《Rose》Sky Of the Nights

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Reviewer: therosepoetk
By: allen_stories

Alright, so first of all, thank you for your patience regarding this review. I had a lot going on recently, so I’m grateful for you waiting around for this. Anyways, onwards! The title is interesting enough, and I can visibly see how it will play into your story. However, I suggest renaming it into “Sky of the Nights,” as we want more emphasis on the words that matter most. The cover is pretty, I like the concept of a starry night - yet sadly, I cannot seem to read all the text that is written on the cover. I suggest either making the tiny text on the visuals a tad larger, or remove them entirely. For the record, covers are more images than words, and if the text that is on there is really relevant, it should be legible. (Aside from your own name and credits, of course). The blurb is structured well and is short yet sweet, which I like. Yet I think you can add a bit more detail about what the story will entail, without giving too much away. But I must say, the last line is quite a punch, and it is indeed very powerful before the opening itself. That is to say, the opening too is adrenaline-packed and straight to the point. I like how you put in all these little time stamps along the way, along with locations, as spy thrillers in the media tend to do. This shows to the readers that you’ve done your necessary research and analysis of the genre that you are incorporating into your writing, which makes readers satisfied.

The plot moves at a steady pace, however, the only indicator of improvement that I see here is grammar. I feel as though your style is comprehensible and cohesive, but I sometimes notice that there are better phrases and stronger vocabulary you could use in certain scenes to get the message across with more clarity. The characters are also great, and I love how they’re able to interact with one another and show how they feel with such impactful dialogue. I suggest adding more fluidity to their relationships and thought processes to their words and actions, which again drives the need for emotional appeal. Overall, this was a wonderful story to read, and a masterpiece of young writing if I’ve ever seen one. Keep up the amazing work Allen!

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