《Kailyn》Bloody Blue Ribbon

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Reviewer: Kailucy
Written by: verachandra

Cover:  10/10

The cover is beautiful. I love how well blended it is and the font and image used work perfectly for it. It goes great with the genre and the plot. 

Title:   10/10

Right away I was curious about this one, I think from the time you submitted a form. It was one I was overly excited to get to and that was judging on the title alone, so in short, it's a great title. It's intriguing and is memorable.

Blurb:   9/10

The blurb is well done. It introduces the characters wonderfully and briefly, mentions what the plot will be. I love the very last line. I think it ties the blurb up nicely and makes it where the only thing left to do is read the book. There was a mistake or two but nothing too bad. Very nicely done!

Character Development:   10/10

It's usually hard for me to write this part of the review but it wasn't this time, maybe cause I actually read everything you wrote so far. The character development was an amazing process throughout this. And you pace it very nicely considering they all have secrets and are guarded but every now and then you see a change in one character after another. It's something that made this book so interesting and a joy to read

Plot:  20/20

The plot was intricately weaved and i was amazed at how well everything was tied in. I know it's not the end yet and can't wait to see how the plot progresses further. It's a captivating storyline that kept me wanting more.

Writing Style:  20/20

Your writing style is fantastic and really fits with this story. I loved so much about it, from the subtle bits of humor. The monopoly scene in chapter 20 had me laughing so hard. The sibling relationships were done so well, and the descriptions were great. I briefly mentioned pacing in “plot”, but I'm going to mention it again here. It was paced perfectly, it wasn't rushed but it wasn't so painstakingly boring, It doesn't drag and something happens in every chapter. Also, the medical scenes were done so well, that's something I usually skip over in my own book cause they're daunting but you write them so well!

Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary:  7/10

There are quite a few errors in a few different areas such as tenses, typos, capitalization (some capitalized in the wrong places and some lowercase where it should be capitalized) missing quotation marks, and possibly a few more that I forgot to write down. But these mistakes aren't everywhere and they don't distract from the story. I would just recommend going over it when you can.

Enjoyment:  10/10

I enjoyed this story so much and can't wait for more. It had me captivated from the beginning to the end. Even when I wasn't reading it my mind was wandering to it wondering what was going to happen next.

Overall:  96/100

Overall, you have an amazing story and a great cast of characters. You have an amazing talent. Just go over it when you can and fix the mistakes listed and it'll be even better. Keep up the great work!

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