Chapter 39: Allied Forces, Assemble.

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Two days later...

We was working at 8 Island which was a restaurant made by Yajima. I was wearing one of the cute orange uniforms It made the restaurant a bit more popular as they knew I was working there.
"Hi! I would absolutely love to take your order! What would you gentlemen want?" I asked with a smile on my face. They order one of everything as I then went and put in their order and got their drinks.
"Please! Y/n! Makarov would hate for you to wear such revealing clothing and wait tables!" Yajima stated.
"Oh come on. If you want more money you should let me wait tables. Besides I don't mind just as long as it doesn't reach my big bro or Gramps of course." I stated with a smile as the doors opened up. I then brought the two gentlemen there drinks as I saw Laxus.
"Laxus!" I gasped as our eye met.
"Hey. Sis. I'm suprised I'd see you working here." Laxus stated as Yajima told me to sit down and visit with him.
"So. How've you been? You got your head cleared?" I asked.
"Yeah, mostly. A couple more things and one question that is on my mind is about what Mira wanted to tell me." Laxus stated as Natsu brought over a couple drinks and went back to waiting tables.
"Agreed. I was going to ask her, but Natsu and I had the day planned out and by the time I was about to ask her, it was time to leave." I stated as I took a sip of my drink.
"Hmm. So How's Gramps?" Laxus asked as I then told him he was fine. We had a good conversation for an hour or two and we hugged and he left. He said he'd be home in about a month or two, and he left. I then helped the others finish waiting tables as we then had our own meal. As we returned back to our other clothes. I was wearing a s/f/c spaghetti strap crop top, a cute f/c skort, with black boots with knee high black stockings. Yajima then told us about the magic council and the recent rumors. He also told the boys to behave more and we then left in a carrige. He told me to tell Gramps that he said hi and we promised him we would. As night fell we soon returned to the guild the next day as Mira told us the dark guilds have been more active recently. We saw all of the guilds as Juvia stated all of the guilds depended on each other but one.
"Raven Tail..." Juvia said at the very end that made my fist clench.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Mira asked.
"Yeah." I growled as I then controlled my anger. Lucy then felt a bit scared as she thought they would take it out on Fairy Tail. Soon Gramps came in and said we must destroy Oracion Seis. I was happy to see Gramps, but at the same time I was angry. I hated hearing the name Raven Tail. It made my blood boil, knowing people would work under that horrible human being. I just couldn't believe Ivan made his own guild that ended up going dark side.
I tried to control my anger as people wondered why Gramps ment what he had said. I didn't question it, but I wanted to kick some ass as well. He explained everything and that we had to team up with the other magical guilds that were good which included Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter. It turned out that all of team Natsu was sent to help. I was sitting next to Natsu and Erza as I rubbed circles on Natsu back that helped with his motion sickness a bit. We we're now heading to the Blue Pegasus guild at the moment while riding in a wagon.

"I know I've said it before but I got a real bad feeling about this mission. And Why am I here? It's not like I'm strong!" Lucy whined.
"Look this isn't a picnic for me either. So quit being a baby." Gray stated as Lucy gave him a soured look.
"Just chill would y'all. We're here for one reason." I stated with a sigh as Erza then finished my sentence, "Master put his faith in us so let's not disappoint him."
"Agreed." I stated as Natsu laid his head on my shoulder.
"I know your right, but Gajeel and Juvia are better fighters than me." Lucy pouted.
"Yeah, but Gramps sent them on another mission." I state as Natsu laid on top of my lap.
"I don't care. I just want to... get... there..." Natsu muttered.
"It seems like we're always picked for this stuff." Lucy continued to whine.
"You should consider this as an honor. You went from newby to fighting with two S-Class Wisards." I stated with a smile.
"This will also be one of our first joint operations with the other guilds." Erza stated as I looked out of the carriage to see Blue Pegasus.
"There it is!" Happy and I stated as the carrige soon came to a big pink Mansion. We got out of the carriage and walked into the blue Pegasus guild hall. It was completely dark. Erza told us that this is the second home of Master Bob's. Gray insulted him in a nice way, but I didn't care because I was making sure Natsu was okay.
"Umm! I just remember---" I begin to say as a voice interrupted me.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now