Chapter 55: Team Natsu Vs Hades

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"Are we offense or defense? We gotta pick one. What's our strategy." Natsu stated.
"We could figure it out, if you two would stop and get serious. Lucy." I stated with a smug smile as I stood beside Natsu.
"Don't you dare try to blame me!" Lucy growled.
"Well I wouldn't blame me!" I chuckled.
"So what are we, Offense or defense. We need to figure this out." Natsu stated.

"It looks like we'll be offense." I stated.
"Fine by me." Natsu agreed.
"Which I say we should go pay Hades a visit." I stated.
"Agree. I'm with you, Y/n." Natsu stated as he grabbed my hand. I smiled as he smiled back.
"Aye sir!" Happy called.
"Just the four of us..." Lucy mumbled.
"Hey, were a team remember!" Happy stated.
"Wether I'm with my pyro or not, your apart of our team. Even though your not my favorite person." I stated with a chuckle.
"Yeah, I know that. But, wouldn't Freed be a better choice." Lucy stated.
"As much as I would love to accompany my great Y/n, I must stay here to write an enchantment. Like I promised to Laxus, I will always protect her. Yet, I have to decline. I'm sorry, Y/n." Freed stated which made me smile.
"We will stick around and make sure the other will heal up." Bickslow stated as Wendy and Carla begin to argue about Wendy joining Team Natsu in fighting Hades.
"Boys, I'm so proud of you." I stated as I hugged Bickslow and Freed.
"Y/n!" Bickslow and Freed gasped in unsion.
"You went from being socially awkward, to being just like me. You have taken apart of my job." I stated with a smile.
"And that is?" Bickslow asked.
"Of protecting our family." I stated.
"We will always be by your side Y/n." Freed stated.
"I know. As for me, I will always be by y'alls side no matter what." I stated.
"Good luck, Y/n." Freed stated with a smile as he let me out of the hug.
"Protect the injured! I'm going after that bastard that attack me and my Gramps." I stated as electricity begin to radiate off me.
"We will. Now go kick some ass!" Bickslow stated with a smile.
"Just come back safe, Y/n." Freed stated with a smile.
"I will! He caught me off guard the first time, this time I'll catch him!" I growled as the Thunder begin to rumble louder due to my anger.
"We'll show him the power of Fairy Tail!" Wendy stated.
"Let's go!" Natsu yelled.
"Yeah!" I yelled in unsion with the rest of our tiny group.
"Y/n, wait a second!" Lisanna called.
"What Lissy?" I asked.
"Please stay by Natsu's side for me." Lisanna asked.
"Lissy, I would never leave him alone for a second. He needs me to function." I stated with a smile.
"Yeah." Lisanna added as I then left with the rest of my team to head toward Hades. Soon we ran into Erza and Gray.

"I would say it's returning the favor." Erza stated with a smile as she carried Gray.
"Your all here." Gray stated.
"Hey guys!" Lucy stated.
"Glad we found you!" Wendy stated with a smile.
"Feel like getting some pay back." Natsu stated as he smiled at Gray.
"So are you?" I asked with a smile as Gray nodded in return. We soon ran to where Hades's ship was located at. We stopped as we saw him standing on the edge of his ship looking down at us.
"So you wish to receive the same punishment as your Master." Hades stated as we all glared at him. He then continued, "Come face your destruction, children of Makarov."
He soon turned around and walked away.
"Hey you old fart! Give us a way up their!" Natsu whined.
"We owe him one for Gramps!" Gray stated.
"We'll owe him one soon enough." Erza added.
"I'm gonna kick his ass! He didn't only attack Gramps, but me too! He caught me off guard and made me not able to think for a moment. He doesn't know the wrath of The lightning angel!" I growled as lightning dance around me a bit. As Wendy soon stated something as Natsu told Happy to go find the source of the ships power and take it out.
"I think we've kept him waiting long enough! Let's go!" Gray stated as he used his maker magic to make stairs. We soon headed up the stairs quickly as Erza stated his powers are stronger than Gramps and we must take him down together all at once. I soon quickly requipped into my Dragon Force armor as Natsu and I both jumped up onto the ship. Natsu sent an attack at Hades as he soon made it go around him. Erza and Gray soon ran and attack hades as it soon hit him. Lucy soon opened Taurus, as the pervy bull soon attacked Hades. Wendy soon used some kind of magic to make us quicker and stronger as Erza and I soon went head on with Hades. I quickly hit him as Erza soon swung at him. He soon quickly dodge our next attack as he then grabbed Erza with his magical chain. He made her crash into Gray as I quickly dodge the attack and hit Hades along with Natsu. Before I knew it he then grabbed Natsu as Erza sliced the chain cutting Natsu free. I then pulled back as I breathed in.
"Kaminari's Lightning Dragon..." I stated as I breathed in again.
"Sky Dragon..." Wendy stated as she breathed in.
"Roar!" Wendy and me yelled in unsion as our attack came out and clashed together in a unsion raid as Natsu was right in the middle. He and the attack then went and hit Hades. It soon shoved him back as we thought we defeated him.

"I often heard people refer to them as life's mistakes." Hades stated as he came walking out of the smoke as he was perfectly fine. He then continued, "You've made a mistake of making me your enemy. You will fall to the grave."
"After all that he still standing!" Lucy gasped.
"Oh, no!" Wendy mumbled.
"Come on, we pulled everything we have into that." Gray gasped.
"His magic power is unreal. How do we beat him?!" Natsu questioned as I then requipped into Kaminari's Lightning Angel's Armor. I then pulled off my skirt to reveal my body suit under it. I then pulled out my lightning swords.
"Very well, then since I'm all warmed up. Now we can make things serious." Hades stated.
"Fine." I growled as I held my swords in a ready position as I begin to glow.
"Get ready!" Erza demanded before I knew it he looked at me dead in the eyes as he then looked at Wendy. He then yelled as Wendy then disappeared.
"Wendy!" I exclaimed!
"No!" Natsu yelled.
"Believe me when I say that was a mercy kill. That was quite the easy way. As you should know each one of your deaths should be more gruesomer than hers." Hades stated.
"What did you do to her?" Lucy cried.
"What did you do!" Gray growled.
"You Bastard! You shouldn't murder someone right in front of my eyes that's in my own guild. Unless your willing to die, so be it!" I growled as my magic energy begin to increase.
"Guys it okay! I'm right here!" A familiar voice stated.
"Huh!" We all gasped in unsion.
"I'm right here!" The voice called once again as we looked up to see Lucy's clock spirit.
"Awesome timing." Gray sighed and so did Natsu. Before we knew it Wendy was safe as she then landed back on the ground, yet in new clothes.
"This is Makarov's Fairy Tail, huh. Well, your certainly entertaining." Hades stated with a smile.
"Don't you dare act all innocent!" I growled.
"Wait a minute are you saying you know Gramps!" Natsu demanded.
"I'm surprised he never told you about me. Have my existing been erased from your guild. If Makarov is Gramps, then I guess that make me great grandfather. I'm Fairy Tail's Second Master." Hades or as I know him Master Pretch.
"That's a filthy lie!" Natsu growled.
"See, my name was Pretch back then. It was I who gave Makarov the chance to become the third guild master." Pretch stated.
"You expect us to believe that!" Natsu growled. Before I knew it Pretch soon shot at Natsu, and then me and the others. He soon grabbed Lucy and Erza and tied them up with his magic. It then exploded as Natsu soon got up and ran at him. He then shot Natsu as I took off running with my lightning swords. Natsu soon fell down as Hades shot at my guildmates including me. I kept running going through the pain. I then begin to glow as my energy increased. I then quickly then slashed through the attack.
"How are you not petrified by my attack?!" Hades growled.
"If you were abused as a child you would know!" I yelled as I sliced through another attack.
"You abused?! Haha! I wouldn't imagine Makarov letting his granddaughter get hurt." Hades laughed.
"He wouldn't." I yelled as I sliced him knocking him back a few. Before I knew it he shot at me knocking me down beside Natsu.
"Tell me something, does fairies possess tails? It's an eternal mystery, and adventure. I believe that's how the guild originally came about." Hades stated as he walked over beside Natsu and me. He then looked me in the eye as he begin to stomp on Natsu's head.

"It was a great mistake I made. Handing over the guild to Makarov. He brought the guild out of dark and into the light."
Hades added.
"You got a problem with that." I growled.
"We ain't evil. We ain't rotten like you and your guild. We live our lives on the line every day!" Natsu stated.
"I've shed my own damn blood for Fairy Tail!" I growled.
"We don't hide in the darkness like you cowards!" Natsu growled.
"How disrespectful! You'll pay for that." Hades stated as he shot Natsu and then me. He then kept shooting us as it pushed us back. Natsu screamed as I grunted a bit in pain.
"Leave them alone!" Erza shouted.
"I won't let you get away with hurting Gramps." Natsu and I said in unison.
"Fine, then you'll die! Horribly! " Hades stated as a huge ball of energy begin to make in his hands.
"Stop! Leave them alone! Don't kill them please!" Lucy cried.
"I have to..." I mumbled as I sat up as I placed my hands down on the ground. A soft glow soon came over me.
"Y/n!" Natsu stated.
"We will survive this! I have faith." I yelled as I threw my head back. I screamed as my magic power increased.
"Y/n!" Erza and Gray cried.
"He will not kill us! I know it because I'll defeat him! Ahhh!" I screamed as I then pulled my hand back as my glow got brighter. I was about to shatter the attack as Lightning stopped me as it striked in front of me. I could feel the energy, the familiar energy. It soon became one with me as I moved my hand down to see him.
"Laxus..." I mummbled with a smile.

"This is the fossil that took out Gramps, now your going after my little sister and her boyfriend. Interesting." Laxus stated.
"Laxus..." Natsu muttered.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now