Chapter 4: Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion: Part 2

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Well I sure hope you like what you see." Lucy said being way to friendly. Soon his face turned in upside down.
"I'll pass..Now go away, Ugly." Everlue said turning around.
"Now who was the other darling that said they didn't mind calling me master." Everlue said as he turned and looked at me.
"I'm here." I sighed. He looked at me as he walked closer to me. He looked at me from the left side, then the right side. Then he lifted my maids skirt up. I moved my hands down in front of me covering up my front. I felt the heat  come over my face feeling embarrassed as he then pulled my head down to face him.
"Marvelous! She's gorgeous! Your hired, and you scram he said looking at me and then at Lucy.
"Get going ugly." The huge maid said as Everlue usher me inside the gate. Soon the gate closed afterwards and I walked inside the door to the masion.
'Lucy, I'm going to murder you. This is not exactly what was supposed to happen!' I thought. As Everlue brought me into a room filled with statues. He gave me a dust brush. I started to clean the statues and he left. I sighed knowing the deep shit Lucy just got me into.

"Dammit." I muttered.

Natsu's Pov...
I watched as Everlue checked Y/n out. It angered me, for some reason. I'm mean she was fine until her face went from smiling to complete utter shock. She was totally unaware of what he was planning on doing. Even after those other weird looking maid called Lucy ugly, and basically kissed Everlue. It made me fear the most for her. She's my bestfriend and Laxus made me promise to protect her. I won't break that promise. After they shoved her through the doors and they left, Lucy was crying because they called her ugly.

We calmed her down and I looked up at the window to see Y/n dusting. Soon that freak came up behind her and moved his hand up her back. I clenched my fist as I watched him basically grope her.
"Natsu. Are you alright?" Happy asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I growled.
"Why is it so important to get her back?" Lucy asked.
"Why? I'll tell you why. For one, she is Laxus's sister, and two one of our guild members basically adopted her. His name is Gildarts Clive, and when I saw the day Laxus and Gildarts was protecting her. It scared me more than ever. The anger radiating off of them two was nothing compared to Ezra's." I growled.
"It was ten times worse. Which 3 years ago she got her scar." Happy added.
"Wait a minute! She told me that she had a dragon lacrima planted behind her eye. Is that true?!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Yep. After she got that scar, she became pretty intimidating. She closed ever door she had with socializing. She spent the rest of the year training with Laxus to help her be able to control it. Once she was able too, she spent making it stronger. Then she slowly beginning to talk to the guild members. Then she went on the S-class trials. She went on many hard training journeys. It was her and Laxus only. Then she became and S-Class Wizard and she finally begin to trust others again. Out of anyone who she used to let in. She let me back in first. She told me everything that happened. She cried as she did." I sighed.
"I've never seen, Y/n look so weak before." Happy sighed.
"Exactly. That's the point here. She maybe strong, but this guy some how knows her weakness." I said as I kept looking at Y/n.
"Aye." Happy said.
"Looks like were resulting in plan T." I said.
"Yeah! I agree! Let's barge in, destroy them, and save Y/n! Wait. What's plan T." Lucy asked.
"Take them by Storm!" Happy yelled.

Soon we was on top of the masion, and I was melting the window. We got inside and begin to look for Y/n. After a little while we found a library. We stoppped to look for that stupid book 'Daybreak'. As Lucy searched for it I accidentally pulled it out. I was shock to know I found the damn thing without even trying. We soon decided to burn the book, but Lucy refused to. Soon the voice of Everlue got my attention.

"So you plan on breaking in and stealing my property! Well how about I steal what yours?!" He laughed.
"What the??" I questioned what he just said until I realised who he was talking about.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now