Chapter 31: Hypnotized?

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It had been four days since the near death experience had happened. We made it home in less than 2 days. I took a day to gain my strength, and today I was waiting for my family who was apart of the Tower of Heaven incident.

Today, I was wearing a neon f/c two part dress that ended before my knees. I had my hair up in a h/s, and I had on white boots that made the outfit look super cute. I had notice how Laxus was friendlier. He had been nicer to the guild including to Gramps. I think my near death incident somehow made Laxus become nicer.

We had just walked into the guild and we was talking with Mira.
"Is so good to know your okay!" Cana said as she ran over and hugged me.
"Thanks, Cana. But it was all Thanks to Mira and The Thunder Legion!" I said with a smile as we let out of the hug.
"Yeah. If Mira didn't tell us what to do she probably would have died. I owe Mira one." Laxus admitted.
"When did you become so nice?" Cana asked.
"I just was scared I'd lose my baby sis." Laxus admitted.
"Aww. How sweet!" Mira exclaimed as she gave us a drink as we sat at the bar.
"That really is." I said as soon Juvia walked up to us.
"Y/n! It's good to see your safe!" Juvia exclaimed as she ran and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and then let out of the hug.
"Juvia! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I joined your guild. I loved how caring everyone was towards each other and it made me want to join." Juvia stated.
"Well, I'm not upset about you joining. You never really did anything to me. You just took orders." I stated with a smile.
"You mean that!" She exclaimed with stars in her eyes.
"Yes! What about you Laxus?" I said and asked.
"Well if she wasn't the one that hurt you then I don't really care if she joins the guild or not." Laxus stated.
"Well then. Welcome to Fairy Tail!" I exclaimed with a smile as my side soon gave way making me fall a bit, but I caught myself before that happened.
"Y/n!" Laxus exclaimed as he ran over to me.
"I'm fine." I stated as he backed off. Soon Erza immediately ran over to me hugging me.
"Don't ever scare me like that again!" She stated.
"Jeez! I get you would get this from the Pyro, but from Erza. That's a different story." Laxus stated.
"Yeah." I stated as Erza let me out of the hug. Soon I saw my pink head friend come running. I knew he would knock me down, and when I was about to plant my feet into the wood of the guild when Laxus stepped in front of me. Laxus punched Natsu making him hit the floor.
"Why are you here?!" Natsu growled.
"Jeez. Did you forget Laxus is my brother, pinky!" I added.
"Y/n!" Natsu exclaimed as he jumped up and pulled me into a hug.
"Natsu." I mumbled.
"I missed you so much!" He exclaimed.
"I missed you, too." I sighed as Laxus pushed Natsu out of the hug.
"Alright, Pyro. That's enough. Y/n is hurt she doesn't need a tight hug right now." Laxus stated.

"I don't blame him." I mumbled.
"See. Even y/n agrees." Laxus laughed.
"Laxus! Let's fight!" Natsu stated.
"No! You can't fight him!" I stated.
"Why! Huh. You think I'm going to hurt him. Aww, come on Thinder Thighs. It'll be fine." Natsu stated.
"No. I have beat Laxus, and I know he'll kick your ass!" I stated.
"Aww, come on now. I think we both know it would be fun to see the pyro get his ass kicked, again." Laxus stated.
"What do you mean again?!" I exclaimed.
"We battle right after you left on your 4 month mission. Dumb ass here, ate my lightning. It made him so sick and made it easier for me to kick his ass. I won in fact." Laxus laughed.
"Well that is your fault Natsu. Any ways, you figure out when you want to fight. I'm going to take a walk." I stated as I begin to walk towards the door when I saw Team Shadow Gear following some guy with black hair.
Laxus soon walked up behind me as he saw the same thing. Laxus told me they're going to fight before the Miss Fairy Tail contest, and that he wanted me to watch.

I nodded and followed Team Shadow Gear. They had headed to the South Gate Park in Magnolia where I saw Gajeel. He was on the ground as Jet and Droy where kicking Gajeel.
"I can't believe they would let you in the guild after what you did to Y/n." Jet and Droy said as I walked up to them.
"Your in our guild!" I gasped.
"Yeah. They let this bastard in the guild." Jet growled.
"Doesn't Gramps know what he did to me!" I growled as I tightened my fist that was at my side. I then felt a hand lay gentle on my shoulder as lightning struck Gajeel. It was Laxus. He moved then put his arm around my shoulder.
"Laxus!" Levy exclaimed.
"I don't like knowing people who attack our guild mates, joining the guild. Especially if they attack my little sister." Laxus growled.
"Come on, Laxus. Remeber you'll be fighting Natsu in ten minutes." I stated as Gajeel got up and walked away. Since today was the Miss Fairy Tail contest and the Fantasia parade, I had some time to kill before Laxus's and Natsu's fight and the contest. Laxus and I walked over to the booths they had opened for gifts and food. We notice how Natsu was eating and Laxus and I laughed. We went back to the guild to tell everyone about the fight. They followed us out as we went back to South Gate park. We were a couple minutes late for the fight, but we ended up making a grand entrance. I stood beside Mira as Natsu and Laxus faced each other on.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now