Chapter 10: The Strongest Team

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"Haha! The hottest girl in Fiore doesn't like you Gray!" Natsu laughed while draping his arm around me again.
"Yeah! Well your to stupid you didn't even here her say---" Gray begin to say when the magic mobil shot in between us and Natsu grabbed me and jumped out of the way.
"Kagey!" Erza screamed in anger!
"What do you think your doing?!" Gray growled.
"Shouldn't have left your gaurd down flies! Lullaby's mine now! " Kagey said as he took of with our Magic Mobil.

I was on my back laying down on the ground as Natsu arms was around me protectively.
"Y/n. Are you alright?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah." I said while keeping my arms wrapped around Natsu.
"Good." He said while picking me up bridal style.
"Umm! Natsu. You can put me down." I mumbled.
"Yeah, I would, but imagine what Gildarts and Laxus would do if I didn't keep you safe." Natsu stated.
I thought about how if I got a new scar they would easily beat Natsu up just for not protecting me. I gulped remembering what Gildarts did that one year after Ivan said I wasn't worthy of my last name.
"Okay. You win. I don't want you hurt." I said as I let Natsu carry me.
"That! Bastard!" Natsu yelled.
"We saved his life and this is how he repays us!" Lucy screamed.
"If he hurts Gramps, I'll kill him! I swear!" I growled.
"After Him!" Erza demanded as we begin to run to Clover.

No ones pov...
Soon it shows Kageyama standing outside the guild master conference. He grew in shock as he heard noises coming from behind him. He turned around to see Master Makarov looking at a Sorcerer Weekly magazine.
"Wow! There are some hot little numbers this week. Young wizarding ladies are so much more powerful now then they were back in my days. And hotter too! Ahh! I got to catch up to those fools before they destroy an entire town." Makarov said as he got up and put the Sorcery Weekly behind his back. He then turned around quickly and started freaking out due to seeing Kagey.
"I really don't care what your doing." Kageyama said with a sigh.
"Boy, you've been hurt badly. You shouldn't be wondering around the woods in your condition." Makarov stated.
"Yes, sir. Your right." Kagey stated.
'Wait a minute. That's Makarov, Master of the Fairy Tail Guild. Which that means that's also Y/n's Grandfather. Why do I keep running into these flies.' Kageyama thought.
"Excuse me, sir. I don't think you care to hear a song. They wouldn't let me play while in the hospital. It means a lot to play for someone, again." Kageyama said innocently.
"That's one creepy looking flute you got there." Makarov stated.
"I know, but it sounds beautiful." Kageyama said.
"Hmm. I should be going, but I guess one song won't hurt." Makarov said with a smile.
"Oh, thank you." Kagey said sickly sweet.
'We win.' He then thought.

"Be sure to listen carefully, okay. Sir." Kagey said as he moved the flute to hit lips.
'This is it.' Kagey then thought.

Y/n's pov...
After Natsu carried me for a long time we finally made it to Clover.
"There he is!" Gray exclaimed.
"Gramps!" Natsu and I exclaimed as he still held me.
"Master!" Erza yelled.
"Natsu let me go! I'm going to kick some ass!" I growled as I struggled to get out of Natsu grasp.
"I know your worried, but---" Natsu begin to say as I elbowed him in the gut making myself fall, but land on my feet.
"Shh. We're getting to the good part. Well aren't you boy's adorable. So cute!" Master Bob said as he came out of no where and made Natsu and Gray shudder.
"Who the hell is that guy?!" Lucy exclaimed quietly behind Erza.
"That's Master Bob of the Blue Pegasus guild." Erza and I stated with a sigh.
"Erza, Y/n. Honey's you've really gorgeous." Master Bob stated as I turned around and looked back down at Gramps and Kagey.

"Hmm. I can't wait all night young man." Gramps stated faintly. Kagey then moved the flute down as he looked at Gramps. I growled in frustration as I feared he was going to use the flute.
"God Dammit!" I yelled as the electricity intensify as I got ready to run and attack him like a cheetah after their prey.
"Oh no!" Erza gasped along with Natsu and Gray.
"Shh. Keep it down over there. We're just about to get to the good part." Master Goldmine said as I notice Master Bob had Natsu and Gray in a hug.
"He's with Quatro Cerberus!" Lucy stated.
"That's their Master, Goldmine." Erza stated.
"Hmmm. Well." Gramps said as Kagey hesitated.
"Don't do it! If you do I'll break your neck." I mubbled as he lifted it back up again. I growled and then took off as quick as lightning.
"Y/n!" Erza yelled.
"Nothing will change. You can't change the fact that those who are weak; will forever remain weak. Now, maybe that's just me but I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm mean we human's are weak creatures by nature. Our own insecurities, are the reason even guild's exist and why we have friends. When were surrounded by allies it easier to stay positive about the future. Think about it this way, if were clumsy then we may stumble and bump into things, but as long as we have fate in out future. We continue marching foward. Our inner strength emerges on it own, but we have to choose that path. And live our lives to the fullest. Don't let that silly flute get in the way." Gramps said to Kagey.
"KAGEYAMA!" I yelled as I ran and then sucker punched him. He then fell to the ground, and drop the flute.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now