Chapter 13: Laxus & Y/n

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I shall return." Mystegon said.
"No. Wait. Please lift your sleeping spell before you leave." Gramps said as I gave Mystegon back the flyer.
"5." Mystegon said as he turned around and begin to walk out of the guild.
"4." He said as he got closer to the entrance.
"3." He took another step.
"2." He said as he he was right in between the guild doors and outside.
"1." He said as he exited the guild. Everyone then woke up as I then still felt a little tired as Natsu was now asleep.
"Was Mystegon here?" Jet sighed.
"What an ass." Droy sighed.
"Does he have to put us to sleep everytime he comes here." Levy whined.
"Who's this Mystegon guy?" Lucy asked.
"He's a contender for Fairy Tail's strongest wizard." Elfman said.
"He casts a sleeping spell when he comes here, so no one see him." Gray stated.
"That's kinda creepy!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Master is the only person here who's gotten a good look at his face." Gray said as I was still leaning against the bar.
"That's not true. Y/n and I've seen him before." A familiar voice said that made me smile which made me jump up.

"Hey Laxus!!" I yelled with a smile as I waved.
"Hey baby sis. I heard you destroyed the Guild Master conference hall. I also know it's the first thing you've destroyed on your own." Laxus stated with a smile.
"Yep. I did." I sighed.
"Laxus." Elfman growled behind me.
"Talking about rare." Macao said behind me.
"Your never here." Wakaba stated.
"And here's another contender." Gray sighed.
"Mystegon's just a little shy. You should all respect his privacy." Laxus stated with a smile which made me giggle.
"Hey bro! Thanks for including me! At least you know. This one never includes me." I yelled as I pointed at Gray which made Laxus nod.
"So. Has any of the guys here tried to touch my baby sister. If so I'm not afraid to throw down." Laxus chuckled.
"Alright Laxus! You and me right now." Natsu stated as he got up and draped his arm over my shoulder, and I blushed as he did.
'Did Natsu just admit that he likes me?! No. That can't be true. We're best friends, that's all we'll ever be.' I thought while still blushing. Soon I was pulled out of thought by a familiar voice. It was Gray, who was next to me.
"Getting your ass kicked once today wasn't enough." Gray sighed.
"Yeah, pal. If you can't even win against the red head why bother with me. Especially if my baby sis can take you down with one slap. If you want to be with my baby sis your gonna have to beat me. That'll never happen, so you better run along now." Laxus provoked.
"What are you trying to say?!" Erza growled.
"No need to get worked up Erza." Gray stated.
"I'm saying the guild's strongest wizard is no other than me." Laxus said as he threw his arms out. I sighed as I remeber the last time he did this.
"Then come down here and prove it." Natsu growled as he pulled me behind him.
"You come to me little man." Laxus growled with a smile.
"With pleasure!" Natsu growled as he ran and jumped up on the counter and towards the second floor. Soon Gramps crushed him as he was in mid air. As he did I race quickly up the stairs before anyone notice.
"Your not allowed on the second floor. At least not yet, Natsu." Gramps growled.
"Yeah, but I am." I said with a smile.
"I didn't even hear or see you come up here. Your that damn fast, so my baby sis is gonna fight me." Laxus growled with a smile.
"I've been thinking about that. I'd have to pass. I just came up here to see my big bro." I said after I crossed my arms with a smile at the end. Laxus looked back at me with a smile as I walked up beside him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we both leaned up against the guild second floor balcony. I looked down to see that Gramps still had his hand on Natsu.
"Hehe. Think ya made him grumpy." Laxus said as he looked down at Natsu.
"Shut up!" Natsu growled.
"That's enough out of you Laxus." Gramps growled.
"The most powerfulest wizard in the guild isn't some chic, or a hooded weirdo. You wanna know the strongest wizards looks like! Well your looking right at him." Laxus yelled as he stood up and pointed at himself.
"-ahem-" I growled looking at him.
"My mistake. The strongest man is me, and the strongest chic is no other than my baby sis, right here." Laxus said as he pointed at himself again and then at me.
"That's better." I mumbled with a smile.
"It's true though. You have three different powers, and yet they still don't call you the most powerfulest chic in the guild. Well I've seen your power and I just can't help but say you are." Laxus said with a smile.
"Jeez! Thunder Thigh! Thanks for actually saying something. I hate to say it without sounding cocky. Which is why your a great big bro." I admitted.
"Yeah. That what I'm here for." Laxus agreed with a smile.
"That's Y/n's brother!" Lucy exclaimed!
"Yep. That's Laxus. When Y/n and Laxus get together in a battle, you'd never seen two wizards more in sync then those two." Gray added.
"Really!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Yeah. They call them the Dreyar Sibiling, Thunder siblings, or--" Gray begin to say.
"Or they call us The Lightning siblings. Don't forget that." I added as I looked down at Gray.
"Yeah. I won't." Gray sighed.
"Woah. How are they siblings?! The only thing I can tell that's the same on those two are the scar on their eye." Lucy admitted.
"Yeah. I mean Y/n is so sweet while Laxus is so bitter." Gray added.
"He may be bitter at times, but he is a big o' sweetheart!" Mira said and I could tell she was blushing a bit. I looked up at Laxus who was blushing and looking at Mira as he leaned back down on the balcony rail.
"Really!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Wait! Are you kidding me? How do you know Mira?!" Gray asked and exclaimed in shock.
"I just know that every person has a little sweetness and bitterness down inside them. Like me for example. I use to be bitter, but soon after the incident I became sweet." Mira added.
"Mira. You was never bitter to me." Laxus said out loud in a whisper.
"I agree." I whispered.
"You heard that!" Laxus asked in a whisper as he blushed.
"Yep." I whispered back with a smile.
"You've never told our secrets to anyone right." He whispered.
"Not one soul. I never said anything about your motion sickness, and I won't with this. I mean it. I won't tell anyone what you said." I whispered.
"Your the best little sister. Come on. Let's talk outside, so we don't have to whisper." Laxus said out loud as he got up and walked over by the balcony doors. I got up and followed as he opened the door. I walked through the door as he walked out after I did. I sat on the table and leaned up against the guild like I did before. As Laxus leaned up against the guild.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now