Chapter 28: Loke

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2 days later...
We had just finished kicking a bunch of bandits asses and we had run into Loke. We said hey and he took off because we had Lucy with us. I kept feeling like I was being watched so I looked back and there was nothing. We had went back to the scene where we once were as I was bored.
"I guess we might as well head home." Gray sighed.
"I don't know. Maybe we should do something fun, or relaxing. Like a spa." Lucy exclaimed with a smile.
"Lucy." Erza said. Natsu looked at me and then at Gray we both felt tension come really fast.
"Yes Ma'am!" Lucy exclaimed.
"I think that's a wonderful idea!" Erza said as Natsu, Gray, and I sighed.

We went to Spa Town also known as Hosenka Village. Lucy, Erza, and I was in the spa outside. It was nice. It was a full moon and the stars were shining.
"Who would know this feels great?" I sighed with a smile.
"It's a beautiful night." Erza sighed as I opened my eyes and nodded in agreement as I closed my eyes again.
"Wait! Your bathing in your armor!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Well I'm comfortable with my armor. Maybe I should reconsider it." Erza said as she changed completely naked and I then opened my eyes.
"Wow! You look amazing without your armor." Lucy exclaimed.
"Maybe I should walk around the guild like this." Erza chuckled.
"Erza! Listen. I wouldn't mind, but as many pathetic, pervy men we have at the guild. I would say it's best if you don't." I sighed.
"That was a joke, girls. But, thank you
Y/n for worrying about me." Erza said with a smile.
"No problem." I sighed.
Soon we got out and put on a nice soft robe. We had then began making our way back to our room we share with the boys.
"You must bring it your all! Or are you to chicken to do so!" Natsu stated.
"Oh yeah!" Gray said as Erza and I walked out holding two pillows.
"I don't think either one of you could beat us!" Erza and I said.
"Yeah! Erza your going down!" Natsu said as he threw a pillow at me and Erza. We jumped up dodging the attack as it hit Gray right in the face. He got up and threw one right at Natsu's face. He then threw one at Erza and me. We both blocked the pillow. Erza caught hers and I kicked mine back at Lucy as we all ended up throwing our pillows at Lucy. I walked passed the three to make sure we didn't take out Lucy. Which the three others never notice I was gone. As Lucy and I begin to walked down the street.

"Sometimes I don't even think those three are even human." Lucy sighed as I walked beside her.
"Yeah, but then I remember I'm like one of them so then I realise they are human." I sighed, as Lucy's Celestial dog thing grunted in a yes.
"Oh wait. Happy doesn't count because he's a cat, and you are a dog. Right Plue?" Lucy asked looking at her Celestial dog thing.
"Actually, I'm a human just like you!" The Celestial dog spirt said which the voice was verly familiar it was Happy. I held in my laughter with a look of shock.
"I didn't even know you could talk! I can't believe your human!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Aye!" Happy said as my cheeks begin getting harder to hold in my laughter. He then continued, "I come from a very far place in search for the sacred stones."
"Very funny! Stop fooling around and get your blue butt over here Happy." Lucy growled.
"Darn. I was hoping I could keep it up for at least 2 to 3 weeks since your so dumb after all." Happy said which made me break with laughter.
"Wow. Why do you think so highly of me? And, Y/n that's not funny!" Lucy growled.
"It's just I could here Happy before you could." I laughed.
"Very mature." Lucy sighed.
"What are you guys doing out here anyways?" Happy asked.
"We're going on a walk. I needed to get out of there before one of them hit me in the stomach." I sighed.
"Yeah and waiting for the pillow war to be over." Lucy sighed.
"Yo! What up girls!" A guy said from behind Lucy and I. We turned around to see a guy wearing a red bandana and a black shirt, and a another guy with two heads.
"What the hell?!" I gasped.
"You look dazzling girls." The two headed guy said.
"You want to have a funky good time yo!" The guy in the bandana said.
"If you want your ass kick. Then fine by me." I growled.
"Hey that's Y/n Dreyar. She'll be fun to be with." The guys said.
"Sorry, But I'm hanging out with my best friend." Lucy said talking about me.
"Now come on Blondie. Don't be like that." The guy in the bandana said. As Lucy and I backed up.
"No!" I yelled as one surrounded me and the other surrounded Lucy.
"Happy! Help us!" Lucy and I cried. Happy made a meow noise.
"Dammit Cat! I give you gifts all the time! Now help us the hell out!" I yelled.
"That's cute she thinks her kitty can talk." One of the guys said.
"Come on now baby! We'll have a great time." The guys said as Lucy and I were soon really close together.
"If your gonna be perverts, then I'll kick your ass." I growled as I begin to move but was frozen in my tracks.
'I can't move! What the hell!' I thought.
Soon they were getting closer. Soon one of the guys were hit. It broke my frozen movement and I kicked the other dude.  It turned out it was Loke who attack one of the dudes.
"Hey Loke! Thanks for the help. These perverts tried to take Lucy and I hostage." I said as soon he disappeared.
"What!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Sorry! You guys. These two bastards are taking women who are either walking alone or are in pairs." Loke said from behind a tree as I walked over to Happy.
"You damn cat! After giving you a fish, you let me become some damn-- No, I don't give a damn!" I growled as I kicked Happy and he hit the concrete.
"You should've helped us!" Lucy growled.
"I deserve that." He mumbled as he got up.
"Anyways. Thanks Loke for saving us and getting my bracelet back. So what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I came here looking for these to as bounty. Yet, you girls did a pretty good job at helping. So thanks, I guess." He said rubbing the back of his head.
"No problem!" I said with a smile.
"I guess I better turn them in before they wake up. See you lovely ladies around. Especially you Y/n." Loke said as he began to drag the two knocked guys out.
"Wait! I wanted to say thank you for giving me my gate keys back to me, and rescuing us from those guys." Lucy said with a smile.
"Yeah! Thanks!" I said with a smile.
"No prob." He said.
"Hey! How about the two of us go out together?" Lucy said with a smile that made me jump a couple steps back which made me fall on my ass. Loke then gasped at what Lucy had said, too.
"Oww." I mumbled.
"Y/n you okay?" Lucy asked.
"I'm fine." I said and then I looked at Happy.
"Y/n. Please don't eat me!" Happy cried and tried to run away as I grabbed his tail.
"No. Your not going anywhere. You will explain to Natsu what you've done." I said as Lucy helped me up. She then turned back to Loke.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now