Chapter 26: Laxus

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Two weeks later...

It's been two weeks since I woke up and since Laxus said he'll be home, which is today. Last week I got my stitches taking out so now it's just a thick scar on the side of my stomach. Which the week before I woke up, I heard the magic concil interviewed our guild and asked what happened. It turns out they'll have a punishment for Fairy Tail at a later date, but I think we've been through enough. Hopefully they'll agree. Which I've had some decent sleep. Which I woke up this morning to Natsu snuggling to my back, and Happy beside me. It was nice. I felt protected, until I remember Laxus would be home today.
"Natsu! We gotta go! Laxus's is coming home today!" I exclaimed in excitement as Natsu rolled off the bed while Happy accidentally jumped of the bed from me being excited. While I waited for the boys to wake up, I took a shower and got dressed. I was wearing a comfy f/c tank top that covered the scar up easily. I also wore a flowy pair of black shorts that were really comfy. I also wore a f/c pair of knee high cat stockings that were super cute, as well a pair of black ankle boots. I left my hair down and when I walked out of the bathroom Natsu and Happy were gone. The window was still shut as well. I then grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs. Natsu and Happy were at the kitchen eating a small bowl of cereal. They even made me one. I ate the cereal and then locked the door. Natsu then picked me up and carried me to the guild. He helped build the guild as I sat beside Cana and had some of Mira's delicious tea. It was tasty indeed. I just couldn't help but be excited, I missed my big bro and I was ready to see him. It turns out also today we are taking job request as well. I thought about going on a simple job with Team Natsu, but after I see Laxus.

Laxus's pov...
As I made it back to Magnolia alone because the Thunder Legion had one more job they wanted to finish while I went to see my little sis. I need to see how she was doing, and the last time I check she was in the hospital. As I returned back to where the guild once stood, I saw nothing but the guild grounds and construction. They we're rebuilding the guild. I bet Mira wanted to make it bigger and better. It'll make the guild ten times better. Which as I walked through the grounds I saw my little sister drinking tea. I smiled as she looked up at me after putting her tea cup down.

Y/n's Pov...
As I took a drink of my tea, I heard footsteps. I put my tea cup down to see Laxus.
"Hey sis." Laxus said as he walked closer to me.
"Hey Laxus." I said as I put my tea cup on the bar. I got up and walked over to Laxus.
"Hey. How you feeling?" He said with a smile.
"I'm better. I'm getting back to strength. So where's the Thunder Legion?" I asked as Laxus gave me a hug.
"Oh they stayed behind to finish one last mission before they come back to the guild." Laxus said with a smile as I hugged him back.
"I missed you." I said with a smile as Laxus put his chin on top of my head.
"I missed you too. I felt really bad after hearing you got hurt. How bad is the scar?" He asked as he let out of the hug.
"It's not that bad..." I lied as I lifted the side of my shirt revealing where the stitches was at.
"Dammit! The next time I see that ass-whole, I'll rip him to shreds!" Laxus growled.
"It's fine really." I sighed. Laxus soon pulled me into another hug.
"You know. I don't care what people think about me being an ass whole or not and leaving everyone to face Phantom Lord. I just care that your safe. God! I owe Natsu a Thank you. I'm sorry I just let you get hurt." He sighed.
"No it's okay. I understand. If I could have persuaded you to come help us, you still wouldn't be back in time. So I guess either way I would still have this scar." I sighed as I hugged him back.
Soon Erza walked over.

"Laxus! I want to know why didn't you come back and help us!" Erza demanded.
"Jeez! Calm down would ya! Even if I did and left at that moment. I wouldn't have been back in time to help." Laxus said as he sat down and I sat beside him.
"Erza. I've already talked to him. He is right." I said defending my brother.
"Y/n stay out of this! Your brother has a lot of explaining to do. He should have knew what this would do to you, and the guild." Erza growled and stated.
"You know what, Erza! I don't give a damn what would've happened. No one knew what the hell would have happened if I said I'd come help or not. It would have ended the same way either way." Laxus stated as Erza soon got mad and kicked a barrel. It then hit Natsu causing attention on the three of us.
"Why don't you tell the other's how you feel?!" Erza growled.
"I have no problem telling them what I think of them. This guild is full of wizards and weaklings! Especially the two of you morons." Laxus said as he looked back at Jet and Droy. He then continued, "You were Phantom Lord's personal punching bags. I'm glad I never learned your names. Which brings me to the worse of all. The rich little princess who wants to be a wizard. It was your fault my little sis here, got hurt."
"LAXUS! Would you shut up! Master said this was no ones fault, even after we begged you to come help and you didn't!" Mira growled as Laxus got up. He held a smile that was hidden by pain and anger.
"Stop your whining!" Laxus yelled as he looked at Mira. I got up and looked at everyone. Natsu tried to fight Laxus, but Laxus was too quick for him to hit. Lucy and Mira were angry, Erza was pissed, and Laxus was being neglected from the guild. Like he's the outcast. I could feel the tears press through my eyes. It was all Erza's fault. If she wouldn't have demanded why he didn't come and help none of this would be happening. I then got up on the table and pressed past the yelling. I stomped my foot getting everyone's attention. The tears pressed through as everyone looked at me. My head hanged low.
"Y/n!" Laxus gasped.
"Stop fighting! Stop blaming him. Because; He's right! You yell and blame him because he didn't help! Not even 2 minutes after we called him we were attacked. It's not his damn fault! He would have never made it back here or not! If you want to blame someone, blame me! Hell! I wouldn't have this horrible scar if it wasn't because of my horrible father! The guild wouldn't be destroyed, and I wouldn't be hurt. If anyone is to blame for starting this pathetic fight, I would say it would have been Erza. For that damn war, you can blame me!" I yelled as I cried, and I looked up at my guildmates.
"Y/n." Mira sighed.
"Laxus and I have been attacked most of our life! That's why we can be horrible towards others! If you can find it in your hearts to care about us, realise that we have been through enough. Y'all know what happen to us! You should know this is all because of our damn father he gave me this fucking scar! I was bleeding when I was held captive I took a hit to save Lucy! I bled, I shedded my own blood to safe our family. If that's not enough for you then hate me all you want just leave Laxus be." I cried as I took off running towards the end.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now