Chapter 2: The Truth

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**Laxus's Pov: Flash backs**
"Yeah. During a private conversation last year, she said if our dad was anyone in the guild she wishes it would be Gildarts. The last time Ivan was here he really hurt her." I sighed again.
"Hmm. Yeah. Even that didn't go well. He basically told her that she wasn't worth our last name." Gramps sighed.
"Tsk. Just thinking about that makes me want to break a tree in half." I growled.

"Yes. I agree. Ivan wasn't any good to the child. After he told her that, she basically ran to Gildarts's arms. When he asked her why, I've never seen him anger. He basically would have killed him if I wouldn't have stopped him." Gramps sighed.
"Yeah. We might want to have Cana see if she can find him. He'll want to know." I sighed and I spent the night with my sister.

**Next Day**

As I woke up this morning I went down the stairs and to the bar. I got a nice whiskey, to help me chill. I knew what had happened to my little sis, and I know Gildarts won't be to happy about this. Even he knows what happened to me, and now my little sister. I sighed as the guilds door was pushed open. I looked to see Gildarts was here.

"Cana you found him!" I exclaimed in shock.
"No you idiot! I tried to see if I could see where he was at last night, but nothing." Cana growled.
"So where's the thunder bolt." Gildarts joked. I turned around as he notice I was here.
"Hmm. What wrong Lightning Rod?" Gildarts asked.
"She's hurt." I admitted.
"What! Where is she! Who did it?!" He growled!
"She's upstairs in the infirmary. Come on I'll explain things." I said as I walked with Gildarts up to the infirmary.
"Gildarts fight me!" Natsu yelled as he begin to run at Gildarts.
"Natsu! Now's not the time! Y/n is hurt! We don't know what's going on, just cut it out!" Gray yelled.
"Y/n hurt." Natsu muttered as he sat back down.
"Come on. " I sighed as he nodded. I filled him in on what I knew happened. The exact same thing that happened to me when I was a kid. Which as we walked into the room Porlyusica was there checking on Y/n. She was still passed out and the scar begin to turn completely black with a shade of her skin.

"Dammit. Not this again." Gildarts sighed with a growl. Soon Y/n began to shift in her bed. We gasped happily as she started to wake up.
"Hey there kid." Gildarts said with a smile walking right beside her.
"Hmm. Hey there... Dad." She said with a smile.

Y/n's Pov...
As I begin to wake up I heard a voice call to me.
"Hey there kid." The familiar face of the guy who treats me as his kid, Gildarts.
"Hmm. Hey there Dad." I said with a smile as I sat up. I saw my brother, Gildarts, Porlyusica, and Gramps.
"What exactly happened to you, sis." Laxus asked coldly.
"Well, umm. We were heading back to Magnolia when I heard you fall to the ground. I tried to wake you up even by shocking you, but soon I was unconcious. I woke up before you did and well, I heard some voices talking about a Lacrima being implanted in you, and well they kept talking about how it was going to be fun to torture me. As they got closer I tried to wake you up by screaming your name, but it didn't work. The black hair guy soon moved his hand up my leg and I kept trying to get them away from me even if I was bound. They then moved up to my head and a magic circle appeared. They used it to do something to me. I screamed in pain until Laxus finally woke up. Then I blacked out. How bad is the scar?" I said and asked.
"Oh sweetie it's not that bad." Gildarts said in a comforting tone.
"Don't lie to me. I know it's bad." I sighed.
"I know what you mean." Laxus sighed.
"What happened to the guys that hurt me?" I asked.
"That's a good question, Laxus. What happened?" Everyone questioned.
"Okay look after they implanted the lacrima behind her eye, the other guy there began to torture her. I didn't mind her legs being tortured, but then they moved up. Towards her chest, and I couldn't help but get angry. I guess as I did I drained all the electricity in the room because even the bounds holding me broke. I then attack the two guys and I picked you up and quickly got you here." Laxus said with a sigh. I felt the tears begin to fall as I moved my hands to my face. Gasps filled the room as I begin to cry.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now