Chapter 49: Gildarts Vs Natsu, Second Trial and Enemy Invasion

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No Pov...
'Back with Natsu'

Hey, I see someone." Natsu stated.
"You think it's Erza?" Happy question as a couple fire flies moved around the figure to reveal Gildarts.
"Oh Crap..." Natsu stated as Gildarts held a smirk.

"NO FREAKING WAY!" Natsu and Happy Shrieked!
"Sorry, dead end. Guess luck just ain't on your side." Gildarts stated with a smile.
"Where dead!" Happy sighed as he wilted a bit as Gildarts began to walk towards Natsu and Happy.
"I must say I've never been good at holding back in a fight, so this should be quick." Gildarts stated as he kept walking towards Natsu and Happy. Gildarts soon stopped as Natsu's fist developed flames. Natsu then looked up at Gildarts with a smirk.
"I'm fired up Now!" Natsu stated with the same smirk as it quickly faded as Happy was dragging Natsu's stuff over to the side. Natsu then added, "Happy, what the hell are you doing?!"
"Figure we might as well head home. Y/n would rather have us alive than dead." Happy stated as he dragged off with Natsu's things.
"Have a little faith would ya, little budy! Gildarts should be scared of me! Imma kick his butt!" Natsu stated.
"That's the wrong words to use when your about to fight the guy who's your girlfriend dad." Happy stated
"Agreed." Gildarts agreed.
"Well at least until he yells mercy!" Natsu stated.
"Fine. Mercy." Gildarts stated with a sour expression.
"You can't say that! I haven't even laid a finger on you!" Natsu exclaimed as his fist relit in flames.

"I'm coming for you Gildarts! I've gotten a lot stronger over the last three years and I can't wait to show ya!" Natsu stated as he then begin to run and attack Gildarts.
"Wait a minute and try to calm down, Natsu. I'm not ready to begin our fight." Gildarts stated as he held his hand up motioning Natsu to not proceed.
"You shouldn't rush at him Natsu!" Happy stated as Natsu soon punched Gildarts's hand as an explosion happened. Natsu then growled as Gildarts shot an attack at Natsu which left a small hole in the ground. Happy cried thinking Gildarts obliterated Natsu as Natsu then jumped down kneeing Gildarts in the head. Gildarts then pushed off the ground and blocked the attack. Natsu sent another attack towards Gildarts which result in Natsu getting hit three different times and then winding up on the floor. Natsu then got up and sent another attack while using his foot. Gildarts then blocked it as Natsu then shot out his famous Fire Dragon Roar as Gildarts used a spell that destroyed the attack and then hit Natsu.
"Uhh oh! I didn't mean to go that far!" Gildarts exclaimed.
"You jerk! You killed him. Y/n will never forgive you..." Happy cried.
"Relax. She knows this spell, she would probably laugh in the end and besides it didn't kill him. I would look up." Gildarts stated.
"Ahh! There's a bunch of small Natsu!" Happy exclaimed as the tiny Natsu chattered as they fell.
"Sorry Natsu it looks like your trial is over." Gildarts stated with a smile.
"Not so fast you old Geezer! I'm going to take you down! To show Y/n I am worthy to be an S-Class Wizard." The tiny Natsu chattered in unsion.
"Ahh! Make it stop!" Happy exclaimed.
"I just got a great idea! Let's gang up on Gildarts!" One Natsu stated.
"Yeah! I guess Great minds think alike!" Natsu two added.
"Here we go again." Gildarts sighed as the tiny Natsu ran at Gildarts as he swiped half away in one swoosh of the cape. They then kept coming at him as he continued to swatt them away.

"God! This is starting to get annoying." Gildarts sighed as Natsu then shot his Fire Dragon Roar at him once again. Gildarts then quickly switch Natsu back to normal as all the tiny Natsu was pushed back together. Natsu soon used his secret art attack at on Gildarts. Which shoved him back a couple feet and ripped his cape a bit, yet Happy didn't see the dirt pushed back into the ground.
"That's crazy! You attack him with full power and he didn't even flinch!" Happy gasped.
"No Happy! You gotta look closer as Y/n would say! See I knocked the old Geezer back a few spaces!" Natsu laughed as he then begin to wobble just like the last time Natsu fought Gildarts. Soon he regain his balance.
"Very impressive Natsu. This gave me a good feel in your skill level. You may not have defeated me in battle, but as your examiner I must say you should move on to the next round." Gildarts stated.
"I'm not going to give up that easily since I made it this far. I'm going to beat you Gildarts! I'm mean come on what the point of doing that if I can't even beat you!" Natsu growled.
"I had a feeling you might say that." Gildarts stated as the ground began to shake as a light glow came over Gildarts. He then added, "I'm not sure if you want to keep this up once I release my true power."
Natsu gasped as Happy took a step back.
"There's some kind of pressure in here." Happy stated.
"In order to walk the path of magic, and it'll eventually reach its peak. There's still one thing you lack. Let me show you." Gildarts stated as the magic power around him increased tremendously as it shined in a bright white light. Soon the light increased shining through the wall of the cave. As it did Natsu soon went to attack Gildarts as Natsu soon fell to his knees in fear. Gildarts had decreased his power as the light faded.
"I-I accept defeat..." Natsu trembled.
"Natsu--" Happy cried.
"A wise choice. I applaud courage to anyone who is willing to face their enemies. However the wizards who are the most courageous are those exceptional few, who know when to stand down. Remember Natsu, there nothing wrong with feeling fear. After all, how would we come to know your weaknesses. You need to know them so you can become a stronger and gentler person. An addition for someone who wants to become S-Class. Now that I've shared this knowledge with you, you passed kid. And I will allow you to stay close with Y/n. I must say you two make each other the happiest, and you do your job well. You protect her, and she protects you. I want you to continue keeping her safe." Gildarts stated with a smile.
"But, I didn't beat you besides your willing me to just be with her no if's or but's..." Natsu trembled.
"Don't argue with me. I'm your examiner, and I say you've passed. You've made it passed the first round, but this is just the beginning. You know how Master can be, I'm sure this is nothing compared to what he's got in stored for you. Have confidence in yourself, I know you can do it, Y/n knows you can do it. Just think about how Y/n, and how she feels towards you. Her heart is pure and strong enough to get through anything. She cares for you, and she wants you to proceed and win. She would love to know that I'm willing for you two to stay close like you've always been. She loves you till the end of time besides she is as strong as me. Now that we've finished your test let me tell you something as a friend. Possessing powerful magic isn't the be in and in all. One thing I can truly appreciate is your hunger of win. Your burning desire for victory, I say that cause like you I have it, too. I don't wanna lose. I'll take you on again anytime, now go on and become an S-Class Wizard. You hear me." Gildarts stated as Natsu nodded and proceeded forward.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now