Chapter 44: Saving Natsu

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We was traveling home by boat as Natsu was enjoying being able to stand his motion sickness. I on the other hand didn't care. I then told Wendy about my family also known as the guild. I told her about my guild, my family, and about myself. Soon Natsu dropped on the deck because the spell that keeps him from puking his guts up, wore off. We soon returned home. After being welcomed with the normal table or chair to the face. I gave them a beat down, and we finally got to see Gramps. We told him everything that happened. Wendy then told the guild she was a dragon slayer. My guildmates became really wild as they found out we had 5 dragon slayers in our guild.

"Umm, Y/n. What do they mean by five dragon slayers." Wendy questioned me as she hid behind me.
"Well there's me and my brother are both lightning dragon slayers. Then there's Gajeel the metal dragon slayer and of course there's Natsu. And now you!" I stated with a smile. Soon Gramps begin to party to show we have new members in the guild. Cana made me spill all the secrets that happened between Natsu and I. We had a lot of fun, in fact that night was fun as we had no idea what would be in store for us later on.

Two days later...

As the next couple days passed, Natsu and I have been having a lot of fun back in the guild. I wore a cute f/c crop top that hanged off my shoulder, and a s/f/c skort. I also had on some black boots and kitty cat knee high stockings. As Reedus stated he wanted to paint a picture of me. I was holding my pose as I watched Natsu and Elfman be idiots. Soon Gray came into the guild and told Natsu that a dragon sighting happened by some chick named Daphne. And that she actually spoke to the dragon. Gray stated that she was in the northern wastelands.
"Really!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah. Imma go check this out wanna come." Natsu asked looking at me.
"Sorry, but I promise Reedus he could paint a picture of me. I wouldn't mind going, but you know me. I don't break promises. Just be careful and don't destroy anything, and stay out of danger. Alright." I stated with a smile.
"We'll try." Natsu chuckled.
"May I come along too." Wendy asked.
"Hmm. Yeah come along. I don't mind. The more the merrier. Gajeel. You coming." Natsu stated as he looked at Gajeel.
"Running around with you losers. Yeah, I'll pass." Gajeel stated.
"Umm. Miss Y/n.  May you smile please." Reedus asked me.
"Oh. Of course." I stated as I missed the rest of Gajeel's and Natsu's conversation.
"Alright well see yeah then! Y/n, see you later!" Natsu called.
"See you later Natsu. Please bring Wendy, Carla, Happy, and yourself back in one peice." I stated and sighed at the same time. I then return it with a smile as Natsu came walking towards me. He then pecked me on the check as he then left. My smile then grew larger as blush appeared on my face. As I continued to pose for Reedus.

An hour later...

Reedus let me take a break from posing as I was sitting at the bar beside Cana. I was in deep in thought. I was worried for one I don't know nothing about this Daphne chick, and two I didn't know if this dragon was in fact Natsu's dragon or Wendy's. I mean it could be false and if so he should be back by now. Soon I was pulled out of thought by Erza. She stated that some masked man attacked her and that he retreated. She stated that it let her know that he can attack us when ever he chooses. It was strange in fact. She stated that he didn't have a normal smell, and the smell was similar to a wild animal. Especially the way he breathed. Gramps soon stated we should not act because it would waist resources. He said we should wait till the masked figure attacks us again and then well have him. I stated that we would take him down as Lucy agreed as she mentions Gray's name, yet Gray was gone. Soon night quickly fell as I began to get more worried. I then began to pace back in forth.

"Y/n, calm down. I bet Natsu is just fine." Cana stated as she took a sip of her drink.
"No. There's something wrong. I had a feeling this was a hoax and Natsu would absolutely be back by now." I stated as I kept pacing.
"How would you know?!" Gajeel stated.
"I just felt like it would be to good to be true. Plus I know Natsu. If it's not true he would destroy the place and come home angry. Yet, he isn't here and neither is Gray." I stated as I continued to pace.
"I understand, Y/n. Please, don't push yourself." Erza stated as she placed her hand on my shoulder making me stop in my tracks.
"Maybe Natsu's playing catch up with Igneel right now." Macao stated.
"Or he got tired of chasing rumors so he called it a night." Wakaba stated as I shook my head no.
"No. Normally I would agree, but he has Wendy with him. He would definitely bring her back, first." Mira stated.
"Agreed. Besides, Natsu and I have been staying together at my place. I'm the only one who has the key to enter my house and besides he would respect me and not barge in." I stated looking down.
"We still don't know anything more about my attacker. He could have ambushed them too." Erza stated as Juvia begin to worry about Gray.
"Maybe there having a battle and forgot Wendy was with them." Elfman stated.
"Maybe." I mumbled.
"I'm going to go look for them. Y/n, your with me." Erza stated.
"Alright. Lucy you want to tag along." I asked.
"Sure." Lucy agreed.
"I'll come along too." Juvia added.
"You'll need a man to come along with you now." Elfman stated.
"No we can't divide our forces so thin. Remain on stand by and gaurd the hall." Erza stated.
"We'll do our part. Be careful out there you three." Mira stated as Juiva stayed back as Erza, me and Lucy left. Soon we arrived at the spot where Natsu and the others were supposed to meet at.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now