Chapter 11: Natsu Vs Erza

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Over the past week; we walked through the desert just to get back to Magnolia. We should have got back to Magnolia in two days, but in the ended we found a village that ended up being a monster that ended up being trapped citizens. Which we were starving, and tired. Since I hadn't learned much of requip armor, I wasn't able to learn how to change back into my original clothes which ment I had to walk back to Magnolia wearing a dress and flats. Which Natsu carried me on his back at times when my feet begin to hurt. We finally reached home last night and when I got home I had mail, and a package. Mira left me a note saying that the package arrived at the guild and she brought it to my house. Since I gave Gramps an extra key to Laxus's and I's home just incase they needed to wake us up because Laxus and I are really heavy sleepers.

Apparently the package was from Sorcerer Weekly and they sent me a knew outfit to style in. I tried it on and it was really comfortable. It was a dark f/c crop top with see-through long sleeves, and s/f/c shorts, and a f/c skirt cape. It also contained of a white and s/f/c cape that went perfectly with the outfit. Which they also sent white boots and some knee high black kitty stockings. Which soon afterwards I changed into a tank top and shorts and went to bed.

Next morning...
I woke up to my new alarm clock going off, and I got up and walked over and shut it off. I begin to get dress as I heard yelling. At first I thought it was the neighbors next door until I recognized the voice.
"Hey Y/n! You gonna watch me fight Erza today!" Natsu's voice yelled down beside my window. I finished getting dress as he continued to yell. I was finally done getting dress which I wore a f/c spaghetti strap crop top, and a black skirt with a vest. I had on black ankle boots and knee high stockings. I put my h/l h/c in a h/s. I then opened the window.
"Hey! You could have stopped yell--" I begin to say as I looked down. Natsu was gone. I looked around to see if I could find him, but I couldn't. I shut the window and I turned around only soon to be face to face with Natsu barely almost falling on the floor of my room.
"Hey!" He said with a smile as he caught me.
"How the hell did you get in here?!" I exclaimed.
"Hey! You left the door unlocked." Natsu stated.
"I did." I mubbled in confusion.
"Yeah. I accidentally leaned against your front door nob and the door opened." He added.
"I forgot to lock it. Damn it. If Laxus was here he would kill me." I muttered.
"We'll it'll be out little secret." He said getting closer to me looking into my e/c eyes. I blushed as I looked into his, and we were inches apart.
"N-Natsu." I muttered.
"Hmm. What is it?" He asksd.
"Ummm. Well I... umm... ready. So we can go now." I mubbled blushing harder.
"Yeah let's go." He yelled as he picked me up and ran down the stairs.
"Natsu please don't run down the stairs you'll---" I begin to say but it was too late. We fell down the stairs and I was on top of Natsu. My head was on his chest and his back was on the floor.
"Oww. Hmmm. Natsu." I mubbled as I realized I was on top of him.
"Y/n. Natsu." I heard a familiar voice that sound similar to my annoying little feline friend. I then jumped up before Happy could come in and see me on top of Natsu. Which in the end my face easily became as hot as lava.
"Hmm. Y/n. Are you okay?" He asked. I then looked at him who was just sitting up and I smacked him.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"Because! I've told you before that we can't run down the stairs or we're going to keep doing this. The more we do it the stupider you get." I said sounding like a mom.
"Y/n. You okay?" Happy asked.
"Yep. I'm fine. Let's just get going." I muttered as I pushed the boys out of my house locked the door and ran to the guild. When I got there I stood beside Mira who was outside.

"Hey, Y/n. Who do you think will win?" Mira asked me.
"Clearly Erza." I mubbled.
"Yeah. So are you okay? Your face is umm a litttle red." Mira asked.
"Never better." I lied.
"Nope. I don't think so. Your face doesn't turn as red as Erza hair unless something happened between you and Natsu." Mira stated.
"He picked me up and fell down the stairs, and I ended up on top of him. That's all." I admitted.
"Oh. I bet that was embarrassing." Mira said friendly.
"You have no idea." I sighed.
"No way! Their really going through with it." Lucy yelled as she shove Wakaba.
"Oh! Hey, Lucy." Mira and I said at the same time.
"We'll if those two value their man hood then they better go through with it." Elfman stated.
"Erza's not a man." Mira stated.
"You gotta admit she's manly." Macao stated.
"Aren't you worried this might tear our team apart? It is in fact the strongest." Lucy asked.
"Not at all Lucy." I stated.
"What are you talking about. Our strongest team." Gray said.
"You, Natsu, Y/n, and Erza. Dummy! You are the four strongest wizards in the guild." Lucy stated.
"We are... Yeah right. What idiot feed you that line?" Gray said sarcastically. I heard Mira whimper as she kept a smile on her face keeping in the tears. Mira then cried into her hands as I pulled her into a hug and glared at Gray as Mira cried into my shoulder.
"Gray you make Mira cry again, and you'll owe me 50,000 jewels the same as Lucy." I growled.
"Oh! Your not an idiot Mira." Gray exclaimed as I my glared intensified.
"Smooth move, Gray." Lucy said smugly.
"I must say, I'll hand it to Natsu and Gray their tough little dudes. But neither of them are close to being the strongest. There are guys in Fairy Tail who are stronger than both of them combined. Like this guy!" Elfman stated as he pointed at himself as Mira finally stopped crying and I let her out of the hug.
"Elfman, your forgetting two men that could easily defeat Natsu and Gray combined." I admitted.
"Yeah and who is that?" He added.
"Gildarts and Laxus. If Gildarts and Laxus went against Gray and Natsu. We all know that Gildarts and Laxus would win." I stated as he growled and looked away. Next thing I notice was Levy was beside me as Jet was beside me while Droy was beside Levy.
"Hey Levy." I said with a smile.
"Oh, Hey. Y/n." Levy said back.
"Who do you think is the strongest woman in the guild?" I asked.
"Well that would be pretty hard between You, Erza, and Mira." Levy stated.
"Yeah. I mean I'm trying to learn requip armor right now and I'm getting a lot better at the moment. To be honest I could never battle between those two." I admitted.
"Really!" Levy exclaimed.
"Yeah. I mean there like my sisters, so it would be hard to try and beat Erza and Mira. We would easily destroy an entire city, and possibly maybe two." I added.
"Yeah." Levy sighed.
"As far as the guy it's a pretty tough call, but I'd put my money on Laxus." Jet added as he layed his arm around my shoulder. I then nodded in agreement.
"They have the best team chemistry.  All I ment was the four of them work well together. In all of Fairy Tail." Mira cried. I shoved Jet off of me and walked over beside Mira.
"Hey shhh. It's okay. Gray is just an idiot. He didn't mean you was. He was only talking about himself." I said trying to cheer Mira up as I wrapped my arm around Mira's shoulder.
"This is coming from the same person who sent me on a mission to help Y/n keep Natsu and Gray from killing each other when Erza wasn't around." Lucy stated with a annoyed tone.
"Lucy." I stated with a sharp look.
"Ehhh. Yes." She said innocently.
"Lose the attitude or there will be more than one fight today. Oh and by the way, You still owe me 50,000! For that stupid costume, and for kicking Happy!" I growled.
"What costume?! Tells us more." Some of the guys pleaded. I growled as they apologized for being idiots. I let go of Mira as I begin to watch Natsu and Erza.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now