chapter 062 - my brothers keeper

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elena had been having hallucinations since killing connor. she even stabbed jeremy in the neck by accident but his ring brought him back.

while stefan and damon were at elena's, klaus came and took elena because he said he wanted to keep her from hurting herself.

"you lost her?!" bonnie said.

"well, lost is a very strong word. we just technically don't know where she is." damon said.

"you lost her." may said.

"i'm more worried about what klaus said about this hunter's curse." stefan said.

"how does klaus even know about this?" bonnie asked.

"how does klaus know anything? the guys like a billion years old." damon said.

"he said it was a witch's curse." stefan said.

"you know if i could do anything to help, i would, but i-" bonnie began but damon cut her off.

"but nothing. wave your magic wand, hocus pocus, be gone, hunter, ghostess, whatever." damon said.

"the spirits won't let me do the magic i'd need to break the curse. but i can ask shane for help. he knows everything about everything." bonnie said.

"great. you two do your thing." stefan said before he started walking away.

"where you going?" damon asked.

"i'm going to get her back." stefan replied.


when bonnie and damon went to see shane, they learned that the only want to break the curse is by having a another hunter rise.

damon knew that jeremy was starting with the hunters mark on his hand. he was a potential. they just needed him to kill a vampire so he could stop elena's hallucinations.

damon went to go find elena. she was out on wicker bridge with her daylight ring off. she was going to wait for the sun to come up.

while that was going on, jeremy killed one of the hybrids, stopping elena's hallucinations.

damon was able to save elena before the sun burned her alive.

stefan and elena ended up breaking up because she had feelings for damon.

caroline and may were a bit angry with elena since she broke stefan's heart.

may got dressed up to go to the miss mystic falls pageant.

when may got there, she saw damon talking to professor shane.

once the show began, damon went to get may a glass of champagne.

"i saw you talking with professor creepy, what were you two chatting about?" may asked him.

"matt donovan found out shane knew pastor young. in fact, he called him over a dozen times the day of the explosion." damon said as may drank from her glass.

"well, that's cause for concern." may replied.

carolin was announcing the girls since she was the winner of last year's pageant.

caroline went to go talk to elena after the girls were dancing with their escorts.

"hey, what's with the last minute escort change? where is jeremy?" caroline asked elena as damon and may walked over.

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