Do you Remember: Part 2

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I then drifted off to sleep cuddling with Happy.

Next day...

I woke up with Happy still with me. I changed into a cute outfit. I wore f/c cat ears with a f/c shirt that had elbow length sleeves and cute black skirt. I also wore a cute cat knee stocking with slip on f/c shoes. Happy had woke up and I picked him up and we walked down the second floor of the guild hall. Once I got to the stairs I saw Laxus and a couple kids older than me. I then walked down the stair safely and I walked towards Laxus.
"Hey Laxus. Who are the new kids here?" I asked as I walked over to the group.
"Hmm. Hey sis. Alright guys this is my little sister. Like you said Bickslow you had a little sister, and that you wanted to meet my little sis. Well here she is." Laxus said as the others turned around and looked at me. I jumped back as I wasn't expecting to see them.
"Umm. Hi!" I said with a smile as I still held Happy.
"Uhh. She looks so much like her." Bickslow muttered.
"She does?" Laxus asked.
"Y-Yeah." Bickslow muttered.
"She is super cute." The girl with carmel brown hair said.
"Indeed." The guy with lime green hair stated as Laxus walked over beside me and got down on one of his knees.
"Y/n meet the Thunder Legion. This is Bickslow." Laxus said as he pointed at a guy with Blue hair, a symbol in between his eyes, with green eyes, and he wore a blue t-shirt with black pants with black shoes.
"Hi!" I said with a smile.
"This is Evergreen." Laxus added as he pointed at the girl with carmel hair, brown eyes, glasses, and she wore a green and yellow dress with white shoes.
"Hi! I think your pretty!" I said with a smile.
"This is Freed." Laxus said as he then pointed at the guy with lime green hair, who had blue eyes, a red dress shirt, and black pants with black shoes.
"Hi! I like your hair! It reminds me of a lime!" I giggled.
"T-Thank you. I must retreat from the cuteness." Freed said at first but the rest turned into a mumble. Laxus soon stood up as he then place his arm on my head.
"She is sweet." Evergreen stated.
"She's the sweet little thing in here. I would have to say. So, you happy now Bickslow?" Laxus asked as my hair soon lifted up a bit. I looked back to see something quickly move away. I then looked on the other side to see it. Two cute little circular blocks.
"She's cute!" One of them stated.
"I like her!" The other stated.
"Thanks! I like you, too!" I said with a smile.
"You like them?" Bickslow asked.
"Yeah! I think there super cute!" I said with a big smile.
"Thanks. I didn't think anyone would like them b-besides me." He stated.
"Don't you like them Laxus?" I asked.
"I guess. Anyways, you want to go get ice cream with the four of us?" Laxus asked.
"Yeah! Happy you go find Natsu before he wakes up. Okay." I stated.
"Aye Sir!" Happy said as I let open my arms and he flew out. We then all walked out and to a place and got ice cream I order i/c/f and it was delicious. After a little bit we went to South gate park in Magnolia.

"So. How was you time training with the old man?" Laxus asked.
"Oh! It was boring." I said remembering what dad said to me. I gulped as Laxus gasped.
"How the hell did you get that?" He demanded..
"Oh, ummm. I was training and dad sent an illusion at me. Instead of attacking it I blocked it." I stated as it just fell out of my mouth.
"Dammit! I can't believe that he would send that at you just like he did to me." Laxus growled.
"He did!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah. It was horrible. It felt like my arm was broken. The pain went away after a couple days, though." Laxus sighed.
"Who would want to hurt a child." Freed sighed.
"You would have no idea, but if you have a crazy ass father or mother then it wouldn't be to hard to see." Laxus sighed as I shook my head yes.
"Yeah." Bickslow sighed.
"Wait you had a crazy parent that beat you!" Laxus and I gasped.
"Yeah. I did." Bickslow muttered.
"What happened to them?" Evergreen asked.
"Well it was about four years ago. My little sister was 6 and I came home from school. My little sister was crying. She was saying she wanted our dad to go away. She was covered in bruises and bleeding scratches. The only thought I could see that happened to her was that he beat her senselessly because he did it to me once. Which was right after our mom died. I then cleaned her wounds and couple days later she was fine. I tried to keep her safe and the day I found her being abused broke me. I had just returned home from school one day and that's when I saw dad was beating her, like I suspected. He had a broken bottle of whiskey and he'd hit her with it at least twice, and I believe he even broke the bottle on her as well. She tried to run but when she did he tripped her and she fell on some broken glass. She screamed and cried and which set me off. I had dropped my bag and stepped in front of her which I took the hit from the broken bottle. My blood ran down my arm as my dad growled. He blamed my little sister for our mom's death. So he decided to abuse her. I had recently kicked his ass and I took my sister to the hospital. We then went to some foster home with a bunch of other kids. Next thing I notice me and my little sis had made a couple friends. In fact, that's where I met Evergreen. Soon we met another guy name Axel. We became good friends, until a fire broke out at our foster home. By the time I realized it my little sister had died in the house the same with Axel. As grief consumed me their spirits came to my deed. They took forms of these dolls. After giving me the power of human possession and Figure eyes, they decided to help me learn how to control my magic. A couple years later I had learned it and then some how we met Freed, and the three of us stayed together. Hoping one day we would find a place to call home." Bickslow said as he told us the story.
"What was your little sister's name?" I asked.
"Lilly." Bickslow stated as everyone took in what he had just said.
"Even though I was there I never knew you lost your sister. I'm sorry Bickslow." Evergreen said with a sigh.
"It's okay." Bickslow sighed. Soon we talked more and Laxus told me that the those three were the ones who was stealing from the guys house. They did it for some food and money. Which is how Laxus met them. Soon we returned back to the guild.

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