Chapter 7: Lullaby Part 2:

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"Y/n. Just remember what I told you on our last mission. The other thing I wanted to tell you was I want to kick his ass for doing what he did." Natsu said pulling me into a hug. I remember what he said and I hugged him back. We then got in the magic mobil and took off. Erza was flying the magic mobil as I was trying to keep my stomach down.

"Hey, slow down, Erza! Your using up to much of your power driving this thing!" Gray yelled faintly because he was on top of the car.
"I have no choice but to keep pushing myself! We're running out of time! If Erigor gets his hands on this death magic; lives will be lost." Erza yelled faintly. Erza then continued to race towards our destination.

No ones pov...
Over in the town of Clover you'll find the building where the Guild Masters conferences are held.

"I'm jealous, Makie! Your wizards are all filled with life, and are such cutie pies. I heard you have a girl that gave a big shot quite a spanking!" Master Bob of the Blue Pegasus said to Master Makarov.
"Oh. You must me talking about my granddaughter, Y/n. She's a amazing wizards. Even from Day one when she found out she had magic. She could just hit someone and they could break through the wall." Makarov stated.
"Well she is the prettiest girl here in Fiore." Master Bob stated.
"Hmm. Yes." Makarov sighed.
"I would be stupid, If I didn't say that she does have a nice body. Which I have to admit that she may be a strong wizard, and that your other wizards are spirited. But, you have to admit that they go overboard some times. Even the magic council worries that Fairy Tail will destroy a whole city one of these days. Can't say that I blame them." Master Goldmine from Quatro Cerberus said while taking a bite of food.
"Oh let those chatterboxes worry! I don't care. There just jealous my wizards are hot!" Makarov said ws he took a sip of his drink.
"Oh Makie! You shouldn't talk about your little wizards that way. You such a scoundrel." Bob said while blowing air in his face with hand. Soon a little blue bird came toward Master Makarov.
"Master Makarov! Master Makarov! I have a letter from Miss Mirajane, Sir." The little blue bird said as he gave Makarov a letter, and then flew away.
"Ahh. Thanks a lot." Makarov said as he open the letter using his magic. The magic appeared as a projection of Mirajane, but is a letter to Makarov.
"Hi Master! I'm glad you made it to the conference safe and sound." Mirajane said with a smile.
"See this honey is one of our poster girls Mirajane. Grab some eye candy boys." Makarov said showing them the letter.
"Oh, Master your not going to believe what happened! It may be the greatest thing in the history of Fairy Tail!" Mirajane said with a huge smile.
"Really?!"Makarov said with a smile.
"Erza, Y/n, Natsu, and Gray have all teamed up together! An amazing combination, Huh! In fact I think they may have formed the strongest team Fairy Tail has ever seen! Sorry to bother you, but I had to send a quick note for the exciting news! Oh, and Y/n has a message for you as normal." Mirajane said as she transformed into Y/n.
"Hey Gramps! I hope things go well at conference! I'll miss you and I'll see you when you get back! Bye!" Y/n said with a smile as Mirajane came back.
"N-Not those f-four!" Makarov stuttered in shock from the news.
"See you soon Master." Mirajane said as the letter went away.
"What's wrong Makie?" Bob asked as Makarov stood a little hunched over on the table.
"I guess the Concil has a good reason to be worried, right." Goldmind said codly. As Makarov then fell down on his back still in shock.
'I can't believe this is happening! Those four could really destroy a entire city. The conference can end today so I can be back at Fairy Tail by tomorrow aftrernoon I just hope nothing crazy happens by now and then. Oh! Please let nothing happen! Especially to Y/n! Laxus would never trust another living soul with his sister ever again, and the same with Gildarts. Oh! This can't be good. Please let nothing happen. Please.' Makarov thought and worried about his granddaughter's safety.

Y/v's Pov...
The Magic Mobil had stopped and Natsu and I was calming our stomachs down a little bit.
"Happy. Kill me." I mumbled looking at Happy.
"Sorry, but I think Laxus would kill me." Happy sighed.
"Yeah. Your right." I sighed as I listened to Lucy.
"I can understand cars and boats but why would they want to highjack a train?" Lucy questioned.
"It doesn't seem like it would be a very good choice for get away since it can only follow the tracks on." Happy stated as he jumped up by the window of the magic mobil and took a breath.
"Yes. That's true, but they are quite bad." Erza stated.
"Then, I guess it's up to us to figure out where those Eisenwald guys are going in such a hurry." Gray stated.
"G-Gray. Your clothes." I muttered.
"Yeah, Gray! Your naked!" Lucy yelled!
"Oh. I am." Gray said as he looked down at himself.
"It should be a matter of time before someone catches them." Lucy stated as Erza started the magic mobil and took off. Soon we arrived at Oshibana town, and Erza was driving pretty fast. I swear I hit the side of the wall like five times, maybe more.
"Erza, you need to slow dow ! Your going way to fast! Your gonna over load the Sc-plug!" Gray yelled.
"There's no telling how many innocent people could die if Lullaby's song is played. I can't slow down; we have to stop Eisenwald before it's to late!" Erza stated.
"At this rate you'll use up all your magic before we start fighting." Gray stated.
"Well then I'll just have to rely on hand to hand combat besides I got you, y/n, and Natsu as backup." Erza yelled. I took a deep breath as I did I could feel my stomach calming down. I sat up and kept breathing to make me feel better.
"I feel like there is something important I was supposed to tell you Lucy." Happy stated as he thought.
"What was it?" Lucy asked.
"I don't remember it was just something about something I was supposed to tell you. Like your..." Happy stated.
"Sick for real..." Natsu said while feeling sick.
"That's it!" Happy exclaimed. I giggled knowing he is a little behind in remembering stuff and as I did Natsu threw his body outside.
"Natsu!" I yelled as I ran over to him and held onto him.
"Careful, Natsu. Your going to fall out!" Lucy exclaimed.
"That's what I was planning on." Natsu muttered.
"Natsu, remember what you told me, the other night. I just want you to know I feel the same way you do. Just don't try to kill yourself because of your motion sickness!" I yelled as I tried to pull him back inside the magic mobil. As I did I almost got him back inside when I almost fell out with Natsu. Lucy then came up behind me and pulled me back in with Natsu.
"Thanks Lucy." I said as I held Natsu close to me. Happy kept calling Lucy different names and I kept a good grasp on Natsu.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now