laxus stated.
"If we're truly doing this Siblings thing, bro. You'll definitely need my help." I stated.
"My what ashame. I can't believe the two grandchildren on Makarov would do this." Hades stated as I walked up beside Laxus as the electricity intensify like a lightning strike. Before Hades knew it we both took off. We both punched him right in the face as Laxus went in for another punch. Laxus landed the hit as I did a front flip and kicked Hades. Laxus soon took off and punched Hades face into the ground.
"Dragon Force!" I yelled as I quickly and swiftly went to hit Hades as he jumped back dodging the attack.
"Woah! I am suprised by your magic energy. Especially where you've been hiding yours, Makarov's Granddaughter." Hades stated.
"You know, that reminds me of something the Geezer would say." Laxus stated.
"Right! Whenever you face a tough enemy, it doesn't matter how strong they are." I stated with my deep voice due to my dragon force armor.
"Standing up to them is what is most important. Ain't that right, Y/n. Natsu." Laxus finished as I landed beside him.
"Yeah." I stated.
"You bet!" Natsu added.
"I've never seen two people more insinct than those two." Wendy stated.
"It's their sibling bond. Y/n and Laxus, the Thunder Siblings." Erza stated.
"It's rare to ever see the siblings fight. Everyone that has, ended up never seeing it again." Gray stated.
"What!" Wendy exclaimed.
"It's true, cause we know how to take out our enemies." I stated with a smile.

"Utter nonsense. It's just an excuse. Do you dare think you can dare to face me. Let me see what you got." Hades stated.
"If you insist." Laxus and I stated in unsion as he then cracked his knuckles. I then chuckled as I pushed my foot back and punched Hades right in the face and ending in a kick. Laxus soon came at him and punched him as he then shoved him back. He soon threw me back as I land on the wall behind Laxus. I then pulled out my wings as I pulled my arms back.
"Lightning Dragon Roar!" Laxus and I shouted as our roar came together and moved with such force that it looked like a lazer. Hades soon jumped to the side as a purple magic circle spawned. The same white chain spawned as it flew beside Laxus and me as we dodged the attack. It soon grabbed a big globe that was a centerpiece of the ship. He then moved it towards Laxus and us as we quickly dodged the attack. The globe was now heading towards Lucy. I then quickly hit Hades as he then shoved me back. Laxus soon went for an attack as Hades also shoved him back right beside me. Before I knew it Hades was doing the same spell that he used to attack Gramps. Before I knew it Laxus had pushed me out of the way. I then slid back as the purple magic circle came around him.
"Laxus!" I yelled.
"Stay back!" Laxus yelled as Hades soon sent the attack. Before I knew it Laxus was out of the attack. He grabbed my hand as we both got ready to attack our electricity was so intense that we both soon hit Hades right in the back. He screamed as he fell. We then both landed on the ground away from our enemy.
"Awesome!" Gray stated.
"To think you attacked me once, already." I chuckled as a dark aurora laid over me.
"To think we only used one leg. We still have one leg and two arms left. Imagine what would happen if we combined them into one attack." Laxus said as a dark aurora laid over him.
"The little attack that we both used to take you down, imagine how damn powerful the next one would be." I chuckled.
"I can't blame you for trying. Protecting your little sister. How interesting." Hades chuckled.
"I am a hell lot stronger than I simply look!" I yelled as I pushed off the floor. As my fist illuminated in yellow electricity. As Hades soon sent an attack as they collided. An explosion happened as Laxus soon went down to one knee.
"Well look what happened. I didn't expect you to fall to your knees so soon." Hades stated.
"Laxus!" I exclaimed as I looked back at him.
"I guess he really did get hit." Lucy mumbled.
"Hahaha. I've traveled almost everywhere, but I have never met someone who is such a monster. I've gotta long way to go." Laxus chuckled.
"What are you saying?!" Natsu exclaimed.
"You gotta pull yourself together!" Gray yelled.
"Laxus! Listen to me! Your the oldest, your suppose to be stronger than me! Not the other way around. We'll always will be the Thunder, Lightning, and Dreyar sibilings! Nothing will change, ever! Now pull yourself together cause I need you in this fight! If this monster is threatening the guild we have to stop him!" I yelled as tears pierced my eyes.
"I'm glad you came to this realization. Laxus, was it. But, this is the end." Hades stated as a purple magic ball came towards Laxus and me.
"I may have been gone for three months maybe even four, but this man took out my Gandpa and tried to take out my little sister. I'm allowed to take revenge." Laxus stated with a smile. As the tears fell.
"Of course you are!" Natsu called as I jumped to Laxus side.
"Y/n, I want you to go by Natsu's side. Now." Laxus stated with a smile. As I then quickly jumped back and beside Natsu. Laxus soon punched the ground sending his lightning towards Natsu. He was soon hit as he fell backwards. The tears fell as I watched my older brother fall.
"Laxus! No!" I cried.
"I'm returning the favor, Natsu." Laxus spoke as he fell down.
"No!" I cried.
"Y/n." Lucy gasped.
"You-You Bastard. Your life will end today, by my hands. You can take down my Gramps, and my brother. But, you won't take me! You've done wrong! You pissed off the wrong member of Fairy Tail!" I shouted as a bright glow came over me.
"What's going on?" Wendy questioned as I quickly stood up as the glow increased tremendously.
"It's really bright!" Lucy exclaimed as I stood up.
"Kaminari's Crushing Lightning Angel's Armor!" I yelled as the glow increased. I had fully requipped into my strongest armors. It made all of my attacks ten times stronger. It was a White strapless body suit with a lightning bolt on it, it also had pure lightning bolt boots, and pure lightning angel wings. My hair remained in a pony tail.
"You can take my Grandpa down, and even my own brother, but you will not take me to the grave! You will die by my hands!" I yelled as I pointed at Hades.
"Thanks for the meal, Laxus." Natsu stated.
"An electric charge?!" Hades stated.
"I gave him all my magic power. So he could protect my little sister, the girl he loves." Laxus stated weakly as I looked down at him.
"He did what!" Gray gasped.
"He transferred his magic over to Natsu." Erza exclaimed.
"Why did you give it to me! I'm weaker than you!" Natsu stated.
"It has nothing to do with whose weaker or stronger, he weakened Fairy Tail's Master. It's only right if you help my sister take him down. She needed the help, so I sent it to you. Anyone that hurts the guild deserve what's coming for them. Go get them Y/n, and Natsu." Laxus stated weakly as he smiled up at Natsu and me. I whipped the few tears that lingered as I threw my hand to the side. Soon a white magic circle appeared. I spawned in the famous Kaminari's lightning Angel's katana. It is made out of pure lightning as well.
"Your gonna pay for what you've done to Y/n, Laxus, and the others!" Natsu growled as the lightning radiating off Natsu soon increased and tangled with flames. The angry I radiate soon produce more than just a simple spark. It made the sky begin to scream in thunder.

"I've never seen this side of Y/n! That electricity it's intense." Gray exclaimed.
"I've only heard of this armor once. It's known as the armor that completely fits together with the user's actual magic power. Which makes their attacks 10 times stronger!" Erza stated as I took a step back. I then quickly took off as I sliced Hades and Natsu punched him. Hades soon hit the wall as Natsu soon kicked him again. I then took off as I slashed Hades once again. I then removed my sword as I took off and punched my opponent once again.
"This is what happens to anyone that mess with Fairy Tail!" Natsu and me yelled in unsion as we both hit him.
"Now say goodbye!" Natsu yelled as he attacked Hades. I then attack him by using my Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd. Which was ten times stronger than the original. It soon exploded as Hades jumped out of the attack and grabbed Natsu's hand. He soon broke free as he then sucked in the fire and electricity once again.
"Kaminari's Lightning Angel's dragon's..." I yelled.
"Lightning-Flame Dragon..." Natsu yelled.
"ROAR!" We yelled in unison as our attack wrapped together and hit Hades. The attack went on for a good minute or two straight. Natsu soon begin to breathe heavy as the smoke revealed Hades was down. My electricity decreased as I made the glow stop.
"I warned you not to mess with us." Natsu stated weakly as he soon wobbled back and forth as he then fell.
"Natsu!" I exclaimed as I then quickly turned around and grabbed his hand as he fell backwards.
"Thanks, I don't suppose you got any food hidden in your realm of armors." Natsu chuckled as I smiled at him as I helped him up.
"We won." Wendy stated with a smile as we all regrouped together. I was staring down at Laxus. He was completely unconscious.
"Laxus..." I mummbled.
"You may have got me down, but I'm not down for good. We'll done Makarov, your children are strong." Hades stated as he soon got back up.
"How is he still standing?!" Gray gasped.
"Now I'll get back to work. I'll be obliterating you." Hades stated as he soon took off his eye patch. He then opened it as he stated, "Devil's Eye!"

An intense amount of dark energy soon came over me and the others I didn't like it. Natsu soon fell forwards as he was out of magic energy.
"This is bad you guys!" Gray stated as I knew what I must do.
"We all know what beats darkness! Light!" I yelled as I then quickly got back up and ran in front of my guild mates as I threw my arms to the side.
"Y/n what are you doing!" Erza called.
"What I have to do. Kaminari's lightning Angel's Protector of Light!" I yelled as a increase of a bright light came over me and my guildmates portraying as a sheild to ease the darkness and fear.
"We've got everything we need to beat this guy right here." Natsu stated.
"Besides what can defeat a demon? An angel." I stated as I pulled my lightning sword out again.
"There's nothing wrong with fear, after all how would we come to know our own weaknesses. And, you need to know them. So you are able to become a strong and gentler person." Natsu stated in the true words of Gildrarts.
"Today we learn just how weak we really are. So, what do we do next? I'll tell you! We grow stronger! On our own, we may be to afraid to stand up against him. But, right now we have our friends and our loved ones by our side. I still have courage because y'all are all still here with me!" I yelled.
"There's no reason to be afraid! When we're together we can accomplish anything!" Natsu stated.
"You fools! You still cling onto the light." Hades growled.
"I've walked years with my Friends lives on my shoulder. That's why every time we have a new member I introduced myself to them. I learn their name, their magic, and their personality. I remember who they are, and that's why I'm Fairy Tail's Angel! I've shed blood for my family, I've shed tears, I've been abused, I've sacrificed myself for them, I've been hit, stomped, slashed, and kicked more than enough times. I've walked with angel's and in order to do so, you must let go of fear! As Fairy Tail's Angel I will defeat you! No as Fairy Tail's protectors we will defeat you!" I yelled as I ran with my sword out. I ran as he sent an attack toward me and my comrades. We ran as I held my sword ready to attack. Before I knew it Natsu and I hit Hades. As an explosion happened destroying most of the ship.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now