Chapter 8: Lullaby Part 3:

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I then took a deep breath as Erza and I was 10 feet away from each other. We had taken them all out without even taken a moment for a break.
"Wow! I think I'm in love! Lucy stated as I walked over beside Erza.
"I'm out of here!" A guy with green hair yelled as he took off running.
"You should follow him. I'd assume he is going to look for Erigor." Erza demanded for Lucy and Happy.
"Who me?!" Lucy asked confusedly.
"Umm I would if I was you." I sighed.
"Just do it!" Erza growled as Lucy took off running.
"I'll do it! Whaterver you say! I just don't want to make you angry!" Lucy yelled as Happy and her took off. Erza sighed as she looked up at me.
"Erza, you okay?" I asked.
"Gray was right. I over did it on the magic mobil." Erza said as she fell to her knees.
"Erza!" I exclaimed as I got down beside her.
"I'm okay. Don't worry." She sighed as I returned it with a nod.
'Please, boys. Please don't fail us.' I thought as I helped Erza up.

Soon I helped Erza get to the roof as I did she was able to stand again and I stayed behind the wall making sure she didn't fall. Erza had a blowhorn and she pulled it out speaking to the people surrounding the station.
"Someone's on the balcony!" A voice from the crowd yelled.
"What's going on?" Another voice yelled.
"If you value your lives then you will leave this place at once. This station has been taken over by an evil guild! They are threatening to broadcast a deadly spell over the speakers that would kill everyone here. I beg you run far as you can!" Erza yelled through the blowhorn as everyone took off running.
"Hey lady! Why would you make everyone panic like that!" A guy that works at the train station said.
"I would rather that, than all these people die! In fact you men need to evacuate as well." Erza said as the men took off running as well. I came out from behind the wall and beside Erza, who was looking out at the citizens running away.

"At least there leaving." I sighed.
"Now, that we've cleared everyone from the train station. I wondered what Erigor next move will be." Erza stated as she turned around. Soon wind begin to pick up as there was none at all, before. Which brought chills down my body.
"Erza, where did this wind come from..." I said loudly and then my voice change in pure shock as I turned around to see a huge wind barrier in front of me.
"It's a wind barrier!" Erza exclaimed as I heard laughter behind us.
"Erza! It's Erigor!" I yelled.
"I've always wanted an opportunity to fight the Queen of the Fairies and Queen of Thunder, but unfortunately. I don't have time to play with you two right now. Kaminari, come with me." Erigor said as he held his hand up sending a bright purple light at Erza. I grabbed Erza's waist as it pushed her and I through the magic circle.
"Dammit! That wasn't supposed to happen. Well looks like the client will have to ask someone else. First thing first, though." I heard him say through the wind barrier as I let go of Erza.
"Erigor!" Erza yelled as she attack the barrier with her elbow. She then flew back as the attack hit her.
"It's useless. There's no way you'll be able to break through my magic sealing barrier. You see it's one way only! It'll tear you apart." Erigor said as Erza grabbed her arm.
"What is the meaning of this you bastard." Erza growled.
"We waisted enough time on you Fairy Tail Flies! Now if you'll excuse me I'll take my leave!" Erigor said as I supposed he left.
"Comeback here! Damn you, Erigor. We'll will find a way to stop you!" Erza growled.
"So, if he wasn't gonna attack this station then, so what is he planning?" I questioned.
"I don't know." Erza sighed.
"Move! Let me try." I stated as I begin getting ready to attack.
"Y/n! Stop!" Erza demanded.
"Lightning Dragon Roar!" I roared as it made it a bit weaker, but it kept spinning. I sighed as I looked at Erza who was still holding her arm.
"What are we going to do now?" I sighed.
"We try to find out how to break the magic seal." Erza stated as I sighed.
"Yeah." I sighed as I crossed my arms. I then turned around and leaned again a small portion of a wall. I was thinking of a way to get out of the barrier. I thought about hitting it a lot with some of the attacks that don't require me to actually hit it with my body, but I don't think it would do any good. I then just stood there thinking.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now