Chapter 27: The Play

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"Excuse me. Perhaps your the wizards from Fairy Tail, aren't you." A guy with purple hair said as he peeked out.
'This was gonna be a long mission,' I thought. Soon Lucy broke my train of thought.
"Yep." I said not realizing what she had just said.
"Oh, Miss Dreyar! You came here, too. I heard you was in the hospital, I must say everyone was so worried." The man said.
"Well I'm definitely okay now! So tell me. What is it that you want us to do?" I asked.
"Well thank you for accepting the job! I can't tell you how grateful I am. Which for one, I am in bit of a nutshell right now." He said.
"Huh!" Team Natsu all said in unison.

Soon we were brought behind stage where there was absolutely no one. We sat down and he told us that his actors just left. I was laying against Natsu's stomach with his arms around my waist. I was happy, and I listened to what the guy had said. Apparently the man's actors and actresses just quit.
"What! All of your actors just got up and quit!" I exclaimed.
"Yes. Thank you so very much."The guy said.
"Thanks for what?" Happy asked.
"The last few shows have been an utter failure! The review had gotten so bad that the actors and actresses were so embarrassed they quit. They left, just like my wife. But, I won't give up on my dreams! The theater's my life. This was my last chance to shine! Now, I'll never will get to." The guy cried.
"Jeez! I thought actors were the dramatic ones." Gray mumbled. I then hit him on the head.
"Behave!" I mubbled while growling as Natsu giggled.
"I have no choice! I thought the  performance had been canceled! Thank you so very much!" The guy cried.
"You know what they say! The show must go on!" Erza stated. We all looked at her confused. She then continued as she stood up, "Have no fear! We shall perform in your play!"
"Umm." I mumbled.
"Is she glowing!" Gray exclaimed as Erza then begin to sing a bit to get her voice to perfect performing condition.
"Now that you think about it. It could be pretty exciting!" Lucy exclaimed.
"You want to do it, Y/n." Natsu muttered.
"Well, I have been in front of a camera before, and if this is just basically posing in front of people, but talking. It should be no problem for me." I said with a smile.
"Then that settles it then! We're not gonna let your dream die, sir." Gray said looking at the man.
"Really. I guess I don't have nothing to lose. What amateurs." The man said. Natsu and I looked at each other with a sour expression.
"This is where you should be thanking us." Gray said.
"Yes. Of course. I mean Y/n has no problem in acting she already a beautiful star! But you others. I'd call you easily amateurs." He said with a sigh.
"Well thanks for that compliment and that insult to me and my friends." I sighed. Soon we begin getting ready for the play. We had one week. We decided to change the story up a bit and make the story have two Princesses. Erza began acting.
"I'm Prince Sebastian and I came to save Princess Celestia and Princess Kaminari." Erza acted.
"Erza a wonderful actor!" Lucy exclaimed.
"It's like she's made for this!" Happy exclaimed.
"You guys are forgetting one other person who can act. And that's me." I said as I pulled out the acting book for the second Princess. It turns out that Princess Kaminari actually turns into a dragon every other year, but it's not full on dragon. She just has a couple scales, claws, and crazy eyes. It sounded wonderful. So I walked over beside Erza and she looked at me. I flipped to the page Erza was on and I read one of my lines.
"You think you can just come here and try to rescue me, and Princess Celestia and pretend everythings okay?! I don't think you know who your talking to! I'm Princess Kaminari! The Dragon Princess!" I acted.
"Nicely done Y/n." Erza said with a smile.
"Y/n..." Natsu begin to say.
"We can't let two girls out act us!" Gray stated.
"Yeah!" Natsu growled still cutting a peice of wood. Happy soon went out and spread the flyers for the play. We worked hard and we begin to become pumped up. It was a couple days later when we found out that we had suprised guest.
"You guys have fans here to see you." The guy said.
"We have fans!" We exclaimed in unsion. We walked outside to see Gramps, Mira, Laxus, Master Bob, Master Goldmine, and a group of other people.
"Yo!" Gramps said with a smile.
"What are all of you doing here?!" Lucy asked.
"We wouldn't miss your show! Now break a leg!" Mira said with a smile.
"Don't say that to much or I will." I sighed.
"She's right, Mira." Laxus laughed.
"What are you doing here, Laxus? I know you dislike plays." I asked.
"I came here because Mira dragged me along. Plus, I wanted to see how my sister will do in this play. I'm curious." He said with a smile.
"It's been a while since I've seen a play, and my darling granddaughter is going to be in it!" Gramps said soon a creepy guy came beside me. He had purplish-blue hair, some weird symbol on his face, he wore a purple cloak with symbols on it, and he wore a white shirt.
"Excuse me! I don't think you know who your touching!" I growled as he then turned me to look at him.
"Your Miss Y/n Dreyar! The famous Fairy Tail Wizard in Sourcer Weekly. You look so much more stylish and beautiful in person." The creepy guy said and it made a small blush appear on my face until Natsu kicked the dude and hugged me protectively.
"She's definitely not for you! Ockra!" Natsu growled as the guy got back up and came back.
"Sorry. Didn't know she was yours, but the names is Bora. After being beaten by you Salamander, I gave my days up as a horrible person." Bora said that made me sink into Natsu arms more still being creeped out.
"You really think anyone would by that load of crap." Lucy stated. After a little bit Natsu let go of me. Erza had a pirate fan of hers. We then found a couple members from Phantom Lord. The same girl and Guy that I beat up.
"Aren't you from Phantom Lord!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Yeah. But, Natsu and Y/n really impressed us when they both took on Gajeel." The guy stated.
"But Natsu really impressed us when he beat Gajeel. So we came to see the show and give Natsu and you this." The girl said as she pulled out a cake with yellow and red frosting, and then a raw steak for him and me.
"Yum!" We said in unison.
"The cake looks delicious, but don't you realize the meat is still raw!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Well it's not for you blondie. Nor is the steak for you two, by the way It's for the little blue doggo. Now the cake is for you two." The lady said.
"He's a cat, but thanks for the cake!" I said with a smile as Natsu draped his arms around me as I held the cake.
"Look Mira, how are they not dating?!" Laxus giggled. I looked back to see Laxus. He had one hand over his mouth and he was pointing at me and Natsu.
"I know right." She giggled and I sighed as I felt a creepy tension rise beside Natsu, Lucy, Happy and I.
"So when are you and your friends going to destroy the moon for us like you promised." A blue demon guy said.
"What!" I said holding in laughter.
"It's a long story. It was when we went to Galuna island." Natsu sighed.
"Oh. Okay." I said still holding in the laughter. After a little while I released laughter and Natsu and I went and talked with Mira and Laxus. Natsu and Laxus argued while Mira and I talked. After a little while we all begin talking. Natsu said Mira and Laxus was on a date which made Mira and Laxus both turn away and blush. I laughed at this and then they begin to leave so we could get back to work. They told us to break a leg and we then got back to work. It was four day later and it was now time for our performance and I was dressed in a f/c and s/f/c princess dress (the image at the very top.) My hair was tucked into a fancy bun like Lucy's is.
"Oh! I've never sang in front of an audience this big before!" Lyra exclaimed in excitement.
"Don't be nervous! You'll blow them away!" Lucy said with a smile.
"Yeah! I believe you'll do way better than Lucy would." I said with a smile.
"You know. I should be mad that you said that, but it's true! Lyra has the most beautiful singing voice ever!" Lucy said.
"Well I've sang before, and I know I am not as good as Mira, so I'll see." I said with a smile. Soon the lights went out and the show began. Lyra then began to sing:

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now