
26 1 1

Reviewer: therosepoetk
Written by: waveshub11

The title is quite intriguing in the sense that you have put out a very vague, fluid concept and crafted your story around that. The cover is very basic, I feel, and personally I’d rather use it more for a poetry collection or anthology compared to a full story. The blurb is also not very descriptive. There is not much detail about the story provided, which does not gauge the interest of the reader whether they want to read your book or not. If you could work more on the advertising of the book and its visual appeal, it could really reach higher audiences. The opening is good, the plot moving at an appropriate pace. I find that the transitions are easy to keep up with, and that the characters are quite emotional and relatable in a sense. However, I think that you could work on developing them a bit more in terms of their thinking processes and how each of their individualities affects how they form relationships. Obviously, the dynamic between each and every character is not the same, and each character also deals with problems in their own way. I think if you focus more on this ideology and take it to the next level, it could really enhance the emotional appeal. As well, the grammar within the dialogue could also use some work, as there were times in the story where I did not understand who was saying what in what context. The coherence is pretty good, and overall, it seems to be a tale of much potential and worth. All the best on your writing journey my friend!

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