Chapter 30: Y/n's Plan

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I had awoken to the ship stopping. I had magic cuffs on my hands as they were in front of me. I knew what was going to happen to me now. Which ment fighting wouldn't work either. I then realised that it was night as the tall muscular man helped me up.

"Look, Y/n. I don't want to be mean. I'm not as rude as Sho, but just let me carry you off. I'll make sure they handle you with care." The tall Muscular Man said.
"Why do you care what happens to me? Whether you carry me off or not, they'll still some how treat me like crap." I growled looking away as I stood up. I then continued, "I can walk on my own thank you very much. I know exactly what's going to happen to me. When I walk off this ship there going to take me on a horrible journey that soon will bring me to my father. Who will possibly bring the rest of my life to torture and pain. Then death."
I then walk towards the stairs, and I stopped to look at Erza. Her mouth was open and she looked at me with a shocked expression as tears pushed through her eyes.
"Y/n. Is this true?" Erza gasped.
"Yeah. I'll miss you, the guild, Laxus, Gramps, and Natsu. There's something you should know, Erza. Before I leave." I said with a smile.
"What is it Y/n?" She asked.
"I will try to escape before I am faced with death." I said with a smile as a tear fell down my right eye, the same eye with my scar. I then wiped the tears away as I then turned around.
"Y/n! No! Please, Let her go, Simon! She deserves a good life! I know we never had one, but Y/n grew up being tortured by her father! Our guild finally stepped in and saved her! Please save her, for me!" Erza cried as I walked up the stairs holding back my tears.
"Goodbye, Erza." I said before I left.
"Y/n!" Erza yelled.
I walked off the deck and down to two guys on the dock. One had white hair and he wore a black outfit. The other had red hair and was shorter than the other also wearing black. I stopped as the guys looked at me.

"She's more prettier than I expected!" The white hair guy mumbled with a evil smirk.
"Yeah." The red hair guy said. They walked forward and grabbed my arms. They then roughly pulled me along. I tried to struggle out of their grasp, knowing if I could get away I could run to Lamia Scale or Fairy Tail if I had enough time to escape. As I struggled they kicked me to the ground making me sprain my ankle. They then picked me up and threw me into the carriage. They chained my feet up to a chain they carried in the carriage. I sat back knowing my fate, and I laid down. My ankle and my side hurt like hell. My heart dug a hole, while I felt like I would never see Natsu or Happy again. I cried knowing I would never see Laxus, Gramps, Gildarts, and the guild again. I had a feeling that Laxus would simply turn dark if he never saw me again. I was his little sister, not just some object that could be restored by something new. Gildarts, I had no idea how he would react because he's ways gone. I believe though that if it came to Ivan hurting me he would simply search, fine and kill Ivan. Gildarts simplyed hated him, and I hated him as well. Not cause Gildarts did, but because of what Ivan had done to me in general. Which that night I had cried myself to sleep thinking of the horrible memories that hell-bent bastard had done to me, and wondering what he would do to me in the near future.

Next day...
I had woke up feeling dull and sad. I thought to myself about ways I could save myself from a life time of torture. I was really quiet as I looked up. I could tell it was day time from a little hole in the carriage top. It pushed light through making the back of the carriage a bit brighter. Soon the carriage stopped as the back opened up. I looked at the back to see who it was. It was the two guys, as I thought it would be.
"Come on pretty face. Come get some air." The white hair guy said.
"Fine, but can you take the cuff off my feet?" I asked as they nodded yes. They took the chains off as I sat on top of a hill and messed with my dress looking at the bright skies.
'I needed to find a way to save myself. I couldn't depend on my nakama at this moment, but I could depend on someone to send message to the guild and message out to them.' I sighed wondering how I could. I turned my head as I saw a house, as I quickly looked back towards the view.
'I got it! I can simply asked to use the bathroom, and ask whoever lives there to send a message to the guild, and if they see anyone from my guild.' I thought with a small smile as I knew I could be free again. I then continued, 'My plan will hopefully work.'
I soon let my smile fade as I heard the two men walk behind me.
"Come a long now. We have to get back on the road." The guy with red hair said. I nodded as I being to walk fowards as I stopped in my tracks and begin to squirm back in forth. The guys question me as I then explained what I needed.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now