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Reviewer: therosepoetk
Written by: Mitali2203

Okay, so I am absolutely enthralled with this! I recognize your profile by reviewing for you quite a few times, so happy to have you back - now with poetry. It’s actually a rare occasion that someone entrusts that vulnerable subjectivity of writing to them, so I’m really glad that you chose to do that. Anyways, onto the review. The title is lovely and short, and I love how you chose an ethical name with great value to you. I actually had to do some research of my own to find out that this word is so deep and powerful, and I will definitely be adding it to my poetic vocabulary. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The cover is simplistic yet very pretty - yet I feel as though for a collection of poetry, you could use images that have more sentimental meaning to you than just generic visuals that can be applied to the everyday of Wattpad. This is just a suggestion, if you like your cover the way it is, I have no issue with that. The blurb is short yet captivating, and I like how you play around with the fonts to create that juxtaposition both through voice and visuals. I feel you could add a bit more detail into what this collection is about and what you as a poet are feeling through this, but overall, it’s pretty good. The poems themselves are deep and ethereal, and I am a huge fan of them already.
The only thing I can think of you to work on is the types of media that you are using to portray your work. The thing about poetry is that it is able to sustain itself. You could write poetry in Times New Roman size twelve font (as I tend to do, I know, it’s very classical) and it would still reach its audience even without imagery or banners. What I’m saying here is that you should never feel as though you need to prove to people that you can write poetry. There is no need for this many visuals or banners or extravagant visuals in your work unless that is what makes you happy. I suggest also checking over your grammar and spelling before you post, and as well, consider dedications! You seem to have a lot of fans and followers, so maybe they’ll like that? Overall, this was a beautiful collection, and I definitely took away a lot of mesmerizing language and metaphoric terms from it. Keep up the fabulous work Mitali!

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