Chapter 47: Gildarts and Y/n's fun days

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As yesterday fell and today quickly came. I was way to excited. Today was mine and Gildarts fun day! We have two rules. One is for Gildarts and one is for me.

Gildarts: No girls
Me: No boys

It's just that simple, in fact. But, what the day is like is first heading to the guild and showing how much stronger I got in my magic. Then going to get ice cream. Then fishing, then preparing the fish if we caught any, then eating the fish for lunch or dinner (depending on the time), and finishing off with a 3 day long mission. Normally when he returns the first day I give him time to relax, the second day he normally stays around the guild and we go fishing and on the third day after he returns, he made it were we would have a fatherish and daughter day. I know he's not my real dad, but he and I always had that real father-daughter connection. Which is why today is so exciting! It's been three years since the last time we had our fun days. Which this morning when my alarm went off, I jumped out of bed and Natsu pulled me back down.

"Come on, Y/n! Five more minutes!" Natsu whined.
"No! Now get up out of bed! I have to go to the guild!" I whined as I tried to pry Natsu off of me. He then wrapped his arms tighter around my waist.
"No. I need sleep!" Natsu whined as I then pulled him off my waist and held a sleeping Natsu.
"Come on, Natsu! Today's the day where I hang out with Gildarts! I can't miss it!" I whined as I shook Natsu back and forth.
"Just let me sleep!" Natsu complained.
"No! Now get out of bed or I'll drag you off." I stated as I continued to shake him.
"Why?" Natsu whined.
"Because you get to see me and Gildarts fight!" I stated with stars in my eyes. Which made Natsu's eyes open and his eyes go wide.
"Why didn't you say so, let's go." Natsu stated as he jumped out of bed.
"Let me get dressed first." I stated with a smile. I quickly changed into a f/c spaghetti strap crop top and a black skort. I put on my black peep toe shoes and I raced out the door after I locked it. Natsu followed behind me as he caught up to me and handed me Happy. We then quickly ran to the guild.

Gildarts Pov...
As the day begun, I knew what today was. Today was the day that Y/n proves how strong she has gotten. She told me she's gotten stronger and I can't wait to see. Besides we have our own fun outings and it's been a while since we had one. I had just walked into the guild. There was a few tables filled with other guild members as I walked over to the bar. Master was already at the guild and drinking like normal as Mirajane was washing the few dishes from the night before.
"Good morning, Gildarts." Mira stated with a smile.
"Morning Mira, and Master." I stated with a smile as Mira then brought me a drink.
"Good morning, Gildarts." Master sighed as he put his drink down. I then took a sip of my drink as a question came to mind.
"Hey, I notice how Laxus isn't here. Y/n told me something about him, but I can recall what she exactly said. So Where is the kid?" I asked.
"He taking some time to clear his head." Master stated.
"Clearing his head. What for?" I questioned.
"Well the past year has been pretty difficult. For one countless of people have tried to kidnap Y/n, and one was a dark guild." Mira stated.
"Yeah she told me about that." I stated as I took another sip.
"It was the Hypnosis guild. It was Draven Charm's son Hayden. He was the one who commanded the whole thing." Master stated.
"Your kidding me! Draven and Hayden turned darkside. That kid! Who knew he would've turned dark side. I guess all kids follow theirparent footsteps am I right." I exclaimed at first and then chuckled at the end.
"Yeah, Hayden hypnotized Laxus. Which is why Y/n had to use her Kaminari's lightning Angel's Dragon's Heaven purification." Mira stated.
"Nice. So that's what happened to him. Man he's lame!" I laughed.
"Well he let himself get hypnotize to save Y/n." Mira stated.
"Indeed. It's something I'd never seen the boy do. He cares so much for Y/n, it surprises me he would changes his ways for her." Master stated.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now