Chapter 33: Battle Royal!

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Y/n's pov...
Laxus and I had ended up at the Cathedral. I was trapped inside a magic wall barrier made by Freed. I had no idea until Hayden threw me into the barrier and I tried to get out. I'm just sitting in a cage waiting, yet I even tried to use my magic but I couldn't and it ended up being a barrier where magic would not work inside it. I even saw where blood was caked onto the walls from where the snake guy did eat Eden. It was a horrible scene. As I looked at everything around me, I then saw Laxus sitting on the stairs holding his head hin his hands.

"Laxus." I mumbled as footsteps caught my attention. I looked over towards the front of the Cathedral to see Hayden.
"You'll never get out of that. Unless Freed is taken down." Hayden laughed.
"Why the hell are you doing this to us?!" I demanded.
"Well you see, by the time all of your members have wiped themselves out, I'll use Laxus to destroy Magnolia as I take you and the rest of my other fellow guild mates back to Shadow Island. Then well send you directly to Ivan!" Hayden laughed.
"All of this was just to bring me to Ivan! You sick son of a bitch! I hope you die!" I growled.
"Well some of your guild mates will possibly die. Ciaron will eat them simply and quickly." Hayden stated.
"You have no idea who my Nakama are! We will take down any ass wholes who stand in our way!" I growled.
"Well. I'll be looking forward to challenge them then." Hayden laughed as he disappeared.
"Dammit!" I growled angrily.
"Y/n." Laxus mumbled.
"Laxus! Your back to normal! Get me the hell out of here! Go take control of your people!" I cried as I quickly turned around and faced him.
"I can't. I'm not fully here. The hypnosis is weaker now, but when he is here I can't control it. I've been trying to break out of this spell, but I can't." Laxus stated as he looked at me. I could tell it was weaker. The glow in his eyes was weaker, where I could see his eyes. His bluish grey eyes held a light glow around them still.
"Well save you don't you worry." I stated.
"Well I hope so." Laxus said with a smile.
"Laxus, I'll save you don't you worry!" I said.
"I know you will, but I know Hayden. He'll be back with Evergreen. He'll turn you into stone, I'll try my hardest to save you, and take his ass down. You have my word." Laxus said as the glow then increased. Evergreen then came in and turned me to stone like Laxus had said would happened.

No pov...
Evergreen had went and she soon was facing Elfman. While Freed was battling Reedus. As both set of pair were now fighting, Bickslow was looking for Freed or Ciaron. As Bickslow searched for the snake guy or one of his friends, Evergreen had knocked Elfman down. Which as that happened the snake guy twisted and watch Bickslow's movements, carefully. While Freed struck Reedus down.

"Thought you could trick me with one of your creations now did you. I know you magic gives you the ability to bring your drawings to life! It's rather unfortunate really, this battle could have been a lot better if you caught me on guard." Freed stated as he pointed his sword as Reedus.
"Freed, stop. I know this isn't you. Please don't do this to your friends, your hurting them. I know deep down your not the kind of guy to do this" Reedus said weakly.
"Only forty members remain. Victory will soon be ours." Freed stated as he walked away.

Now back with Natsu and the others who was in the guild. The status report showed that Freed had taken Reedus down.
"Oh no! They took down Reedus!" Happy exclaimed.
"He could have never beat Freed! That guy is good!" Natsu stated.
"I know he's cool and all, but your cheering for the wrong side! Now we're not going to get Porlyusica's help! She was the one who could help save the members who had been hypnotized. Like Evergreen, Laxus, and Freed! Happy exclaimed.
"They don't need it. Once we figure out how to get out of here well take them down and save the girls. Plain and simple. I believe that Hayden guy was just bluffing about hurting the girls, but I swear if he hurts Y/n! I'll kick his ass!" Natsu said and growled.
"I'm just bluffing, huh! You sure about that." Hayden said as he appeared behind the others.
"It's a projection!" Happy exclaimed.
"Let Laxus and Y/n go!" Natsu growled.
"Natsu. What are you doing being held up in this dump. Are you scared?" Hayden laughed.
"I'm not scared! I'm stuck!" Natsu growled.
"What do you want?!" Makarov growled.
"How's it feel, huh." Hayden said with a smile.
"What feels?!" Makarov growled.
"Oh you know. Knowing your grandchildren have been taken down by me. It also must be tough watching your guild members you call your children take each other down one by one. To bad you don't have Erza or Natsu out there to be able to take down the Thunder Legion." Hayden stated as behind him a status report came.

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