Chapter 43: End of The Oracion Seis

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"I would use you greatly as my Puppet. And of course you as my power source." Brain laughed and I growled as he then went to grab me and Natsu shoved me out of the way.
"I won't let him get you. Go Y/n!" Natsu mumbled.
"Natsu." I mumbled.
"Run." Natsu said with a smile as I nodded.
"I'll save you! Don't worry!" I yelled as I ran.
"You'll never get her. Either me or her! Choose!" Natsu stated.
"Damn. Your right. Fine I'll choose you!"  Brain stated as he took off with Natsu.
"I can't leave him." I mumbled as I looked down. I then turned around and headed the way Brain went.

"Natsu!" I heard Lucy shout. I then saw Happy as I ran and picked him up. I then quickly ran and jumped over beside Lucy and Gray as the ground then shattered.
"You'll never get us to surrender!" I growled as I got ready to attack.
"Woah! I didn't even see her coming!" Lucy exclaimed as I then handed her Happy.
"He'll never surrender. Cause I'm the only person who can save him! He'll fight to the bitter end!" I growled as Natsu soon bit Brain. I held in laughter as that quickly went away as Brain smacked Natsu into the ground.
"Help me! I begging you!" Natsu mumbled weakly from his motion sickness.
"Where gonna stop it not just for your sake!" Gray stated.
"Yeah!" Lucy agreed.
"Is that so! You'll stop Nirvana. Try your best! You must not waist anytime. Were quickly approaching our first target. The Cait Shelter Guild Hall." Brain stated.
"Damn you!" I yelled.
"What is your objective? What could you possibly hope to gain from their loss." Jura demanded in a nice calm voice.
"In a blink of an eye, this guild will be consumed by darkness. Oh the things we shall see. What splendid horrors awaits us!" Brain laughed.
"We won't let you get away with this you scum bag!" Gray growled as I looked back to see Jura glowing.
"Gray. Lucy. Move!" I yelled as I begin to get ready to attack.
"You still haven't told me! What do you hope to gain?!" Jura demanded as Brain soon begin to laugh maliciously.
"I don't have to answer to you! I hold the range in between light and darkness! Kneel before me and ask for one thing only! For Mercy!" Brain laughed as I growled.
"What a bothersome fool!" Jura growled.
"Agreed." I agreed.
"What are you two doing?!" Gray questioned.
"He's far too delusional to have a normal conversation." Jura stated.
"Cover me." I stated.
"Will do Y/n." Jura added as he begin to glow. Soon Brain sent an attack toward me and Jura as the attack was soon blocked by Jura's attack. I closed my eyes focusing on my attack.
"His power is incredible..." Brain stated as he then gasped.
"Woah! Where's that magic energy coming from?" Lucy asked in fear as I then opened my eyes. I then punched the ground sending the attack, Mizuwari towards Brain. I then stood up beside Jura as Brain fell.
"Where did she get all that magic energy from?" Brain questioned.
"Stand up! Once you explain why you set your site on The Cate Shelter Guild then I'll let you rest." Jura growled.
"I have no problem ending your miserable life in fact!" I growled.
"Woah! I guess their not messing around!" Gray stated.
"No. They look pretty serious. I just wanna know what kind of magic is Y/n using!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Woah!" Natsu exclaimed as he then covered his mouth before he could puke.
"I'll tell you later." I stated as I focused back on Brain.
"How fascinating. I must say I only heard the name of one person who uses that magic, Miss Dreyar. In fact, I'm surprised you would learn magic from some meaningless fool, than your own father. Your power may have increased, but can a wizard saint and you defeat me." Brain provoked as he stood up.
"Do not insult him in my presence, unless you mean well enough to persuade me to send you to the afterlife." I growled.
"I know for fact there are numerous guild closer than Cait Shelter. To go so far out of your way, it betrays as certain intention." Jura stated as Brain raised his creepy staff up and a green magic came from it.
"Until then you'll be nothin' but a faded memory." Brain stated as he then sent an attack towards us. I then held my right hand up.
"All Crush." I mumbled as I moved my fingers a bit making a bunch of lines vertically, and horizontally that then shot out of my hands. It sliced the attack as an explosion happen destroying the attack. Soon Jura made an Iron rock walk protecting me from the next attack that came. He and I both jumped up on top of the rock wall as we looked down at Brain.
"It is pointless for you to keep attacking me and Miss Y/n. I demanded an answer for my question, Brain!" Jura yelled as Brain sent another attack. Jura then blocked the attack as I quickly and safely jumped up into the air. I hit the ground sending my attack towards Brain. The ground was destroyed by my attack, making Brain go up into the air. He then disappeared as Lucy and Gray stated he was behind Jura. Jura then blocked the attack giving me time to go after Brain. I quickly enhanced my speed as I then sent my attack Slicer at Brain. It hit Brain in the side as he then fell down. He quickly got back up as he shot an attack at me, but before he could I moved away from the attack. He then sent an attack at Jura as Jura dodged the attack.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now