Chapter 57: Y/n's True Father

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"You fools! You still cling onto the light." Hades growled.
"I've walked years with my Friends lives on my shoulder. That's why every time we have a new member I introduced myself to them. I learn their name, their magic, and their personality. I remember who they are, and that's why I'm Fairy Tail's Angel! I've shed blood for my family, I've shed tears, I've been abused, I've sacrificed myself for them, I've been hit, stomped, slashed, and kicked more than enough times. I've walked with angel's and in order to do so, you must let go of fear! As Fairy Tail's Angel I will defeat you! No as Fairy Tail's protectors we will defeat you!" I yelled as I ran with my sword out. I ran as he sent an attack toward me and my comrades. We ran as I held my sword ready to attack. Before I knew it Natsu and I hit Hades. As an explosion happened destroying most of the ship.

"No! That's impossible. My arcane magic had no affect on you." Hades stated as Natsu and I soon quickly punched the guy. The monsters he had created soon begin to crumble. Before I knew it the Tenrou Tree was back up as our emblem soon began to glow. Our magic power was back as I used the last bit of mine, earlier to spawn my sword and used one last spell to protect my family. Soon Natsu and I went to attack Hades again as he then hit us both back. I jumped back as I slid against the ground. Before my very eyes Laxus got back up and punched Hades.
"That's for hitting my sister!" Laxus growled.
"Laxus!" I yelled with a smile.
"Attack!" He yelled as we return it with a nod. Hades then hit Laxus down. We then all attacked him, but me and Natsu. We waited for the right time, I soon grabbed his hand that had the lightning in it. We then both hit Hades as he begin to use Grimoire Law. Natsu and I's attack hit Hades as he soon fell down. The sun shined as Natsu soon fell.
"We did it Gramps. We showed him whose boss. We put everything on the line and we showed them the power of out guild." Natsu stated as he soon threw his arms up in the air and started shouting. Soon the sky completely cleared up as we all sighed. I soon requipped into my orginal outfit I changed into. I then walked over by Laxus and sat down.
"Laxus! I missed you so much!" I stated as I hugged him.
"Jeez. I must admit I did to." Laxus chuckled as he hugged me.
"Aww, you big thunder bolt!" I chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah. Hey, Natsu. I wanna thank you for protecting Y/n. I was afaid that bastard would've hurt her." Laxus stated.
"No problem." Natsu stated with his classic smile.
"Natsu! Help us!" Happy cried as he, Carla, and Lilly came running as a bunch of Grimore hearts soldiers came at us.
"Hold it right there!" A familiar voice spoke. I smiled as we turned back to see Gramps.
"Hey Gramps." Natsu called.
"Everyone's here." Lucy stated.
"Y'all are all okay!" I stated with a smile as Grimoire Hearts Soldier soon took off running. Before I knew it everyone was so happy. Gramps soon came walking over beside Laxus and me. Laxus looked at Gramps as their eyes connected.
"I'm proud of you for coming back." Gramps stated.
"Gramps." I stated with a smile.
"Y/n. I'm proud of you as well." Gramps added which made me smile. As Laxus returned it with a nod.
"It's Laxus..." A voice stated which got mine and Laxus attention.
"Oh crap." I mumbled as before I knew it Laxus and me was in a tight hug with the Thunder Legion.
"Get off me!" Laxus growled.
"We missed you both so much!" The Thunder Legion cried.
"Jeez." I sighed as they soon let us out of the hug and helped Laxus up. I then notice Natsu was passed out as I walked over beside him and picked him up. Everyone soon headed back to base camp. I walked beside the Thunder Legion as I made sure Laxus was okay. I soon stopped as I looked back at Gramps as I then continued walking after I realised he was following us.

We soon returned to camp where Natsu passed out as I soon quickly changed into a f/c tank top and a black skirt as well as some black sandles. I then sat beside Laxus as Bickslow sat beside him.
"We missed you Laxus. Welcome back." Bickslow stated.
"Yeah! Welcome back!" Bickslow's babies stated.
"It's good to be back." Laxus stated as he draped his arm over my shoulder.
"I can't hold my tears back!" Freed cried.
"Oh come on!" Laxus whined.
"Laxus, Y/n. You wouldn't believe the terrible thing Elfman did to me while y'all were gone. Will you please punish him." Ever stated.
"Why you little--" Elfman begin to say as Laxus interrupted him, "Oh yeah, so when did you two hook up?"
"I'm curious when did y'all." I added.
"It's not like that--it's hard to explain!" Elfman trembled as Laxus soon placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head up and down.
"What in the hell is that suppose to mean?!" Elfman questioned as I chuckled as Freed continued to cry. Before I knew it Gildarts was sitting right beside Laxus and me. Gildarts soon asked for the details of what happened before Laxus went on his 3-4 month long adventure. Laxus explained what happened.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now