Chapter 35: Ice Dragon Slayer

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"Great! Fine by me! It'll save him. Also remember Hayden is around here somewhere!" I exclaimed as Laxus then attacked Erza.

"Erza!" Natsu and I both exclaimed in unsion.
"That's quite an ugly face you making there girly. Ugly!" Laxus laughed as he attack Erza. She then hit the ground hard.
"That's enough! I told you your mine you jerk!" Natsu growled.
"Natsu! Remeber he is hypnotized by Hayden!" I yelled as I moved my hands by the enchantment and tried scratching it to break it. In the process I hurt myself.
"Sorry. I didn't even see you there." Laxus laughed while Natsu gasped. I was trying so hard to keep myself from laughing, but I busted out lauhing.
"Hey it's not funny!" Natsu growled as his fist turned to flames.
"I can't help it!" I laughed.
"Your about to notice me pal!" Natsu growled as I continued to laugh.
"Oh yeah! We'll come at me then,  Salamander!" Laxus stated with a smile as he took off his coat and headphones. Natsu then attack Laxus. He dodge the attack as Natsu then came back with another attack. Laxus's and Natsu's attacks them clashed as Laxus threw Natsu back. Natsu slid across the ground and I had finally stopped laughing.
"Natsu be careful." Erza stated.
"I'm okay. You don't got to worry about me." Natsu stated as he stood back up. Laxus then kicked Natsu and grabbed his arm.
"Natsu!" I exclaimed.
"Where do you think your going, you little punk?!" Laxus said evily as he then punched Natsu in the face with his lighting multiple times. I then began to try and scratch the seal off. I knew if I could get it off, then I could explode the cage and go and stop the Thunder Palace.

Soon Natsu grabbed Laxus's arm.
"I'm staying here! This fight is just perfect for me!" Natsu said as he punched Laxus. Laxus then electrocuted Natsu again as he then begin to punch Natsu multiple times again. Then Natsu hit Laxus and they did it a couple more times. Soon Laxus pulled Natsu down as his fist illuminated in electricity. Natsu then attacked Laxus by kicking towards Laxus's feet. Laxus dodge it as he then stomped on Natsu's face.
"Dammit!" I growled as Natsu got up and Laxus kick Natsu back. Natsu slid back as Erza got up and elbowed Natsu down on the ground.
"Not nice." Laxus laughed as I rocked the cage back and forth. I then stood up a bit as I reached my hand outside the cage trying to get the hook out of the cage when I saw a sword come heading towards the cage. I moved my hand quickly back in side the cage as I saw it broke the magic seal.
"Thanks, Erza!" I exclaimed with a smile as I broke the cage with my lightning. I then landed on the ground as Erza attack Laxus. I then quickly began to run at Laxus.
"It actually breaks my heart! Doll face--" Laxus laughed as I then punched him right on the side of the face making him hit the wall.
"Y/n! Just took Laxus down in a single hit! Jeez! She's Scary!" Natsu trembled as Laxus got back up and then attacked Erza again. Erza then requipped into her lightning Empress armor. They then battled a little bit as I then final got tired of this pitty little fight.
"Natsu, take care of Laxus! Erza let's go destroy the lacrima's! I can take them down. Now let's go. I have faith in Natsu." I yelled as I kicked Laxus.
"I'll leave my faith in his hands as well, let's go!" Erza stated as she ran outside.
"Haha! You must be crazy! My baby sis is the only one who can destroy those Lacrima's." Laxus laughed.
"Dammit. I forgot." I heard a mumble.
"Hayden. Natsu, save Laxus for me." I mumbled and then asked Natsu to save my brother.
"Of course. I'm putting my faith in you guys! You hear!" Natsu said with a smile. I gave him a nod as I took off running behind Erza. She requipped into her Haven's armor as I requip into my Lightning Angel's Armor. I quickly ran to the middle of Magnolia and jumped up into the sky where I spawned my wings to keep me in the air.

I move my hands to the side as electricity intensify around me. As I was getting ready to begin the spell that destroys the lacrimas, they then begin to glow. I gasped as I could tell they we're about to blow. I looked over at Erza who had 198 swords spawned, I then took a deep breath and begin the spell that would deactivate the lacrimas.
"Thunder struck. Thunder silence the Thunder Palace. Stop it from activating." I chanted as I moved my hands up in an x position above my head.
"Destruction isn't necessary, in this messure. I command the Thunder Palace to deactivate! I COMAND IT TO SELF DESTRUCT!" I yelled and chanted as I moved my hand to the side and spun.
"Erza! NOW!" I yelled as I spun and the Lacrima's then shattered as I then glowed a bright light as the lacrima's blew up. The lighting then struck me and I ate the electricity. Afterwards once the electricity stopped hitting me, I had felt an increase of my magic by over 50%. My hair was raised my light was bright and I had then quickly ran back to Erza. She had been struck down by the lightning lacrimas.
"Erza, are you okay?" I asked as I stopped away from the church.
"Yeah. I can tell you are a lot better." Erza laughed.
"I had a meal. I'm going to go help Natsu now." I said with a smile as I ran quickly and swiftly into Kardia Cathedral. I walked inside the doors to see Laxus and Natsu smiling.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now