
60 6 4

Reviewer: oOPrincessBlueOo

"Celine" by Tealover0669

Title :
The title is nice, although it's better if you could use another title since 'Celine' is a name of a character in the story. But you don't really have to change since 'Celine' is fine!

Cover :
I love the cover! It has all the requirements needed for a good cover! The fonts, font size, and the elements used in the cover are perfect!

Description :
I like the description! It's different from the other descriptions I've seen so far, but it's good! Also, I noticed that the characteristics of Celine and Drake are mixed up in the description.

Plots :
I love how you've added a chapter with character art! They make it easier to imagine the story! However, I think that it's better if you could add the character art chapter in the beginning. And according to what happened so far and according to what I understood, Celine is a werewolf, but she doesn't have a wolf. And she and her elder sister Francesca are siblings, who are also orphans. And one peaceful morning, something which destroyed the peacefulness happened, and Celine and the other members of the pack, decide to join Red Moon and move to the city where they live. And later Celine learns about other stuff, including some information about herself.

Characters :
You've portrayed the characters well! Good job!

Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation :
There are only some minor grammatical and spelling mistakes!

Engagement :
I love your story, and it's awesome! I really enjoyed reading it, and I hope to read more chapters when you update your book!

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