Chapter 53: The Truth

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Before we knew it, we turned a corner and I felt intense magic power.
"We got company." I stated as I quickly turned into Kaminari's lightning Angel's armor. I then ripped the skirt off as it revealed shorts that matched it. The guy standing before us had rain pouring on top of him. It was unnatural in fact.
"Who are you? Are you one of the kin!" Natsu growled.
"Tell me, have you learned to fly. No. Pity." The guy stated as the rain became droplets.
'I have to stay alert. This guy's magic power is strong.' I thought as I watched his movement, precisely.
"Then you'll fall." He stated as the rain quickly fell on top of him and his magic power increased as the ground below begin to fall as my guildmates was pinned down as I was not.
"Pinning down your prey! That's child's play! You coward!" I growled.
"Well, I don't care about Zeraf or beating Fairy Tail. I just want to pay my respects to Mavis Vermillion. Where may I find her grave?" The guy stated as the gravity soon stopped pinning my friends to the ground as I looked up at the guy as I was several feet away from him.
"What are you looking for here?" I growled.
"Like I said, I'm looking for Mavis Vermillion's grave." The guy stated.
"Like we know! We've been looking for it for a while now!" Lucy yelled as I realized I knew where it was. Happy soon stated something about the guy wanting to become apart of Fairy Tail and join the guild as the guy then used his gravity magic to pin him down.
"Alright that's enough! No more comments from you. I'll say this once and listen well. I don't know anything about a trial and I have no intention in joining you pathetic fools!" The guy stated as it pissed me off enough to send my slicer spell at him. It hit him as he realized who sent an attack.
"I'm done playing friendly with the enemy. Now I'll say this again! What the hell do you hope to attain here!" I growled.
"I want to attain Fairy Glitter. I heard it's more powerful than Fairy Law." The guy stated.
"Like hell we'd give it to you!" I growled.
"Fine, then I'll just crush you till you pop!" The guy stated as he used his gravity magic on me.
"Oh there's something you should know. Gravity doesn't affect this angel!" I chuckled.
"Then I'll just crush your friends until their head pops." The guy stated as he used his magic on Natsu and the others. I growled as I looked back at Natsu and then back at the guy.
"You can't defeat me. I'm Natsu Dragneel. I'm the son of Igneel! You can't keep me down." Natsu growled as he stood up and started running.
"Need a lift." I stated with a smile as I stomped my foot, shattering a bit of the ground, helping him get a lift. Before I knew it he was hit back to the ground.
"Hmm. You brought Makarov. Then I'll just ask him myself." The guy stated as he look at my Gramps
"No you won't!" Natsu and I yelled in unsion.
"Mess with Gramps and--" Natsu begin to say as he was soon shoved down into the ground.
"If you mess with Gramps you mess with me!" I growled as I pulled my hand back.
"Oh! Well just tell me where it is and I'll leave you be." The guy stated.
"Never. Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!" I shouted as I threw my attack at him. It hit an exploded. I smiled as next thing I notice was the guy used an attack that hit me. I winced in pain as I was soon pushed back. I moved my hands and before I knew it the guy was in front of me. He was about to take a hit on me as I blocked his attack with my leg. Then all of a sudden, I was in hand-to-hand combat with the guy. Hit after hit, attack after attack. I had to do it to protect my family. I then quickly requipped into my Dragon Force armor and I slashed him. Then I slashed him again. The guy then hit me and I slid against the ground and jumped up. I then hit him with an electric ball. It exploded and he was still there.
"Huh! Happy look." Natsu gasped as I continued to fight.
"Look at what, Natsu?" Happy questioned.
"Look at her eyes, doesn't that look remind you of--" Natsu begin to say when Happy interrupted him in a scream, "Ahh! I see it!"
"What are you talking about, Natsu?" Lucy questioned.
"She has that fierce look that Gildarts has." Natsu stated.
"What! You mean he has that look." Wendy questioned.
"It's the look of determination." Natsu stated as I punched the guy and he then hit me back.
"She has the desire to win." Happy added as I shot lightning at him.
"The desire to win." Wendy and Lucy questioned as the guy came out of my attack and hit me. I slid against the ground as I stopped the force of my speed.
"Yeah. When I fought Gildarts earlier he told me I was just like him. The hunger of win. The burning desire for victory. Which is what Y/n has." Natsu stated. I then quickly took off as I then hit the guy with my bare fist. I then jumped back as my power increase.
"Woah. That increase of magic power, where did it come from?" The guy questioned. I then breathed in as I got ready to roar.
"Kaminari's Lightning Dragon's Nova Breath!" I roared as a long lightning strike of a roar came out and hit the guy. It exploded as I then took off after him. The explosion cleared and he was still standing. I growled as he sent and attack at me and I dodge it. He then sent another attack at me as I then jumped and landed side ways of the rock walls. The guy motion for more attacks and I ran against the wall as I then jumped up and kicked him.
"Wow!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Incredible!" Wendy stated.
"We may win after all." Lucy stated with a smile. Soon the guy came at me a I quickly jumped up and dodged the attack. Before I knew it the guy grabbed my foot and slammed me into the ground. I quickly electrocuted his hand and jumped up and kicked the guy straight in the face. I then jumped back and landed on the ground. The guy was getting angry and I stood up and requipped back to my other armor. I then took off as me and the guy started to fight again with hand to hand combat. I hit him, he hit me. Back and forth multiple times. I then spawned my lightning sword in my right hand. I flipped it backwards as I then slashed it at him and threw it to my other hand and slashing him in the process. He then kicked me and I hit the ground and slid back. I then jumped up.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now