Chapter 15: The Peace Village

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I change my mood with a smile as I walked into the village. As I begin to walk into the village I was stopped by the sound of voices.
"Look a new girl." Someone stated as I walked past them.
"She's hot." Someone else said as I walked past them. I continued as I walked into a pub and asked where the Mayor's house was at. They told me it was the big house on the hill. I nodded and left. I walked out of the pub, and towards the house. I was on my way to see the mayor when I heard a child yelling. I turned down a street to see a little boy with sky blue and a strip of black hair crying and begging. As three guys was around him, and another guy with sky blue hair was on the ground with a sword to his throat. Two other guys was holding the boy back.
"Let my dad go! He didn't do it!" The little boy begged.
"God! Will this little brat shut up." A guy with red hair stated.
"I know right." A guy with green hair said holding the little boy back.
"I'll kill Dimitri here, and then this little brat if he doesn't stop crying!" A guy with orange hair stated.
"N-No! Don't hurt my Dad!" The boy cried which set me off.
"Leave my son alone. Noah when they let you go, please run!" Dimitri pleaded. I then pushed my foot back as I kicked off the ground, ran and kicked the orange hair guy making him drop the sword and push Dimitri forward grabbing his son. I then elbowed the red hair guy and as I did I electrocuted the guy with green hair making them both fall down to the ground. I picked up the two guys and threw them down in front of the guy with orange hair as I placed my foot on top of the two I just knocked out. While standing infront of the father and son.
"What the hell!" The orange hair guy stated as he got off the ground.
"You make me sick! What kind of Jerks kills a guy infront of his son!" I growled.
"Why do you care?" The orange guy stated.
"Because he begged you to spare his son's life! Those kind of fathers are the ones who are the greatest. I was pretty angry before I came here, and now you made me even more pissed!" I growled as I step over the two guy and I walked towards the guy with orange hair. Electricity was radiating off me as I did.
"What pathetic guild are you from?" He growled as he went to hit me, but I quickly dodge it and ended up behind him.
"I'm from Fairy Tail!" I yelled as I kicked him in the back sending him flying into the sky.
"Who are you?" Dimitri asked.
"I'm Y/n Dreyar, and S-Class Wizard from Fairy Tail. I'm sorry those jerks were trying to kill you and your son." I said with a smile as I put my leg down.
"Thank you, miss!" Noah cried as he hugged me as I got down to his height level and hugged him back.
"Hey it's okay. I'm always looking forward to kicking a bad guys butt, and saving people." I said with a smile.
"Thanks you for saving my daddy! Y/n!" Noah cried into my arms.
"Your welcome." I said with a smile.
"Y/n. Thanks for saving me and my son. I must repay you in any way." Dimitri stated.
"No Thanks. I did it out of the kindness of my heart." I stated with a smile. "Alright then. Come on Noah, let's get back to your mother." Dimitri said as he ruffled his son's hair as they begin to walk away.
"Hey Dimitri!" I yelled as he turned around and looked back at me.
"Hmm. What is it?" Dimitri asked.
"If you ever need me just send a letter to the guild Fairy Tail. They'll let me know once I get back to the guild." I said as they nodded and smiled as they then left. I then walked back towards the Mayor's house. (Looks like this👇)

 (Looks like this👇)

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Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now