Chapter 22: 15 Minutes!

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Y/n's Pov...
"I'm now in this fight! Gramps is down! Laxus is gone! Gildarts is no where to be found, and Mystegon is who knows where! I'm the only person right now who is strong enough to take Jose down! Gramps didn't want me in this fight, but that changed when they kidnapped me. When they hurt my guild mates! This war will end when Jose is down, and we win. I may be the one their after, but I don't give a damn!This fight now has me, and I'll take them down! We'll take them down! For Gramps! Whose with me!" I yelled as I hit my fist on the table.
"Yeah!" The guild cheered.

"Alright. Now then y'all start figuring out a plan." I said as I walked over to the bar and got a drink. Macao, Wakaba, and another member of the team was beginning to look at a map of Oak town, where Phantom's main head courtiers were at.
"Wakaba! How many Lacrima's do we have!" I demanded.
"I don't know, but I'm bringing them all!" He stated.
"Good. I've got a few of mine as well." I said with a smirk.
"Hey guys, I'll need some spell books for holder magic from the magic archives." Macao stated, and I turned around and walked over to Natsu and he hugged me.
"It'll be fine." He sighed.
"Don't worry we'll get them back for this!" Gray said looking at me. Which made me sink deeper into Natsu arms.
"I know. I'm just worried about what Ivan would do to me if he finds me." I mubbled as tears burned my eyes.
"I know how it feels, Y/n." Lucy sighed as tears fell down her face.
"Being targeted by dangerous people is one of the downsides of being the child of a Dark Guild Master. Besides it's hard for Lucy because she's rich which she can be targeted by dangerous people as well. At least you two are protected by a real man like me!" Elfman said which made me smile, and the tears threat let go.
"Hey would you give it a rest already!" Gray growled at Elfman which made me giggle.
"I gotta say I was shock when I heard they took Y/n. But, I was shock when I heard the truth. Why didn't you tell us Lucy." Happy stated.
"I wasn't trying to hide anything. There's no easy way to bring up I'm a runaway in a casual conversation. I've been gone for a year, and my father hasn't cared. Now all of a sudden he wants to force me to come home. He's done all those horrible things just to get me to come back. I hate his guts! Still if I didn't run away, none of this would've never happened" Lucy cried.
"Lucy. Don't blame yourself. Blame, me." I said as I pushed out of Natsu's arms.
"Come on, don't be ridiculous! Your dad's the one to blame, Y/n." Elfman stated.
"Idiot!" Gray exclaimed!
"I mean it's Phantom Lord's fault!" Elfman said quickly.
"No. I'm the one who brought trouble to the guild, and it's all because of my own selfish choices. I'm so very sorry. I'm just going to go home, and all of this hopefully will be over with." Lucy said sadly.
"I don't know about that. I can't see the part of you playing the pretty princess sitting around in your Mansion. Especially if you get married to someone you don't even love!" I stated as I looked at Lucy. I then continued, "Look at me. I'm a great wizard, I'm a model, and yet I would rather be in some rowdy guild hall than some quiet Mansion. I would rather be having fun and facing danger with a family that cares, than one that doesn't."
"Yeah! Laughing with us at this filthy guild hall, going on adventures even though you freak out all the time. That's who you really are." Natsu said to Lucy and afterwards he turned me around and looked me in the eyes.

"You said you wanted to stay. You said this was Ivan's fault. Your an adult, you don't have to go anywhere he tells you to go to. You can now tell him no. You don't have to act like he still holds your life. He can send everyone after you, but I'll protect you to the end of time! That's a promise!" Natsu said as he grabbed my hand. He then continued, "I'll go through anything just to keep you safe. I'll hold your hand, I'll hold you, and I'll do anything to make sure he doesn't lay one filthy finger on you, Y/n. You'll never be worth anything less to us. Your Y/n, Miss Fairy Tail always to us! You maybe the Master's Granddaughter and the youngest child in the Dreyar family, but we all know you'll be Fairy Tail's Angel. Don't forget it!"
"N-Natsu. Your the best." I cried.
"Don't cry it's just not like you." Gray stated while looking away.
"Yeah. Please. Real men are weak to womanly tears." Elfman stated.
"I'm sorry. It's just I've been through his hell for 13 years!" I cried.
"It's okay, Y/n. Now remember. Your taking over this fight. Show the world the wrath of Fairy Tail's Angel!" Natsu said as his grip tightened on my shoulder.
"Your right." I stated as I wiped my tears away.
"The Angel's now playing dirty." Gray smirked.
"Mira. Call Laxus! Cana how's it going with finding Mystegon and Gildarts." I stated as I pushed Natsu arm away and ran over to where I could see Mira and Cana. Cana was looking at her magic cards and she sighed as she threw them up in the air.
"Come on! I'm not getting any read on where Mystegeon or Gildarts is." She sighed.
"Dammit." I mumbled.
"Oh dear. You did your best." Mira stated.
"If Lucy and Y/n are their real targets then their bound to attack! I'd bet it'd be sooner or later. Right now we've got to many wounded to put down a fight." Cana stated.
"Alright then, I've have been thinking. I know what we have to do. We need to take out a certain 6. I know only four by name. First we need to take out the element four. I only know the elements of water and earth. Now fire and wind I have no idea who they are. Water is Juvia the maiden of the rain, and Earth is some freak name Sol. Then we'll need to take out Gajeel. Then, Natsu, Gray, Erza, and I can take out Jose all at once. I did happen to escape by kicking the dumb ass in the Nuts." I stated as I got on top of a barrel and crossed my arms.
"What! You took Jose down just by kicking him!" The guild exclaimed.
"Yes. Now then--" I begin to say when I heard a familiar laughter. I then jumped off the barrel and walked over beside Mira.
"Please. Help us Laxus. Master is seriously injured and we can't seem to locate Mystegeon. Your the only one left we can turn to. Please Laxus we need your help." Mira said as she looked into a Fancy Lacrima with Laxus coming through.
"Let my little sis take care of it. She seems pretty uptight about taking over." Laxus stated.
"We could really use you right about now. Fairy Tail is in terrible danger." Mira stated.
"Come on, Laxus. Just like old times. The Thunder siblings working together again. You can even see how I have grown stronger." I stated with a smirk.
"Man Makarov is freaking pathetic. Hahaha! I don't see how this is my problem. Your big girls so deal with it yourselves!" Laxus laughed.
"So your not gonna help us!" Cana exclaimed.
"Of course not! Why would I? You've got Y/n with ya! She should be able to wipe them out with one hit." Laxus stated.
"Please, Laxy." I sighed.
"That senile Old Geezer started this. Why do we have to be the one who have to clean up his mess. Come on. I know you feel the same way, Y/n." Laxus stated with a smirk.
"Please Laxus, Phantom trying to kidnap Y/n and Lucy." Mira sighed.
"What do they want with my little sis, and who? Do I even know her. Oh wait is it that new girl. The girl Y/n here thought was going to steal her spotlight. I'll tell you what. If you talk blondie into being my woman, I'll do anything she wants." Laxus laughed.
"Laxus. Didn't you tell me you like someone else." I growled.
"Your such a pig!" Cana yelled.
"Are you sure your gonna talk that way to the guy who your begging to help ya! Do me a favor If that Geezer man, manages to pull through this. Tell him he's over his head and should hand the guild over to me." Laxus laughed.
"Laxus! There after me because Dad request Phantom Lord to bring me to some god damn fancy ass Mansion!" I growled.
"Yeah! Well dad can stick a sock to it! He should know you don't give a damn about him, and forget it. Fine! I'll try to be there. I'm about two to a week trips out. I'll defeat this monster me and the Thunder Legion are facing, and I'll be back. Which by the time I do, it'll be about 3-4 weeks. I can try and make it back in two, but hell. I think I'd miss the fight. I'd think I'd miss you kicking there ass. I know the old Geezer made you stay out of this fight, and now that he is down, you have to take over. See you in two to three weeks, Baby Sis." Laxus laughed. As I turned around and growled to myself. I was soon pulled out of thought by the Lacrima shattering, making me turn back around quickly. Mira, had snapped the Lacrima into tiny little pieces.
"Mira, I'm so sorry." I said as I heard Mira crying.
"Mira." Cana said.
"I don't understand. How can someone in Fairy Tail, be so heartless and cruel. I can't just stand here anymore. I have to join the other's here and fight." Mira said as she turned around.
"Mira. I'll kick his ass for making you cry." I said as I looked at Mira who walked passed me.
"Wait! Don't be ridiculous." Cana stated.
"I feel totally useless being stuck here at the guild hall. I wanna help." Mira cried.
"I understand, but you'll only get in the way as you are now." Cana stated.
"Cana, Someday the poor girl is gonna have to raise her fist again. Mira, look. I know my brother can be an ass, but I know if he was actually here at this moment, he would raise his fist for you." I said calmly and reassuringly.
"I know you was an S-Class wizard once, but after what happened long ago, it change you. It made you lost all the anger that wanted to fight. Just not the way you are now." Cana said with a sigh. I nodded in agreement.
"I'll handle this now, Mira. I'm not so friendly when they hurt my family." I stated as I walked over in the middle of the guild's basement.
"Y/n! Everything's going to together well! The plan is about done." Macao stated.
"Good, but I know who can take out Gajeel, and Juvia. Nat--" I begin to say as a loud explosion was heard up above.
"What's going on?!" Gray asked as a few screams was heard.
"Outside!" Alazack called.
"Let's go!" I ordered as we all begin to run outside.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now