Chapter 52: The Magic Council

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"Alright let's go take down that girl!" I stated as we all agreed. We then went back to the spot where Zeraf was at once. As we talked Happy started torturing Lucy with that creepy doll. We then thought about what we needed to do next.

"Let's go after those guys. We need to teach them a lesson for what they did to Gramps." Natsu stated as a dark aurora came over him and then quickly over me.
"I totally forgot about that. Let's go get them. Once they see the true power of me, they'll wish they never step foot on Fairy Tail's sacred ground." I growled as and hand touched my shoulder and pulled me out of thought. It was Natsu.
"Well why don't we head back and check on Gramps, Carla, Wendy, and Lilly." Natsu stated.
"Yeah let's go!" I agreed. We soon made our way to where Gramps was once at. We had just arrived as we started looking for Wendy and the others.

"Wendy!" Natsu called.
"Wendy! Lilly! Carla!" I called as we ran over a hill and found them.
"You came back! Oh and here Y/n!" Wendy stated as she handed me back my lacrima.
"Is Gramps doing okay?" I questioned.
"All I can say is his condition hasn't changed." Carla stated as I soon got lost in thought. As that quickly changed when Mest showed up.
"Look the Traitor has returned." Lilly stated.
"Mest what are you doing here?!" I questioned.
"My name is actually Doron Bolt.. but,, Please don't be afraid. I guess you could say I'm on a rescue mission." Mest stated.
"What!?" I questioned.
"If you tell me where your guild mates are, I can transfer you and them to safety." Mest stated.
"Look pal, we don't need your help." Natsu stated.
"Agreed. Since they told me about you being a spy for the magic council. We don't need your help!" I growled. Soon Doran Bolt stated they would use the inferion canon.

"Well it looks like we'll just have to finish business before then." Natsu stated.
"Agreed. I have a bone to pick with their Master. He attack my Gramps and me." I growled.
"Your Master has been defeated, and Grimore Heart has incredibly strong wizards on their side!" Doran Bolt stated.
"So we should just let the magic council blow up the island then." Natsu said sarcastically as my blood begin to boil.
"We can't let them blow it up! Our guild considers it as sacred ground because our first master is buried here! We have to try and protect it!" Wendy cried as I moved my hand up into a fist.
"Here's a message for the magic council. Tell them to back off. If not their gonna be sorry!" I growled.
"Yeah! Tell them Fairy Tail can always take care of themselves!" Happy agreed.
"What! Are you threatening the magic council! Just a bunch of lonely wizards!" Doran Bolt stated.
"Look man! Whether it be Grimoire Heart or the Magic Council, Fairy Tail doesn't back down!" Natsu growled.
"You attack us and we'll put you deep into the ground!" I growled as electricity begin to radiate off of me as I then hit Doran Bolt.

"Why are you so worked up for?! I thought as the granddaughter of Makarov you would follow the laws." Doron Bolt growled as I then turned around and walked away. He then continued, "I thought you would be the one to take your people back home!"
That made me snapped. I quickly took off about to full on attack Doron Bolt when Natsu grabbed me.
"You know, I don't give a damn about what the magic council is planning! I won't Fairy Tail's sacred ground get ripped to shreds! Especially from the Council itself!" I growled as the eletric begin to spark around me.
"Y/n." Wendy mumbled.
"Hold on, Y/n. So Doron Bolt, why the hell isn't the magic council trying to help us." Natsu demanded as the anger increased.
"Where the hell was you when we was fighting Lullaby! Where was the magic council when Phantom Lord attacked us! Don't you know I spent two weeks in the hospital! Don't you know I was on the verge of death!" I growled as tears begged to push through.
"Y/n!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Who almost destroyed the world because someone held as a spy! Who let that spy get into the Magic Council! Where the hell were you, when you let Hayden Charm almost destroyed Magnolia! What did the Magic Council do to help prevent the matter of the Oracion Seis! Nothing! They stood back let the guild's take over and came into the picture to arrest them. You acted all innocent! So what are you doing now!" I growled and yelled as the tear begged to push through.
"Where trying to save you!" Doron Bolt growled.
"Trying to save us! Well your doing a damn good job at taking down Grimoire Heart. All your thinking is blow up the island it has no meaning. I can damn well tell you your wrong!" I growled.
"Y/n..." Natsu muttered as I then shrugged him off.
"All I can tell you is this! I have my own problems to worry about! Don't become one of them!" I yelled as I turned around and walked over to the side a bit. I couldn't get the thought out of my head.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now