Chapter 24: Natsu

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Gajeel grabbed my hands up as he then motioned the blade towards the middle of my stomach. I could feel the coldness of the blade touch in the middle gently. I sighed inside, but it came out in the end. My eyes widened as I felt the tip of the blade pull of my stomach. It then jammed into my side making me scream in agony. It twisted a little as it went a little deeper causing my screams to get louder. The tears fell from my eyes as blood ran down the side of my stomach. Soon Gajeel ripped it out of my stomach making me fall to the floor.

"Hehe! How'd you like that? Little Dreyar." Gajeel laughed as I grabbed my side. Red blood running through my fingers as I begin to fall to the floor. Gajeel then picked me up by my hair and looked at me in the eyes.
"Now then. Why don't we make this scar here longer and deeper!" He laughed.
"Go ahead. It's not gonna make a difference." I growled.
"Fine." Gajeel laughed as he raised his blade hand to my cheek. He then raised his arm up and I closed my eyes quickly. Expecting impact as I felt my hair was let go. I then fell to the floor as I heard a crash and I opened my eyes to see Natsu.
"Natsu!" I cried as my side hurt like hell.
"Y/n. Did he hurt--You, Bastard!" Natsu yelled as he looked at me and then quickly back at Gajeel.
"It's Natsu!" Lucy said as she came over and applied more pressure to the wound.
"Lucy." I cried as I moved my hand looking at the blood.
"It's okay! Don't worry! I'm here! You'll be fine. You've done enough for me. Let me help you." Lucy said with a smile as I put my hand back on the wound as Lucy helped keep blood from falling.
"GAJEEL!" Natsu yelled as his flames increased.
"I guess it ain't hard to catch a salamander if you use the right bait." Gajeel laughed as I could feel my eyes getting weaker.
"I'm not like you Phantom creeps! I watch out for my friends! Especially my Y/n! I won't let you lay a hand on her!" Natsu growled.

"N-Natsu." I said with a smile.
"Stay back. This can get ugly." Natsu stated as the fire increased.
"Gajeel." One of Gajeel's teammates said.
"This one is mine." Gajeel said as he took off after Natsu.
"Oh yeah!" Natsu said as Gajeel launched an attack at Natsu and he threw Gajeel into a wall. Gajeel landed on the wall and Natsu attacked him again. Natsu then hit Gajeel again as Gajeel blocked his attack, which still sent Gajeel into the wall.
"Fire DRAGON TALON!" Natsu yelled as he attacked Gajeel.
"Be careful, Natsu." I said as Lucy and I watched the fight. Soon Happy came running up to me and Lucy.
"Y/n! Are you alright?" Happy exclaimed as he saw Lucy and I still holding pressure to my wound.
"Happy! I'll be fine." I said with a smile.
"No. Y/n! Your bleeding!" Happy cried as he hugged my arm.
"Happy is Natsu okay?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah. He'll be fine. Why do you ask?" Happy stated as he wiped his tears away.
"It's just I've never seen Natsu like this." Lucy stated.
"Yeah, well only one person has ever actually hurt Y/n before and our strongest wizards actual kicked his butt. Which after our friend passed away Y/n and Natsu promised to stay close forever. Which that's why Natsu is the way he is now." Happy stated.
"Oh. I didn't know." Lucy stated.
"Yeah. That's why he's more fired up than ever before." Happy said as I let a small cry of pain out.
"It's okay, Y/n." Lucy said reassuringly.
"I know, i-it just stings that's all." I said as I put more pressure to the wound. I then looked at Natsu and I then said, "All I can say is I wouldn't want to be the other guy."
"Aye." Happy agreed as Gajeel got back up.
"For being Fairy scum you sure are, cocky." Gajeel said.
"Your the scum here pal! As pay back for what you did to Y/n, I'll use my fire power to melt your ugly iron face." Natsu said as his fist engulfed in flames.
"Haha! Sounds like fun!" Gajeel laughed.
"Bring it on!" Natsu growled as he and Gajeel started fighting again. Hit after hit. Soon Gajeel pulled out his iron dragon sword. The sword used to cut me.
"Natsu! That's the sword that cut me!" I stated as blood flowed in between my fingers more.
"That's what you used!" He growled.
"Yeah! I'll cut you just like I did to your petty little Fairy there." Gajeel laughed as he went to attack Natsu again with the sword. Natsu dodged the attacks one after the other. Soon Gajeel turned completely steel and he attacked Natsu. Natsu blocked the attack and he then flew into the wall.
"NATSU!" I yelled.
"Aww your girlfriend calling to your aid! How cute! You crashing into that wall was like music to my ears." Gajeel laughed as Natsu helded his arm from the punch. Soon Gajeel attack Natsu again twice. Natsu then attacked back. Lucy took off her vest and handed it to me as she put the cloth over my wound. I let her put it on my wound and applied pressure to it with Happy. It burned as soon Gajeel attacked the ground sending wind over to the three of us. Natsu attack Gajeel with a punch. Natsu doubled in pain as he begin yelling that it didn't hurt. Gajeel then tried to attack him again as they both then roared of their type of magic. It blew me, Lucy, and Happy away making me drop Lucy shirt and move my hands. The blood poured out slowly but quickly as Happy found the cloth quickly and brought it back over to me pressing it to the wound.
"T-Thanks..." I said through breaths.
"Safe your energy." Happy said as I placed my hands on the wound and so did Lucy.
"I guess there a pretty big difference between fire and iron dragon slayers. Isn't there, Salamander? You can shower me with flames until you run out of hot air. But, it's not going to crack my armor." Gajeel said with an evil smile.
"I can't break your armor. Huh, buddy. Aren't you feeling a draft!" Natsu stated as Gajeel's armor soon cracked.
"He did it!" Lucy and I both exclaimed.
"Look I just don't breathe regular fire. The fire dragon's roar can destroy anything it touches." Natsu stated as a red magic circle appeared under him.
"N-Natsu." I mumbled.
"Happy. Get Y/n out of here. She's hurt. She need medical attention fast!" Natsu stated.
"But, Natsu..." Happy stated.
"Do it!" Natsu demanded.
"I understand little buddy. Just take my girl to safety." Natsu stated as he looked at me.
"Okay." Happy said as he spawned his wings and picked me up.
"Natsu! What ever you do. Don't die on me. Lucy make sure he doesn't. " I stated with a weak smile.
"I won't!" He said as his flames increase and Happy got me quickly out of there.
Happy flew me down to the guild members with the others.
"Guys! Y/n needs medical attention! Fast!" Happy stated.
"Y/n!" Cana exclaimed as she ran over to me as Happy placed me down, and then flew back to Lucy. As Happy flew back Natsu and Gajeel's fight got worse. They soon begin to break the building they was on. Which as they fought my teammates then quickly tried to get me medical attention as the phantom's then joined all together and started destroying the place.
"No!" I cried as they bandaged me up, and held me back making sure I didn't go and fight the newly created monster. Cana and I held each other as Macao and Wakaba helded us back.
"Not the guild!" Cana cried.
"NO!" I cried as I remember all the memories from the guild hall that once was standing, and now a pile of rubble. When I met Laxus, Gildarts, Cana, Natsu, Erza, Gray, Happy, the rest of the guild, and Lucy. When Natsu, Lissy, and I, hatched Happy. The day Lissy died. The day Natsu and I made our pact. The day I kicked my dad's ass and got my scar. The day I became and S-Class, and kicked Laxus's ass. The day I worked for Sorcerer Weekly, and when I became an adult. The day we saved the Guild Masters. I then cried harder as me and Cana both cried.
"NATSU!" I cried as my eyes got weaker, and the blood kept pouring out.
"DON'T WORRY, Y/N!" Natsu yelled as I heard him and I smiled. As I felt my body feel really heavy.
"Y/n!" Cana yelled as she grabbed me.

Soon the building that Natsu was in began to be destroyed as we all saw flames.
"Natsu." I mumbled as my guild mates cheered. I smiled knowing my bestfriend was safe. I then felt my eyes grow weaker as my head tilted down a little.
"Y/n!" Macao and Cana yelled.
"We need to get her to a hospital quickly!" Wakaba stated.
"If I-I die... Tell Natsu, Happy, Gramps, Gildarts, Laxus, and the rest of the guild, I love them." I said with a smile as my eyes begin to close.
"My child. You will not die! Macao. Cana. Take Y/n to the hospital! Now! This war will end today!" I heard Gramps say.
"Alright." Cana and Macao stated as I could feel my eyes get weaker, and weaker. I smiled as my eyes soon closed as soon everything went dark.

No Pov...
Soon Cana and Macao begin to take Y/n to the hospital, when they were stopped by a bright glow. Brighter than the sun. The light was because of Makarov. He used Fairy Law to take out Jose. He told Jose that he should be on his best behavior since the concil will be watching Fairy Tail, and Phantom Lord.  Makarov begin to make his way back to where the guild was once standing when Aria tried to attack him. Makarov attacked him before Aria could. The war had ended with beating Phantom Lord, but the only problem was Y/n was now in the hospital fighting her hardest. The guild didn't start rebuilding until Y/n was awake. Natsu never left Y/n side. Neither did Makarov, or the rest of the guild. It was the next day after they stitched her wounds up, her guild mates were allowed to go and see Y/n. Even though she was still unconscious.

"Y/n, my child. I'll make sure you will be able to use magic again. Don't you worry. Levy, Jet, and Droy are better and you now don't need to worry." Makarov said. A small smile appeared on her face. Letting Makarov know she hear's him. He smiled knowing that for the next 6 day. She would hopefully recover.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now