
40 0 2

Reviewer: ClaireMari29
Written by: jeevikrish17

Obeyed all rules: 15/20

Hmm, from here, I'll thank you for a few comments for the first Dirty Glossy Secrets book, I'll appreciate your fun reacts and votes as it helps me a lot the same way, and oh! I came to vote on 3 chapters in your work as I found it amazing after all ^^

Title: 8/10

The title's very catchy, and so I liked the matter over from there, yet I wonder what TTM stands for again? you may explain it though instead and add the Devoted To A Contract, that can be looking great after all

Book Cover: 9/10

The cover matches over to the story, yet I suggest changing the pic to the paper like the contract? That matches a lot for the work.

Blurb and Plot: 3/5

The blurb's too long, you need to only include things worth explaining for your work, but... I liked the matter over that you gave me a sneak peek over to your work you made a good job from there.

Grammar, Spelling,  and Writing Style: 7/10

No grammar errors and so the spelling's just fine, I suggest adding more flaws to your writing style, and especially to the dialogues as I reacted something over to your work for chapters 1-2 only.

Characters and Story Development: 5/5

I loved where the story goes even though I just only read 2 chapters, and so be it, while on the characters on the other hand? I'll give you a good job for the matter you gave over some pictures for readers to imagine the characters because that's worthy for the story after all.

Reader Enjoyment: 9/10

This story's worth it for readers who really loved a very good side of romance from there, also I also liked this story a lot at the same time for its good storyline.

Story Design: 6/10

I suggest adding some banners, and story dividers, that can make the book good-looking, while the dividers, can separate parts over for the story so that it wouldnt look too long.

Reviewer's  Enjoyment: 17/20

I enjoyed reading your work yet I suggest over to add more style to the said parts that I told you, and also, I hope so that you'll like some of my reactions to your work, after all, it's a good romance story that I read after all.

Total: 79/100

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