Do your Remember: Part 3

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"So tell me about this picture." Gramps said calmly as he held up the picture.
"Well it happened about 2 years ago..." I stated as I then begin to tell the story.

**Two year ago...**

I was heading on a mission with Laxus. I had just recently became an S-Class Wizard and the job request we went on was a simple job request by Mira. She wanted us to retrieve a cooking and Christmas decorations books for the guild. We was in some kind of book store looking for those kind of books. I was wearing a f/c long sleeve crop top with a black skort and black stockings with black ankle boots. I also had my hair in pigtails as well.

"So Laxus, why did you decide to do this for Miss Mirajane?" I asked smugly.
"Oh, you know I didn't want her to have to travel to this town full of creeps. I verly wanted you to come along, but you know more about this shit than I do." Laxus stated as he pulled out book after book looking for cooking books.
"Oh! I thought I remember you saying you was just gonna go retrieve these books because you wanted to impress Mira." I giggle as I looked at the books.
"Yeah so what?" Laxus growled.
"Ahh! Come on big bro! I know you talk in your sleep." I said as I put a book back. I then made my voice get deeper as I then said, "Mira. I would do anything for you. I will protect you forever because I love you."
"Shut up!" Laxus growled as I laughed.
"Sorry. I couldn't help it." I laughed.
"Jeez. At least I'm not in love with an idiot." Laxus laughed.
"Hey! He's not an idiot. He is smart, but I just happened to be smarter. He's adorable and it complicated!" I growled.
"You always say it's complicated." Laxus chuckled.
"So what. I bet it's the same way with Mira." I growled.
"It is complicated. We're both always referred as The guild's Master Grand-kids, if someone ever actually noticed us then it would be different." Laxus sighed.
"I didn't know you felt like that Laxus." I sighed.
"Well maybe that's the reason why I like Mira is because she recognizes me." Laxus sighed.
"Well maybe the reason why I might like Natsu is because he's always been there for me when everyone else, besides you, wasn't." I stated.
"I understand. Now let's find these books." Laxus stated as he ruffled my hair.
"Yeah! Here pick me up! I might be able to look at the top shelf while you look at the other's." I stated as Laxus got down on one knee. I then climb up on his shoulder and sat down as I then looked through the books at the very top of the shelves. I looked through the books turning pages as I saw no book that would be what Mira would be looking for. I then picked up a book that looked great. It had a lot of different recipes for the holidays. I definitely knew she would love that cook book.
"Hey Laxus check this one out." I said as I handed him down the book. He took the book and flipped through the pages. He then looked up at me and sighed.
"That's why I brought you along. I knew you could find this stuff. This is exactly the kind of thing she was looking for, but I feel like she could use another." Laxus stated.
"I was thinking the same thing." I laughed as Laxus then got back down on one knee and I got off. I then looked down at the books on the bottom as Laxus looked through the books behind us.
"Mmm. Nothing. Absolutely nothing." I sighed as I stood up and dusted myself off.
"How about this one. It's got so many recipes I doubt she wouldn't have a hard time finding something she would want to cook." Laxus stated as he handed me the book. I flipped through the pages as I liked what I saw. The food looked so yummy. There was some kind of apple pie with whip cream, a powdered marshmallow key lime pie, some kind of chicken coated in some kind of batter, and some kind of spicy jalapeno poppers.
"Definitely!" I said with hearts in my eyes.
"Okay. Well come on, we still have to find that Christmas decorations book as well." Laxus stated as he walked away holding one of the books. I followed as we then went to the art and crafts section. We looked through the book section and found some decent books that Mira should totally love. As Laxus paid for the books, I walked to the fabric store. I had just enter and I looked at all of the fabric getting blues, greens, and reds. I looked at some of the other fabrics, and the fabric scissors. I decided to get her some better scissor just on the safe side. I was waiting for Laxus to come so he could buy the rest of the supplies. I then walked out of the store as I looked left and then right. I then ran right smack into Laxus.
"There you are! I been looking every where for you!" I exclaimed.
"That's not really far, though. Anyways, sorry I was late. There were some girls wanting to talk to me. It was weird, and here I am." Laxus sighed.
"That's okay. I got the fabric and a couple pair of scissors for Mira as well." I stated as I opened the door. Laxus walked in as I stayed in between the entrance and inside the door.
"Hey, can you go and get us some train tickets. I know it makes us sick, but I'd rather ride the train than have to walk home carrying this stuff." Laxus stated as he handed me some money for the train tickets.
"Okay. Well meet for lunch and then well go." I said as I then left.

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