Chapter 25: Awakening

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As the next two weeks had passed, they begin rebuilding the guild. Lucy went home and told her father off as Natsu stayed with Y/n. He hated the fact he didn't show up sooner to save her. He hated knowing he let her get hurt. He felt like he had broke their pact. Natsu sighed after seeing the state of his best friend. He was in her hospital room. It was a light pink room with one bed which was the bed Y/n was in. In the room she had a small f/c flower vase with a couple daisies in it with water. A wooden chair with soft grey velvet padding had Natsu sitting beside Y/n. He had just woke up a few minutes before Lucy and Cana walked in. Natsu got up and let go of Y/n's hand. As he looked out of the window.
"Dammit. I should've been there sooner! I'm so sorry, Y/n." Natsu states angrily toward himself.
"It's not your fault, Natsu." Lucy and Cana said as Cana went to put her hand on Natsu's shoulder.
"I-I know. It's just I'm worried." Natsu said as he turned around and looked at Cana.
"Worried about what?" She asked as her face quickly changed realizing what he ment.
"I worried about Laxus. I'm afraid that after he sees her scar, he going to flip." Natsu stated as he walked back to Y/n. He looked down at his best friend who was unconcious.
"Oh god! I forgot about her having a brother!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Yeah. I think we all forgot about Laxus." Cana stated.




"T-The guild..."

Natsu face lit up when he saw his best friends lips move and speak five words. It made him feel ten times better. Natsu and Cana ran over beside Y/n, as Lucy ran out of the room. She told their guildmates there waiting for a check up. Soon they all ran in waiting for Y/n to wake up.
"Y/n! I'm here. Wake up! Please!" Natsu begged.

Y/n's eyes slowly opened as she heard Natsu.
"Natsu..." She whispered.

Y/n's Pov...
I could feel a change of pace in the room, it felt like happiness.
"Y/n! I'm here! Wake up. Please." I heard a familiar voice of my friend.
I slowly opened my eyes as I heard a gasp of happiness.
"Natsu..." I said as I opened my eyes fully.
"Y/n!" He exclaimed with a smile. I looked down at my side as I felt my bare skin with something pointy in it. I looked at my hand remembering the blood that I had shed. Natsu grabbed my hand and looked at me.
"Y/n. It's okay." Natsu said as I looked at him.
"Natsu. We won didn't we." I asked as tears begin to fall down my cheeks. Natsu got closer to my face as I sat up and cried into his arms.
"Yeah. We won." He said in a sweet generous tone. I dug my head in the crack of his neck as I felt warm and safe. My side hurt like hell, but I didn't care. We had won that awful war. Soon, Natsu took off his scarf and put it around me. Soon everyone came into the room.
"Natsu, your letting me wear your scarf. You never let anyone wear it." I said as I pulled out of the hug and back down on the bed.
"Yeah. I want you to wear it, so you'll feel safe when I'm not here." Natsu stated which made me smile. Soon Gramps walked over beside me.
"Y/n. I told you, I wouldn't let you die. I stopped Jose. My child your family is safe." Gramps said as I looked away from Natsu and Gramps and saw everyone from the guild.
"Everyone is here." I cried as my guildmates smiled and laughed as they were happy I was awake. Happy was alseep on my side and as he heard our guild mates laugh he woke up.
"Y/n! I didn't want to leave you! I thought you'd die!" Happy cried.
"Well. I'm fine now." I said as I hugged the blue feline who dove into my arms.
"Y/n! Don't ever scare me like that again!" Happy cried.
"Don't worry buddy, I'll try my best not to." I said with a smile.
"Okay.." Happy said as he looked at me and wiped away his tears.
"She will. Cause She'll have me. I'll be at her aid and by her side through it all. Is that alright with you." Natsu said as he bent down, laid his head against mine, and looked at his feline friend. I blushed a bit as I saw a new side of Natsu that I like.
"Aye!" Happy exclaimed as he jumped up and hugged Natsu. Natsu stood up and hugged Happy back. We all laughed at the cute blue cat as he and his best friend were together and smiling. I yawned a bit as I then heard Mira.
"Laxus! I have the best news ever! Y/n is awake!" Mira exclaimed. A mubble was heard as Mira soon came into the room holding a calling lacrima with Laxus's face in view.
"Y/n. Your okay! Thank goodness. I was so worr--..." Laxus begin to say as he looked at me. I then remember I had Natsu's scarf and my face then begin to burn.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now