《Kailyn》 Oh My Bird

27 3 5

Reviewer: Kailucy
Written by: ice_elizy

Cover:  10/10

The cover is beautiful. I love the frame and the picture is gorgeous. The colors look stunning together and the fonts bring it out nicely. I think the cover is great. It goes with the story and it's appealing to the eye.

Title:   8/10

I'm conflicted with the title. It's creative but I'm not sure if I personally would have read it if I wasn't asked to review it. That said, I don't think It's a bad title, just not something that would've caught my eye. I don't want to give it a bad score because it does go with the story and honestly, I think it fits the genre. Plus after reading I really grew to like the title and how well It fit the book.

Blurb:   9/10

The blurb is nicely done. It introduces the main character well, and the conflict. I like the paragraph breaks cause I feel like it adds drama to it. The reviews were nice to read as well. It made me excited to read the book.

Character Development:  8/10

I didn't get too far in so I didn't want to rate this too low but as far as I read I didn't see much development which is fine cause I only got to five chapters. I also want to be honest which is why I settled for the score that I did.

Plot:  19/20

I'm not much of a nonfiction reader. I'll read it but I prefer fiction but this had an intriguing plot. I also found it interesting that you mentioned several ways it could be read in the author's note. I haven't seen anything like it and loved the creativity. The plot was well written and I enjoyed it a lot.

Writing Style:  19/20

You have a wonderful writing style. I found myself wanting to read more. I have no doubt I would've read more if I wasn't so busy at the moment.

Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary:  9/10

I don't remember noticing anything major and I didn't write any notes so I think you're good here. 

Enjoyment:  10/10

I really enjoyed your book and hope to read the rest soon. I want to find out what happens next.

Overall:  91/100

Overall, I think you have a nice story and a good plot. Your writing style is good and kept me interested. You have a lot of potential and I can't wait to read on to see what else there will be. Keep up the great work!

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