《Nur》The silent Treatment

42 4 1

Reviewer: SweetAsRasmalai-

The silent Treatment by Hassina_G

Thanks for choosing me as your reviewer! Your work was really great and yes, there were a few mistakes that I can note to help you improve your book. Let's go!

The cover is actually pretty and aesthetic, However, it lacks a unique touch that could help it gauge more attention. If it was made more unique it could help the story pop out and gain the attention of the readers more easily. Other than that it's an Amazing cover.

"The Silent Treatment" i like how it makes a deep connection towards the story.
It didn't make sense to me at first, but once I got farther into the story, I understood the title. And I really like it! Not only does it sound mysterious and interesting, but it's fitting. And I'm sure it'll have more meaning in the future

It introduces the characters nicely along with the conflict. it conveys the plot of the story without revealing too much. It has linguistic features that could easily hook the reader and can successfully attract their attention. However, be vigilant of grammatical errors. It's looks like the blurb is under editing but

The prologue, I liked it so much. I love how we straightaway jump into the whole story and the plot of the story is so intense, I also like the fact that the story is told from Amanda's point of view. I wish we can read from different points of view so we can see from their perspective their feelings and thoughts instead of just one person's in the future chapters.

Going through each chapter, whenever I got to the end, I kept on thinking to myself, "What happens next?" And that's how you know you've written a good book. According to my acknowledgment I think Amanda will be working as an assistant for Lorenzo Villan and Mathew will choose Rebecca to work as his assistant, however I can't wait to read the next chapter. Good job!!

━━━━Writing style
Your writing style is very fitting to the target audience, actually. I like it quite a bit!
Linguistic features, varied vocabulary and varied sentence structures could further build the story into better light. However, the story has an incredible flow that will immediately engage the audience and will help the story thrive in the future.

I loved the way you portrayed your characters. The characters were amazing. The way you described them was totally prefect.Their appearances are described well. Their appearances are a nice touch to help readers visualize them.

The comparison between Amanda and Rebecca was shown well. Amanda is an mute girl who barely socialises while Rebecca seems totally opposite from her. I'm loving the characters so far. They have really great and indirect descriptions that make them so easy to keep up with.

━━━━ Grammar/Spelling
I didn't see any mistake regarding grammatical errors but one or two punctuational errors, which is not a big deal at all

━━━━ Engagement of the readers
This story has potential. The dialogue was so realistic. The story itself was very interesting and descriptive and I like how the author Dedicated it to the readers. The chapters were a nice length and I enjoyed the creativity throughout. It's really an incredible story, and I'm so excited to keep reading!

You have talent! Can't wait to read the upcoming updates and twists. Looking forward to more of your works

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