Chaoter 41: Lucy and Y/n Vs Angel

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"Yeah! I'll try to save her--No I will!" Wendy stated which made a smile appear on my face. Soon Wendy walked over beside Erza as a bright blue light came over Erza. Before I knew it, Erza was cured.
"Well that should do it. The venom is gone. All we have to do is wait." Wendy stated.
"Wait!?" Me, Natsu, Happy and Lucy exclaimed as we watched Erza. She then moved a bit and we smiled.

"She's okay!" The four of us exclaimed as Natsu and I then hugged as he swung me around in a hug. Afterwards we high fived as I then high fived Lucy. Natsu soon walked over to Wendy and high fived her, after thanking her.
"I didn't think sky magic worked like that. Incredible! She's looking much better." Hibiki stated as he was on his knees beside Erza.
"Oh Hell No!" I growled as I ran over and kicked him. Soon we all stated that we were taking those losers down as a bright light soon came around us. It was a gaint pillar of black light. Hibiki stated that the black light was Nirvana. Natsu stated that Jellal was by the pillar of light. I then pushed my foot back as I followed Natsu as we both took of running. He stated that we must destroy Jellal because he once tried to kill Erza with the Tower of Heaven. We then kept running. Soon we came face to face with some evil wizards.
"I got them." I stated as my electricity increased. I then attacked them all knocking them down as Natsu and I then continued running. We then kept running as Natsu stated he would never let anyone hurt Erza again. Then he stated he knew a familiar smell. He picked me up as he slid down a hill.
"Gray!" I exclaimed.
"See. Told ya I knew that smell." Natsu stated.
"Gray!" I yelled as Natsu put me down on the grass.
"Stay here I'll get him." Natsu added as he got in the water and got Gray. Soon Gray sat up and he pulled a string as a raft showed up. I then ran on the grass where I could see the boys.
"Natsu!" I yelled as Gray then shot me with his ice.
"Talk about pathetic! Poor Natsu. Your motion sickness will be the death of you, and Y/n, I must say this stupid dumb ass will be the death of you! I gotta say I didn't think I'd be such a push over." Gray chuckled.
"Gray! What the hell's gotten into you!" I yelled as the raft began to move down the stream. Soon Gray put his foot on top of Natsu's head and then spawned some kind of ice spear. I broke the ice as I then shot electricity at Gray. I broke his spear which exploded as he looked back at me.
"You don't harm a member of my family!" I growled as I jumped on the raft and held Natsu.
"Thanks, Y/n." Natsu mumbled as he made the puke face.
"Just great." I sighed as Gray then spawned another ice spear above Natsu and me.
"Fine! If the happy couple want to be together, then they can both die and go to the afterlife together." Gray stated.
"Gray. Don't make me shock you." I stated as electricity intensify. Soon arrows came and shot the spear as the raft soon stopped on a tree trunk in the water. It turned out to be Lucy, Happy, some horse guy, Hibiki, Wendy, and Carla. Gray stated he would finish Natsu and me and then he would deal with the others later. Soon Happy flew to grab Natsu and Gray froze him. Soon Gray started talking about Lucy and how he felt about her. Gray then went to attack Lucy as Hibiki stepped in front of Lucy.
"That's not Gray. Drop the act!" Hibiki stated as the fake Gray looked at Hibiki. He started reading Hibiki as he turned to me.
"I can't read a thing on her. Crap." The fake Gray added.
"Who the hell are you?!" Lucy growled as the fake Gray looked back at Lucy.
"Hehe-Pidy! Pidy!" Gray laughed as he turned into Lucy.
"ME!?" Lucy exclaimed.
"You gotta be kidding me." Hibiki and I sighed.
"You should know we know your not the real Lucy. Just give up already." Hibiki sighed.
"Oh I'll show you. I believe you'll find them as real as that bimbo." Fake Lucy said as she grabbed her shirt and lifted it up revealing her chest. I covered Natsu eyes as Hibiki and the horse guy went crazy. Lucy soon kicked the other two as I tried to get Natsu off the boat.
"Listen Sagittarius take them out!" Fake Lucy said as I was about to step off the boat and into the water as I got shot by some arrows making me hit the bank of the river. I yelped in pain as my back hit the the side of the river. I then looked up at Lucy and I saw Natsu trying to withstand the motion sickness to make sure I was okay.
"What are you doing?!" Lucy exclaimed.
"You only take orders from Lucy!" Carla gasped.
"I'm so sorry my lady. My body is out of control." Sagittarius stated as Lucy asked some questions.
"I'm an exact copy of you, so that means your spirits can take orders from me." Fake Lucy said smugly. Soon Sagittarius sent another attack at Lucy and Hibiki. Soon Carla took off with Wendy to make sure she didn't get hurt. Soon Lucy closed Sagittarius gate as fake Lucy then opened it.
"That's enough my little pets." A voice stated as Fake Lucy then closed Sagittarius gate. I looked back to see Angel. As Fake Lucy turned into two creepy looking dolls.
"Angel!" I exclaimed as I quickly stood up and jumped over towards Lucy.
"Hello Lucy darling! Of course you too, Y/n. How does it seem to gaze upon a real angel!" Angel cackled with a smile.
"Your no Angel." I growled holding my arm.
"Exactly!" Lucy agreed.
"Have my pets been entertaining you? I'm quite fond of the little trick!" Angel question and stated with a smile.
"I'm Gemi!" The first doll stated.
"And I'm Mini!" The second doll added.
"I think you know them as the Gemini Twins. Celestial Spirits makes the best toys!" Angel said smugly.
"Your a Celestial Wizard. That makes me sick!" Lucy growled.
"Agreed." I growled.
"Your gate keys would make a lovely addition to mine! So hand them over now and you won't be wearing red!" Angel stated.
"Never! Now! Open gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!" Lucy yelled as she open Aquarius gate.
"Woah! She's a freakin' Mermaid! So cool!" I exclaimed as I thought she was super cool.
"I don't care what you have to do take her out even if you have to take us with her!" Lucy yelled.
"It was just what I was planning on doing." Aquarius added.
"What did I ever do to you?!" Lucy whined as Aquarius then begin to attack. Soon Angel spawned Scorpio as Aquarius held hearts in her eyes. They then was being all romantic and made me smile. Soon Aquarius threatened Lucy as her and Scorpio soon begin walking away.
"Bye! Enjoy your time! Have fun." I yelled as I waved goodbye.
"Y/n! Take her down! Now!" Lucy yelled as she ran after Aquarius.
"Hey! I'm not a Celestial spirit!" I growled as Angel then kicked Lucy. She fell in the water as I then kicked Angel.
"I may not be a Celestial Spirit, but I am Fairy Tail's Angel!" I growled as Lucy then spawned in Loke.
"Leo!" Hibiki gasped.
"Loke!" I exclaimed with a smile.
"We have to beat this chick cause the guilds are in danger." Lucy stated.
"Sounds easy enough." Loke stated with a smile.
"Open gate of the ram!" Angel laughed as Loke, Lucy, and I gasped as Aries gate opened.
"I hope you can forgive me. Leo." Aries said shyly.
"How did she get her hands on Aries. I thought she was Karen's Spirit." Lucy stated.
"Yeah." I mumbled.
"I can't ask Loke to fight a dear friend of his." Lucy mumbled sadly.
"Aries." Loke mumbled.
"How did you end up with one of Karen's Spirit's!" Lucy demanded.
"It's simple. I'm the one who put her sixs feet under! And she wasn't much of an opponent anyways. She couldn't open two gates at one time. She verly had the energy to stand. The fool practically handed her keys over to me. It worked out well, but I wish she would've put up more of a fight. So many Celestial wizards have lost there keys and their lives because of me. There's so many that I have stopped counting. Your just gonna be another stone of misery paved onto the side walk." Angel chuckled.
"You monster! I won't let you take Lucy's life!" I growled as I begin to requip.
"You finally get to see each other again, and you have to fight! I won't force you to go through with it!" Lucy stated as she then went to close Loke's gate. He grabbed her hand and told her no. I then stopped my requip as Loke and Aries begin to fight.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now