Chapter 3: Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion: Part 1

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**Y/n's Pov**
I woke up that morning to my broken alarm clock beeping.
"Come on sis. It's time to get up." Laxus said sleepily. I got out of my bed and Laxus pressed the button to get it to shut off, but it didn't. He was wearing a black tank top with some red shorts.
"What's wrong with that thing?" He question.
"It's broken. I've been meaning to get a new one." I yawned as I pulled it out of the wall and threw it out the window only soon to hear a 'thud' and a 'oww'. I looked at Laxus with a questionable look as we both went to see who it was. It was Natsu.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked as I looked down at Happy and Natsu.
"Hey Y/n! We came to see if you were okay! Didn't expect to be hit with a alarm clock." Natsu said as he rubbed his head.
"You know you probably shouldn't have stood so close to her window." A familiar voice was heard as they soon came into view.
"Gray. What are you doing here?" Laxus asked confusedly.
"Laxus! What are you doing in there?!" Natsu exclaimed.
"God, he such an idiot." Laxus sighed.
"Yeah he might be, but at least he's not a perv." I sighed.
"Hey! I heard that!" Gray yelled.
"What I'm wondering is how they walked together here without fighting?" I sighed placing my head on the palm of my hand.
"Yeah that's for sure." Laxus said as he looked at me. "God you get bored easily don't you?" Laxus sighed as he leaned against the wall beside me.
"Yep." I sighed.
"Why don't you come down here and fight me!" Gray yelled.
"Jeez! Chill would you. I would come down, but I'm to tired. Laxus if you want you can fight them." I sighed.
"Great, but I don't feel like fighting a perv and a pryo this early in the morning." Laxus sighed.
"All right. Get out." I said as I pushed Laxus out of my room.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"What else am I doing? I'm getting dressed." I sighed and closed the door behind me. I then begin to get dress.

I put this outfit on and put on a f/c vest instead of another shirt

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I put this outfit on and put on a f/c vest instead of another shirt. I also put on black knee high stockings and f/c ankle boots. I walked down the stairs, and next thing I notice I fall flat on my face. "Oof!" I said as I hit the floor.
"Jeez! Your such a cluts." Laxus said as he was already fully dressed. He wore a purple shirt with his normal coat. He wore black pants, and black boots. I got up feeling the pain shoot through my body.
"I'm good!" I shouted as I walked over to the fridge looking at the box of cereal above the fridge. Laxus laughed as he came over and got the box down.
"I could have gotten it myself." I growled.
"Yeah, but you would break your foot just trying to get it." He laughed. I rolled my eyes as I opened the lower cabinet and got a small bowl out. I then grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured the cereal in the bowl. I then poured the milk into the bowl and put it back in the fridge. I ate my cereal and when I finished I put it in the sink. I then walked to the front door, and followed Laxus out. We both notice that Gray was still there.
"Where's Natsu and Happy?" I asked as we begin to walk to the guild.
"He went to the guild already." Gray said as he walked beside me and Laxus.
"Jeez. Why didn't you just go with them?" Laxus growled.
"Oh umm. I just wanted to walk to the guild with y'all." Gray sighed.
"Perv." Laxus mumbled as he switch places with me.
"Jeez. Would you calm down. I'm not a perv." Gray said out loud. Laxus stopped and looked at Grey giving him a serious look.
"Don't get any ideas." Laxus growled. We walked into the guild and Laxus walked upstairs and grabbed a flyer.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now