Chapter 50: Grimore Heart and Family.

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Y/n's Pov...
"Now, Now. What I meant to say the truth to who is your real father?" Gramps stated that made me gasped which made me jump up.

"What--is that?!" I begin to question what Gramps said as I saw a red light was shining in the sky. Gramps looked up and sighed.
"A red flare. It's a sign as an enemy raid. " Gramps growled.
"What! Why now?!" I questioned as Gramps stood up beside me.
"I do not know." Gramps stated that made me worry as who could our enemy be. Gramps soon walked over to Mavis's grave.
"Gramps..." I mummbled.
"I'd never thought it would happen here, especially on my watch no less. Mavis, did you every find yourself in this situation. Cause I wonder how you would've handle it. I bet your so angry right now, your spinning in your own grave." Gramps stated.
"Mavis, tell him you know it wasn't his fault." I mumbled.
"I let enemy tread upon on our sacred ground, I take full responsibility for that. I will pay the price for sure. However, I must ask that you keep them safe." Gramps added as he continued to look at Master Mavis's grave. I kept looking at my grandpa as worry fully pushed through as tear also threat to push through. I whipped the tears away and I took a step forward.
"Gramps! What are you doing?!" I questioned.
"Hmm. The only thing I can do to protect our sacred ground." Gramps stated as he walked away and towards the ocean. I followed as he stepped into the water as he begin to grow using his magic.
"Gramps..." I muttered in shock.
"Stay behind and you'll be safe my child." Gramps stated as he then became as tall as a giant. I took a step back. Gramps then stated something as he then took a swing at something. The enemy then shot a Jupiter canon that blasted Gramps as it verly even left a scratch on him. He then kicked the thing which revealed a ship. The ship of Grimore Heart. Soon the ship was rebuilt as one enemy got away. Soon Gramps motion himself where he was going to use Fairy Law. He then begin counting down. I then pulled my hands back as I moved them on top of each other in a gun hand motion facing vertically. I then followed my target.
"Kaminari's lightning Angel's Dragon's Heavenward Halberd electrical arrow!" I growled as I then followed my target as I moved my middle finger and pointer finger away from each other as the eletric arrow was release and it followed the target as it hit. An explosion was made as I could see a faint body fall down. Gramps continued to do the spell as he then quit due to who the enemy was. Apparently it was Master Pretch, the second master of Fairy Tail. Before I knew it Master Pretch had used an attack and grabbed Gramps with a chain and slugged him into the ocean and into a cliff. He was then forced back into his orginal form as he then landed on the ground. All I could do was watch the scene play on as I hid behind a tree.

"I've seen how you traded your guild for a darker role." Gramps said as he looked at Master Pretch.
"After all these years you still view the world in black and white. I thought by becoming guild master it would brighten up that view." Master Pretch stated.
"Forgive me if I don't give a damn. I may not have a clear view of vision but I can still see my enemies clearly." Gramps stated as he got up.
"Haha! At least you learned the talk of the talk while I was away, boy!" Master Pretch chuckled in amusement.
"I've always hated that nickname. In fact everytime I heard it I wanted to deck you, but I have no desire to fight you now. Leave before we do something drastic." Gramps stated.
"Though it pains me to say it, but my path has been made. It has made it quite clear to destroy Fairy Tail once and for all." Master Pretch laughed.
"First you'll have to go through me!" Gramps growled as he glanced at me and then back at Master Pretch. Which Gramps then begin glowing a whitish-yellow glow.
"If you wish to throw your life away, boy! So be it." Master Pretch stated as he begin to glow a purple aurora. They then begin to fight as they did some kind of weird move and they attacked each other. Before I knew it Gramps was back on the ground as Master Pretch then used some kind of chains to grab Gramps. He swung Gramps against some trees as Gramps screamed in pain. I was worried and I couldn't move. I was speechless, in fact. Before I knew it Gramps was inside a cage made out of a magic circle. He then used a spell to block the attack as the attack hit Gramps and exploded. I gasped as I quickly covered my mouth blocking sound. The smoke had cleared revealing Gramps was still standing. I sighed inside as I took a step back. Master Pretch had begin to walked towards Gramps.
"I'd expect no less from my assessor. It's no suprised you've held a guild together for 48 years." Mastsr Pretch stated as Gramps grabbed his chest. I then took a step forward.
"Grandpa! No!" I screamed as tear begged to push threw as I placed my hand against the tree.
"Huh. Are you not feeling well, boy. I guess the years are catching up with you. It's been half a century since we last seen each other. Maybe fate has brought us together or maybe someone else." Pretch laughed as he looked back at me. I took a step back in a bit of fear.
"I don't understand this Pretch. You was an amazing guild master. You alway spoke in harmony and lead us to the path of righteousness. Did you change your mind or was it all a lie!" Gramp growled. Before I knew it Gramps was shoved into the ground. I gasped as the tears soon fell. Pretch stated that magic came from darkness and lead back to Zeraf. Afterwards he then was head straight towards me with a devious look in his eyes. I gasped as I took a couple wobbly steps back as Pretch then used his chains to hit me knocking me down. I rolled against the ground as I then stop to look up to see Pretch was in front of me about 4 foot away. I scooted back a bit before Pretch could hit me again.
"Y/n! Run!" Gramps yelled as it got Pretch's attention. I stood up as Gramps rushed towards Pretch. Pretch launched an attack on Gramps going straight through his chest.
"Grandpa!" I screamed as the tears fell rapidly. I then looked back to see Gramps fall on the ground. Before Pretch knew it, I wrote a magic spell around him that would electrocute him once he walked over it just in case he was after me. I then took off as I soon tripped over a tree root and fell. I rolled down into a river as I made a splash. I sat in the cold river crying. I couldn't stop seeing Gramps. The way the attack hit him. It made me think he was gone.
'Laxus. Send me the courage to stand. Send me the power to fight. Please.' I thought as I had my hand placed on my knee as I tightened my fist up. Soon a glimmer in the sky caught my attention as it felt like a sign. I then stood up getting ready to fight.
"Thanks, Laxus." I stated as a soft breeze flew across me as my hair moved back and forth.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now