🥀Reviewer: Nihwe [ON HOLD]🥀

220 13 13

Username: MissRut

Status: ON HOLD

•What to know about me as a reviewer and a judge:
~ can be a little brash in driving my point across
~ have judged multiple writings, both creative and pure literature
~ have reviewed articles for social media influencers.
~ have written reviews on different novels mostly on request
~ have no major genre reading preferences but is not a fan of LGBTQ+, fanfiction and any book defying sexuality
~ forms impression of books from the introduction, the tenth and last chapters of the book before proper scrutiny

• Review categories
~ Cover {5 points}
~ Title {5 points}
~ Blurb {5 points}
~ Setting {15 points}
~ Plot {10 points}
~ Characters {5 points}
~ Content {Dependent on blurb-20 points}
~ Writing style {10 points}
~ Grammar/Spelling/Punctuations {20 points}
~ Engagement {15 points}

• reviews will range between 500 and 3000 words
• critical against grammatical structure, vocabulary, competence of storyline with title and blurb
• ready to help with weak points in any way possible

0-40/100: The writer either seems too much in a hurry to finish a book or doesn't give enough attention to make sure that the overall book is in agreement with all its components so much so that it is lacking in some major parts. Patience is important for someone into writing. There is room for tremendous improvement if willing especially if the score is closer to forty but otherwise poor.
41-70/100: The writer shows great potential but fails to pay attention to communication with the readers. This could be from little errors in word usage, holes in the plot or scattered narrative. It is important to carry the audience along. Fair enough.
71-85/100: The writer seems to know what he/she is doing and an intelligent audience is in sync with the story. Errors may however be found in vocabulary, grammar and plot of the story but could be overlooked when the audience understands the story line



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