《June》Queen of his heart

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Reviewer : Junective

"Queen of his heart" by ProdigiousFlames

❥ Title: The title is a bit common but it did really match the story, so it was good.

❥ Cover: The cover was really good, I liked its colour scheme, like how well the colours went well together. It evokes a royal feeling and surely did match the story.

❥ Blurb: The blurb was excellent and I loved how you used that Karanas and Ishanis words there. The blurb was written very well which will surely attract the readers.

❥ Writing Style: Your style was great but needs a lot of improvement so I suggest you to read the books of other authors in Wattpad which is in the same genre, this will not only help your writing skill
but also helps you find your style of writing and gives you ideas.

Also in the chapter 1, where you have added the prologue,authors note and character aesthetics later on. But that isn't how you should do it. Chapter 1 is the beginning of a story. Prologue, Author Note and character aesthetics are supposed to be written in a different chapter which is named the same (prologue, character aesthetics and authors note). And after writing these chapters then you can start with chapter one and to the scene were Ishani was angry at her ex and her ex friend. This will make your book better.

❥ Storyline: The story line was great and unique, even though I have never seen Mahabharata ever, your story made me want to see it really (I even ended up searching about all of them). And also as I said I don't know anything about this and so if any of my words from here offend you then I am completely sorry, because I didn't mean it.
So the storyline was changed a bit from them original version,but it was written very well and I loved it a lot. I did have some confusions here and there, but I have still able to understand the story.

The meeting of the main characters were done very well, and the storyline was great overall with chapter ended perfectly creating and maintaining the right amount of suspense to keep your readers at their edge.

❥ Characters: The characters were great but how ever the fact that you made Ishani a very powerful being was good, but I think you should also give her something that is equally not powerful. Her past was good but something related to human for example dancing or so, ( I know she is a great dancer in the story I was just using it as an example to prove my point.
The rest of tha characters were portrayed very well, especially Karnan. Even though some times you didn't capture their feelings quite well nicely but the were also times were you did. So, overall well developed characters I may say.

❥ Grammar and punctuations:  The full stops were there correctly but sometimes you missed to add commas. Very few grammatical errors were there but overall it was fine.

❥ Conclusions: The book was great and I really loved, especially the cover. There doesn't need any major editing needed. Just that chapter thing is the only thing. Overall a great story.

Best Wishes

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